Chapter 284

Lin Nan's words left the two of them at a loss as to what to do.

Especially Ronick, the collection he bought at a huge price turned out to be a fake, he couldn't accept such a thing.

"Mr. Lin, are you sure you're not joking?"

"Okay, I shouldn't joke about this kind of thing."

"Mr. Ronik, with Mr. Lin's character, he shouldn't be able to joke. I suggest that it's better to call and ask." Ma Liang said.

"Then make a phone call and ask."

Ma Liang took out his mobile phone, checked the number of the museum on it, and then dialed it.

A few minutes later, Ma Liang hung up the phone, his expression not very good.

"Mr. Ronick, I've already checked with the museum. The real thing is indeed in their museum. The one you bought must be a fake."

After confirming the news, Ronick's complexion became very ugly.

"It's really too much for this damn guy to lie to me."

"Now is not the time to be angry, you should find that person quickly." Ma Liang said:
"Where did you buy this inkstone, let's return it now."

"I bought it on Confucian Temple Street, and the name of that shop is Gulongzhai." Ronick said angrily:
"When I bought it, the other party told me that it was guaranteed to be genuine, but I didn't expect it to be a liar."

"Confucian Temple Street?" Lin Nan muttered, and understood why Ronick was deceived.

It was already a place full of fish and dragons, and he was still a foreigner. In the eyes of those profiteers, he was a big fat fish, and he must be slaughtered.

"Mr. Lin, do you know that place too?" asked politely.

"I've been there to buy things before, and I'm fairly familiar with the people there."

A respectful smile appeared on Ma Liang's face.

"Mr. Lin, I have been abroad all year round, and I don't know much about China's affairs. Can I trouble you to go with us and deal with this matter?"

"This is no problem. We are all friends, so I still need to help with this little favor."

"Then thank you very much, Mr. Lin." Ma Liang said gratefully.

Ronick is the chief designer, and his status in the entire group is higher than himself.

That's why Ma Liang tried his best to help him deal with things.

"Don't be too polite. It's not a big deal to me. You don't have to follow me. Mr. Ronick and I will go and settle this matter easily."

"Then thank you Mr. Lin." Ronick said gratefully:
"And I think Mr. Lin seems to be an expert in this field. It happens that he can communicate on the road, and you still have work to do, so I won't waste your time."


After discussing the follow-up plan, the three parted ways and each went to deal with their own affairs.

About four and ten minutes later, Lin Nan and Ronick came to Confucian Temple Street.

After seeing Ronick, the people on the street outside cast a strange look.

Before that, when he came, he attracted the attention of other people, hoping to make a fortune out of him, but he didn't expect him to come again now.

For myself, this is a good opportunity.

Thinking of this, countless peddlers were yelling at him, but Ronick remained indifferent, with a straight face, as if very angry.

"Mr. Ronick, there is no need to be so angry, I will help you to deal with this matter."

"Thank you then, Mr. Lin."

Soon, the two came to the door of Gulongzhai.

Seeing Ronick coming, and his expression was not very good, the clerk standing at the door immediately thought that something might have been exposed, so he went back to the store immediately and closed the door.

But at this moment, Lin Nan rushed forward, put his feet on the threshold, looked at the guy with a smile and said:

"It's not dark yet, why is it closing?"

"When to close the door is our freedom. It has nothing to do with you, right? Are you caring too much?"

"This matter really has nothing to do with me, but if you are blatantly deceiving people, this matter is wrong."

Hearing this, the people watching around seemed to understand what was going on.

It is very likely that Gulongzhai sold fake products and was discovered by others.

But everyone's reaction was also very calm. For a long time, Gulongzhai's reputation has not been very good, and it has always been mixed with genuine and fake products.

It is estimated that it was discovered by others.

The guy's face was not very good-looking, and he said loudly to Lin Nan:

"Don't spout blood here, when are we selling fakes!"

"Whether it's a fake or not, you know in your heart, otherwise why would you close the door first?"


"Okay, don't make noise at the door, come in and say something."

Before the man could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a voice.

Lin Nan looked inside and found that the speaker was a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a very calm expression and no panic at all.

Judging by the clothes he was wearing, he looked like the owner of the shop, with a calm and prestige on his face.

As Lin Nan thought, the man's name was Chang Long, and he was the boss of Gu Longzhai.

It is very famous on the entire Confucian Temple Street.

At the same time, Lin Nan took Ronick into the Gulongzhai.

Chang Long also stretched out his hand very politely, invited the two to sit down, and asked with a smile:
"I don't know what the so-called two men came to Gulongzhai aggressively?"

"If you say that, you're asking questions knowingly." Lin Nan said:
"I sold fake products, don't you know? Need I remind you of this?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, and I've never seen this old man. You came to my store for no reason and wronged me for selling fake products. Isn't it a bit too much?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Ronick said excitedly:

"It was you who sold it to me just now, why don't you admit it now!"

"Old man, you have to be responsible for what you say. You speak empty words. Why do you say that I sold you something?" Chang Long said bluntly:

"Our Gulongzhai has always done business with integrity and never sold fake products. It's a bit too much for you to say that."


"Okay, Mr. Ronick, sit beside me, and I'll help you with this matter."

Lin Nan sat beside him and said lightly:
"Shameless people like you, I have seen one before, and now you are the second one, but it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I have my own way to deal with this matter."

Chang Long shrugged, "You can deal with it as you like, anyway, I don't care, but I invite you two to go out now, don't delay our business."

Lin Nan crossed his legs, tapped his fingers on the table, and said lightly:

"What if I don't go?"

(End of this chapter)

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