Chapter 291 Accident
Gu Yinuo and the students present had such doubts.

Because this piece of music is too simple, it is impossible for it to appear on this occasion.

So they couldn't figure out why Lin Nan played this piece of music.

Because it is impossible to defeat Chu Hui with this song.

Seeing this scene, Chu Hui burst out laughing.

"Just now you yelled at me swearingly. I thought you were so good. I didn't expect that just these two times, I didn't blow to you. I can play a piece of this level with my eyes closed."

Everyone's expressions were a little unnatural, because Chu Hui wasn't talking big.

The song Christmas Eve is indeed very simple.

With his ability, it is easy to play, and there is no difficulty.

But Lin Nan didn't care so much, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There is a feeling that others laugh at me as crazy, and I laugh that others can't see through.

Soon, the simple and complex melody suddenly changed drastically.

This also made the expressions of the people present greatly surprised.

"This song seems very unusual, not the normal version of Christmas Eve."

"Indeed, although I don't quite understand it, the difficulty seems to have increased a lot, and it is more complicated than the first piece."

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Gu Yinuo, hoping that she could come to answer everyone's questions.

And Gu Yinuo also noticed the questioning eyes of others, and said:
"The second half of the song was re-changed by him, and the rhythm in the middle was also changed. The normal version of Christmas Eve is in 3/4 time, but he added a melody in the middle, and at the end, he also added Part of the jazz scale sounds familiar, but the second half has all changed, so it is not so rigorous to say it is Christmas Eve now."

Hearing this, everyone gasped.

Lin Nan's eyes also changed.

A teacher who teaches physical education can have such a piano level, which really makes them look at each other with admiration.

I dare not say anything else, but if you want to be a music teacher at China International Studies University, you must be qualified.

As for Chu Hui, who was standing beside him, his expression was not very good.

Because he also realized that the difficulty of this piece of music, he is not sure whether he can perform it perfectly.

Soon, the newly adapted version of Christmas Eve finished playing, and everyone's eyes fell on Chu Hui.

"Mr. Chu, it's your turn."

Chu Hui didn't speak, and sat down in front of the piano with a gloomy expression.

At this moment, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his mind was full of the scene of Lin Nan playing the piano just now, trying to reproduce the song just now.

Soon, Chu Hui's hand landed on the keys and began to play himself.

After about 2 minutes, Chu Hui finished playing.

But at this moment, there was no smile on his face.

Because everyone present could hear the difference.

This gap is not just in feeling, but also in Chu Hui's technique.

"I don't need to say more about how you play. There are indeed several mistakes, so let's make a judgment. You should admit defeat."

The students at the school all looked at Chu Hui with great interest.

At the beginning, I was so arrogant and looked down on Mr. Lin.

If I think that I have won the prize, I must be better than Mr. Lin.

It's all right now, being slapped in the face by Mr. Lin in public, this feeling is really great.

At this time, Gu Yinuo didn't say anything, and even had a little expectation in his heart.

Judging from the bet the two made just now, he wouldn't have to attend classes with Chu Hui again.

If I reflect to the school quietly, maybe I will transfer Teacher Lin over.

Thinking of this, Gu Yinuo's heartbeat inevitably accelerated.

"The comparison just now is not worth it!"

Just when everyone thought that Chu Hui would admit defeat, they heard what he said by accident, and once again their eyes fell on him.

"Why doesn't it count? Could it be that you can't afford it?" Lin Nan said.

"The song you played was adapted by yourself. I haven't heard it before. It's normal for mistakes to occur in the middle. Moreover, I'm confident that the completion of this song has reached more than 80%. It is also difficult for ordinary people. Do this, so in terms of strength alone, I am better than you."

Lin Nan shook his head speechlessly, "After talking so much, you just don't want to admit it, right?"

"How is it possible? There is no one like him. It's just that you cheated. I can't accept such a result."

Lin Nan frowned slightly. He didn't expect Chu Hui to say such a thing. He really didn't have a gentleman's demeanor at all.

"I don't care, if I win you once, I can win you a second time." Lin Nan said calmly:
"Tell me, how to compare next, I will listen to you, lest you lose and find other reasons."

"Let's play the songs of those famous masters, and those who lose will obediently admit their mistakes and apologize!"

"No problem, if you want to talk about any song, you can start first."

"Don't worry, I won't give you another chance."

After finishing speaking, Chu Hui sat back on the chair, meditated for a few seconds, and started his third performance!

When the sound of the piano sounded, everyone fell silent again, wondering what Chu Hui would play this time.

"It's Crive!"

Knowing the title, everyone's expressions became tense, because the difficulty of this piece is very high, and most people can't play it.

Gu Yinuo also had the same idea, because he couldn't play it completely.

Just when everyone was faintly worried, they found that the song had changed, and it became a more passionate Finger!

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded. No one would have thought that Chu Hui would play such a trick!
The first piece of music was already difficult enough, but the piece was changed in an unexpected place in the middle, which was obviously digging a hole for Teacher Lin!
After about 3 minutes, Chu Hui finished his performance, stood up confidently, looked at Lin Nan and said:

"Mr. Lin, my performance is finished, now it's your turn."

When speaking, Chu Hui's speech and demeanor carried strong self-confidence.

The difficulty of these two songs is self-evident, and everyone present should know it.

I am also practicing this piece because I want to participate in the next piano competition, and it is a piece that is expected to hit the championship!
Moreover, if the syllables switched in the middle are not handled properly, mistakes will easily occur, so this game must be won by himself, and it is impossible for him to win himself.

"I didn't expect you to play this trick, I have to say it's very scheming." Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, I don't want to hear other reasons. If you think you can't do it, just admit defeat now."

"Don't talk so early, if I talk about it."

"Then let's decide whether to win or lose with a song. If you can play this song, I will admit defeat. What do you think?"

Chu Hui straightened his back and held his head high. In his opinion, it was impossible for him to lose, and Lin Nan was just at the end of his battle.

Just putting on airs here.

"It's enough to have your words."

Lin Nan didn't talk nonsense, but sat on the chair and started to play, directing the piece just now.

The melodious melody sounded, and Lin Nan played the first half of the tune almost perfectly.

Standing aside, Chu Hui frowned. He never expected that Lin Nan could perform such a difficult piece.

But he was just a little nervous, not scared.

The real difficulty of this song lies in the first contact between the two songs. He will definitely make mistakes in this place, so the winner must be himself.

But at this moment, Lin Nan's cell phone rang, which was like a disaster for him who was playing!
(End of this chapter)

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