Chapter 293




Seeing that Lin Nan agreed, all the students present cheered loudly, making the atmosphere in the classroom lively again.

And it also made the thin-skinned Gu Yinuo not know what to do, after all, it was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

Her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up, and she couldn't control it no matter what.

"Okay, okay, stop booing, and get ready to start class again."

After hearing Lin Nan's words, the students present were all agitated. Although each of them looked serious, it gave people the impression that they were like a melon-eating crowd.

If each of them could be given a piece of watermelon, the picture would be even more perfect.

"Mr. Gu, there is only half of this class left, let's hurry up."


Gu Yinuo agreed a little nervously, and then began to prepare for the second half of the class.

And Lin Nan also said silently in his heart at this time.

"Sign in."

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Lin Nan's mind.

[The task is completed, and the reward is a world song "Nocturne", "Love in BC". 】

In an instant, Lin Nan received the information of these two songs in his mind.

At first he thought it was nothing, but after receiving the information, he suddenly felt amazed.

If the previously rewarded song "Stubbornness" can bring people moving and hope for life, then these two songs are the perfect embodiment of skill and artistic conception.

Because Lin Nan is very familiar with music theory, he has different understandings of these two songs.

The song called "Nocturne" is simply the ceiling of skill!
In terms of songs, the handling is very skillful, especially the arrangement, which can be called a fairy level.

As for the other song "Love in BC", although it cannot be compared with "Nocturne" in terms of technique, the perfect fusion of lyrics and melody is enough to make this song an extremely popular song, even It doesn't lose to "Stubborn".

Lin Nan had a premonition that if he released these two songs, they would still be popular.

However, Lin Nan has no such idea yet.

Signing in to do tasks with peace of mind, this is not much more interesting than mixing in the entertainment industry.

After finishing the sign-in task, Lin Nan got ready and started the first music class in his life.

During class, Lin Nan discovered that Gu Yinuo's level was actually very high.

Whether it is bel canto or pop, it can be perfectly interpreted.

And the vocal range is still very wide, which is enough to show that her talent is very good.

Lin Nan compared Gu Yinuo, Xu Yixian and Zhao Xuechun.

As far as the current stage is concerned, Xu Yixian is naturally stronger than the two of them.

Especially compared with Zhao Xuechun, it can be said that it is crushing.

And Gu Yinuo's level is also higher than Zhao Xuechun's. Coupled with her appearance and figure, if there is an opportunity to get into the entertainment circle, it should be no problem.

Just in terms of the present society.

Opportunity seems to be more rare than ability and talent.

Because in this world, there are too many underappreciated people, and everyone needs a chance.

But if at her level, she has been a vocal teacher in school, it is indeed a bit inferior.

Unknowingly, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

The second half of the music class was completed without any risk.

The tacit understanding between the two did not make any mistakes.

Moreover, the two of them also performed a four-hand concerto together, which fascinated the students below, wishing that the two could get married on the spot.

After one class, it's time for lunch.

Gu Yinuo wanted to ask Lin Nan to have a meal, but he didn't have the nerve to say it when the words came to his lips.

bell bell -

Lin Nan had just walked out of the classroom and was about to go to the cafeteria for dinner, when he received a call from Xu Lan.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"I invite you to have a meal at noon, do you have time?"

"If it's your treat, I'm sure I have time."

"Are you crying poor to me? You should be richer than me."

"My money didn't come from the wind, so of course I should save some money."

"Okay, okay, don't cry poor with me, go eat grilled fish at noon, do you have any questions?"

"Grilled fish? Is it the shop where you went to the bathroom before?"

"What do you call the store where I go to the toilet!" Xu Lan Jiaolan said:

"That matter can't be brought up again."

"Okay, okay, don't mention it if you don't mention it, go eat quickly, I'm going to starve to death."

"I'm going to the third canteen, I guess I can arrive before you, let's gather there."

"it is good."

After talking about the meal, Lin Nan hung up the phone, then walked towards the grilled fish shop in the third canteen, and successfully found Xu Lan.

Xu Lan's dress was a little different from usual.

When I went to work before, I was dressed in business attire, but today I changed into a blue skirt and a white shirt. On my slightly plump legs, I also wore flesh-colored stockings, which gave Lin Nan a bright spot. a feeling of.

"Anyway, you are also a teacher who is a good example to others, can you stop staring at my legs?"

"It feels a little flawed."


Lin Nan nodded, "It looks better in black."

"At first glance, you are a pervert, but you always pay attention to this kind of thing."

If someone else said such a thing, with Xu Lan's temper, he probably wouldn't be able to go up with a slap.

But at this time, she just said something lightly, and didn't seem to care.

This is the difference in appearance.

After all, Lin Nan is handsome, so he still has some privileges in this respect.

"It shows that I am still a normal man, and it also proves that you still have a little bit of attraction to me."

Hearing this, Xu Lan didn't know how to answer for a while, and even her heart beat a little faster.

"Every day is full of fallacies, I can't say no to you."

Lin Nan smiled, but did not continue on this topic.

"Okay, why did you invite me here for dinner?"

"You helped me so much last night, so I naturally want to thank you very much."

"Your so-called gratitude is for coming to this kind of place? It's too dishonest."

"The main reason is that you have class in the first class in the afternoon, and I am too embarrassed to ask you to go to other places, and I have other things to do in the evening, so I brought you here." Xu Lan said:
"And I think their food is pretty good, better than other places."

"Okay, just to save you some money."

Lin Nan didn't care that much about food, and just talked about it casually.

It didn't take long for Xu Lan's order to be brought up. Lin Nan didn't pay much attention to the gentleman's etiquette, so he ordered a bowl of rice and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Xu Lan eats very slowly. Although it is in such an inconspicuous shop, it also has an elegant feeling.

And when she was eating, she looked at Lin Nan from time to time, and finally couldn't hold back and said:
"Did you go to 3 to teach 609 in the second class in the morning?"

"How did you know?"

"I went to Sanjiao to do some errands in the morning, and I saw you when I passed by 609."

Did Lin Nan hide anything? He told Xu Lan about what happened at 609 in the morning, and he just found one at random about the reason for going to 609, and Xu Lan didn't think much about it.

"You can actually play the piano, and even beat Chu Hui?" Xu Lan said incredulously.

"It should be nothing, right? I just know how to play the piano."

"But the problem is that Chu Hui's level is not low, and you can actually win him, which is already a good example of the problem."

"Don't worship brother, I have quit the arena for many years."

"How did your head grow? Not only can you speak eight languages, but you can also play the piano. How did you have the time to learn so many things?"

"This may be talent, and I can't help it."

"Are you a monkey? Give you a pole and climb up."

"But the thing is I do."

"Then what about the future courses? Do you really want to take the opportunity to teach music lessons?"

"This is not impossible. After all, it is very pleasing to have a class with Teacher Gu. It is much better than physical education."

"This may be a bit difficult. You are teaching physical education. If you want to teach vocal music, the school may not agree."

"Aren't you also responsible for part of the work of the Academic Affairs Office? For such a small matter, it should be fine to say hello."

"Although I am responsible for part of the work of the school affairs office, I still have to follow the regulations. How can you teach what you want, and let you teach."

"It doesn't matter if it can't be arranged, I will go to the class as an observer, anyway, I am not short of the class fee, it doesn't matter if you give me money or not."

"That's no good, you can't go to class if you're not a vocal music teacher!" Xu Lan said excitedly.

Lin Nan looked at Xu Lan in confusion, not understanding why she suddenly became so excited.

"You stop me from calling vocal music class, because you don't want me to see Mr. Gu?"

(End of this chapter)

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