my disciples come from earth

Chapter 103 Shocked, a space treasure that can hold people!

Chapter 103 Shocked, a space treasure that can hold people!
Hearing Li Xiaoyao's request, Su Xueran fell into deep thought.
Ten thousand? In the past, it would have been difficult for Xuanwu City or even the entire Northern Wilderness to gather so many high-level qi refining talents under the age of 20.

In the Northern Wilderness on weekdays, let alone 100, I am afraid that even [-] Tianjiao who meet Li Xiaoyao's requirements will be difficult to gather.

After all, Su Xueran himself has just stepped into the high level of Qi refining, and he can already be regarded as the leader of the younger generation in the Northern Wilderness.

Compared with the other four realms in the first heaven of the spirit world, the gap between Beihuang and the other four realms is still too big!
However, due to the opening of the [Xianquan Secret Realm] near Xuanwu City, the [Chemical Foundation Pond] in it has attracted countless talents from other realms.

The islands of the South China Sea, various religions in the Western Regions, and the Dongling Group have all sent a lot of geniuses under the age of 20 because of [Huaji Pool], hoping to win this big brothel.

Even the sect of Zhongzhou has sent some Tianjiao.

Therefore, in the present Xuanwu City, if we work hard, we can still gather [-] talents who meet Li Xiaoyao's conditions.

As for the 10 top-grade spirit stones, although they are a fortune, for them, the young leaders of various factions, they can still get them by gnashing their teeth.

Ten top-grade spirit stones are exchanged for a chance to enter the cave of the senior Jindan. Su Xueran believes that no one will refuse.

However, there is still a certain risk in this matter.
The story about Jindan Cave Mansion came from Li Xiaoyao alone. She only saw a mysterious token, so she couldn't prove the authenticity of this story at all.

Seeing Li Xiaoyao's appearance, he didn't bother to prove it to himself.

I leave this matter to myself, and if something happens in the middle, I am afraid that I will not be able to bear the consequences if the [-] first-tier Tianjiao are angry.

When Su Xueran was meditating, Li Xiaoyao was not in a hurry, he lightly twisted a pastry on the plate with his right hand, and chewed it in his mouth, his face was full of pride and indifference.

He said casually: "If you don't want to, forget it. If you don't like your eyes, you don't even have the qualification to enter my room."

Su Xueran looked at Li Xiaoyao, and made up her mind:
The greater the risk, the greater the reward!

What's more, a talented person like Li Xiaoyao would not bother to ruin his reputation just for the sake of these one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones.

Su Xueran made up her mind, and smiled sweetly: "Since Brother Li loves you, I will definitely do my best to help Brother Li find these [-] geniuses!"

Li Xiaoyao nodded: "You are very good, very suitable for my appetite, as long as you do this well, I can allow you to follow me when exploring the Jindan cave, and I will give you half of the harvest in the cave." become."

Hearing this, Su Xueran was overjoyed. The reason why she was willing to take the risk to trust Li Xiaoyao was because of this half promise.

Don't look at only half of it, but Li Xiaoyao's strength is unfathomable, and he has the token of the Jindan Cave, following him, he will definitely be able to seize the opportunity in the Jindan Cave.

Even if it is only half, it is definitely several times better than Su Xueran acting alone!
Li Xiaoyao instructed: "Remember, if someone is looking for it, I must collect all the spirit stones."

"Little sister understands." Su Xueran was a little surprised, why did Li Xiaoyao focus on explaining the matter of the spirit stone? Isn't it more important than the treasures in the Jindan cave?

Li Xiaoyao also felt that he was a little anxious, coughed lightly, and said lightly:
"People who can't get out ten high-grade spirit stones are not worthy of joining us."

Afterwards, Li Xiaoyao explained some specific matters to Su Xueran, and completely entrusted her with finding people and collecting spirit stones.

"By the way, what you said earlier about [Hua Ji Chi] and the secret realm, what exactly is going on?" Li Xiaoyao asked pretending not to care.

Su Xueran was a little strange: "Brother Li, aren't you not interested? Are you also planning to go to the secret realm?"

Li Xiaoyao smiled: "For me, [Hua Ji Chi] is nothing more than an ordinary thing, of course I will not go to the so-called secret realm, but I can let my followers go, it is also considered a treasure for them. "

Su Xueran was taken aback: "Didn't Brother Li come to Beihuang alone?"

"of course."

Li Xiaoyao touched the storage ring pretending to be mysterious, and then secretly ordered the little boy to revive [before your father died].

At the same time, a system announcement was issued to all players.

[System notification: The master Li Xiaoyao has arrived at the largest city in the Northern Wilderness——Xuanwu City. All players will be resurrected one after another, and follow the further arrangements of the master Li Xiaoyao]

[Precautions for actions in Xuanwu City: You can only act in Xuanwu City, and you are not allowed to disclose any information about the real world and the Xiaoyao faction to NPCs. You must call Li Xiaoyao "Young Master", and the player's nickname will be temporarily hidden.If there is a violator, the game power will be deprived immediately. 】

A strangely dressed young man appeared in front of Su Xueran.

"My lord." [Before your father died] clasped his fists at Li Xiaoyao.

this. this is
When Su Xueran saw [Before your father died] suddenly appearing, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Is this a storage ring that can store living things? !

Su Xueran was extremely shocked, she actually saw this legendary treasure today! !

She thought it was just the most common storage ring, but she didn't expect that it could hold a person!
Don't say that they don't have [Qingyunguan] at all, even the quasi-nine-star sect in Zhongzhou, I'm afraid this kind of treasure is extremely rare!
The way Su Xueran looked at Li Xiaoyao completely changed again.

She originally thought that Li Xiaoyao was at most an ordinary arrogant in Zhongzhou, but now it seems that even if he is in Zhongzhou, he is still the leader of the younger generation!

Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a treasure!
The remaining doubts in Su Xueran's heart also disappeared, and she didn't dare to have any doubts about Li Xiaoyao's identity.

Li Xiaoyao smiled: "It's just a storage ring, don't worry about it."

Su Xueran immediately calmed down: "Little sister understands, she will definitely do her best for the son's affairs!"

She took out a jade slip from the storage ring, which recorded all the news about [Xianquan Secret Realm].

Li Xiaoyao took the jade slip and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you can go and spread the news now."

"I will fulfill my mission." Su Xueran said goodbye with cupped fists, and was about to leave after opening the door.

"Wait a minute!" Li Xiaoyao suddenly stopped her.

"My lord, do you have any orders?"

"Your fee, ten high-grade spirit stones, will be handed over to me first."

"??? Should I hand it in too?"

Li Xiaoyao was playing with the crystal-clear spirit stone in his hands, watching Su Xueran leave with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It worked!
Although there were certain twists and turns in the implementation of the plan, they were covered up by Li Xiaoyao himself.

Now he just waits to collect the spirit stone here.

And now, it's time to let the melon skin disciples out for some air.

(End of this chapter)

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