my disciples come from earth

Chapter 121 The Rich Rewards of Level 1

Chapter 121 The Rich Rewards of the First Level
"It's so lonely on the road of cultivating immortals, and it's unbearably cold to be alone at the top."

"A cultivator must endure the loneliness that ordinary people cannot bear, and possess the perseverance that ordinary people cannot match, so that he can bravely climb the peak when faced with difficulties."

"That's why the first level is [Perseverance Level]. Only with the perseverance to never give up can you stand out in the first level."

"I didn't expect so many people to pass the first level this time. It's completely beyond my expectation. Some of you are very interesting."

Hearing this, some people began to rejoice that fortunately there were such bold and inexplicable followers of Li Xiaoyao, otherwise most of the people present would not have survived the day when they discovered the world at the bottom of the cave.

Many people became excited, this is the cave of Senior Jindan!

Inheritance of Senior Jindan!
A great opportunity that many people dare not dream of!

The eyes of the monks were all red, and the inheritance of the golden core completely dispelled their fear of death.

But Li Yunshang and others are not so optimistic, because they understand a truth: the greater the opportunity, the greater the danger.

Rao Queyao's winking eyes were like silk: "But I didn't expect that this is really a cave left by the senior Jindan, or a cave specially selected for successors, little brother, you are really a great prophet!"

Li Xiaoyao nodded in embarrassment. He said that when he lied to others before, who knew it would become true now.

Li Yunshang frowned from the beginning and remained silent.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of something, and her expression changed drastically:

"This is the Phantom Cave Mansion?!"

Everyone immediately cast questioning looks at her.

Wang Dao raised his eyebrows: "Why, Fairy Li knows this place?"

Li Yunshang seemed to be frightened, and her small cherry mouth couldn't close in shock: "I once saw a top-secret document with Master, and it was about this place, the Cave of the Pill!"

"The Sui Dan Cave Mansion, it is said that it comes from the golden elixir of the third heaven [Superior King], and it is the existence of the Sui King's choice to inherit the disciples!" Li Yunshang's eyes flashed with shock, trying to recall, "But the Sui Dan Cave Mansion has appeared four times in the First Heaven. Each time, those who entered were the top talents of the first heaven in the spirit world, but in the results of these four times, none of them survived!"

"Since then, this Strange Pill Cave Mansion has become the inheritance secret realm with the highest risk factor!"

"Survival rate, zero percent!"

When Li Xiaoyao and the others heard the news, they couldn't help but feel a sudden breath of death.

Jiang Feng said hoarsely: "Huh, the [-]% survival rate is just because I didn't come. I am determined to win the Golden Elixir inheritance!"

Wang Dao's eyes flickered, his face was complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Rao Queyao smiled coquettishly and did not refute, but he could see the overflowing fighting spirit in his eyes.

Li Xiaoyao had a panoramic view of the reactions of several people, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.
As expected of the top Tianjiao in the first heaven of the spiritual world, his state of mind is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

At this time, the old voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"Pass the first level, and the person who made the highest contribution in the process of clearing the level will be specially rewarded, one of the eighth-grade pills, one of the dark marks!"

Suddenly, a nine-hole elixir lingering in the air suddenly appeared in the air, and the elixir was overflowing, as if taking a sip could turn you into a fairy.

The nine-hole elixir dripped down and floated in front of [shit is not tasty when it is cold].

[Dog shit is not tasty when it's cold] A black leaf suddenly appeared on the forehead, and it was immediately hidden.

[Shit is not tasty when it’s cold] Shocked, the reward for the first level is mine?
He quickly put away the [Hua Ling Pill], and felt the changes in his body.

At this time, with the dark imprint on his body, he felt a powerful force boiling in his body, and the originally faint spiritual power in the meridians was stained with a tinge of terrifying black, which seemed to hide a terrible aura.

[Shit is not tasty when it's cold] Trying to use a wisp of aura, the destructive power of black and white aura is twice as strong as before!
The monks next to him were extremely envious, and their eyes were red. If it wasn't for the old voice, they would have stepped forward to snatch it.

The players applauded [shit doesn't taste good when it's cold], but they were somewhat envious and jealous.

"The dog god is awesome!"

"It is true that the dog god's plan finally cleared the level, but we always have to work hard, and now we haven't got anything. Don't say I'm jealous, I will beep softly."

"The dog god is indeed worthy of this reward, but the dog planner is too stupid, so he only rewards No.1?"

[Dog poop is not good when it is cold] Seeing that everyone's faces were a little ugly, he stood up carelessly: "Brothers, don't worry, if my big dog eats meat, there will be brothers who eat soup."

"This dark imprint has become my attribute, and I can't let it out, but I am ashamed of this spiritual transformation pill. I decided to give this pill to Brother Xiaoyao, and exchange it for an equivalent value of contribution, and then give it to Xiaoyao. Divide equally, brothers!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused strong support among the players.

"Brother Dog, you are so fucking handsome!"

"Who said there is only intrigue in the game, who said that people are inherently selfish?"

"No brothers, no hegemony!"

"No brothers, no hegemony!"

[Shit is cold and not tasty] Immediately, he came to Li Xiaoyao, and he handed over the Spiritual Transformation Pill he had just obtained: "Young Master, this subordinate specially dedicates this pill to Young Master, hoping that Young Master can give rewards to all brothers Even split!"

"Yes!" Li Xiaoyao nodded slightly.

He was originally thinking about how he could find a way to get the elixir from the hands of [shit doesn't taste good when it's cold], but he didn't expect that [shit doesn't taste good when it's cold].

At the same time, Li Xiaoyao seems to have discovered one of the greatest strengths of Guapi's disciples - unity!
Wang Dao and the others looked at the Spiritual Transformation Pill in Li Xiaoyao's hands, with infinite eagerness in their eyes.

Li Yunshang's tone was full of envy: "It turned out to be an eighth-grade elixir, or the legendary elixir of transformation."

Li Xiaoyao asked for advice: "I would like to hear the details."

Wang Dao snorted coldly, and said jealously: "Sure enough, you are a country bumpkin, let me tell you, this spirit transformation pill is the best of the eighth-grade pills, and it is rare even in the second heaven of the spirit world. In the first heaven, it is a precious pill that only exists in the classics!"

"Hua Ling Pill is a rare eighth-grade elixir that is effective for monks in the Qi refining period. It can improve the purity of the spiritual power in the Qi refining monk's body and increase the power of the spiritual power!"

Li Xiaoyao was shocked, it really was a baby!
Because Li Xiaoyao practiced high-level kung fu, he was completely incomparable with Wang Dao and others who practiced high-star kung fu in terms of spiritual power purity and power.

And possessing this Spiritual Transformation Pill can completely erase the insurmountable gap between them!
The horror of the Spirit Transformation Pill can be seen so clearly.

Li Xiaoyao pointed to [shit is cold and tastes bad] and asked: "This time, my follower was lucky enough to get a reward, but I don't know what this [Dark Mark] is? It can directly affect the monk's body and improve his strength. .”

Several people were silent, obviously not very clear about the details of [Dark Mark].

After a long time, Jiang Feng spoke in a hoarse voice:

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the dao mark, or the dao mark of the 'Day of Darkness', a reward from the power of the Golden Core."

(End of this chapter)

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