my disciples come from earth

Chapter 127 The Death of the King

Chapter 127 The Death of the King
Li Xiaoyao was watching the music beside him, if he was really so eager to learn, would I sell it so cheaply?

Just as the players were all focusing on [Carefree Movement], finally there was someone who cleared the second level.

A long-armed monk stumbled into the lobby with a disconcerted face and ragged clothes.

His face was full of fear, and there was deep fear.

"I, I, I passed the level, I passed the dead end?"

The long-armed monk was still a little uncertain, his face full of suspicion.

At this time, the old voice sounded in time, telling him the result.

It is one hour, four ten minutes and three seconds.

Surprise immediately appeared on his face:

"Great, I really passed the test!"

Then he discovered Li Xiaoyao and others.

The long-armed cultivator looked at the thousands of people with a look of shock on his face:

"You, have you all cleared the level?"

A Guapi disciple said with a smile:

"Brother, you are too slow, your grades are the worst among us."

The long-armed monk asked incredulously:
"How long was the best time?"

Disciple Guapi laughed:

"Two minutes and 17 seconds."

Long-arm monk: "╥﹏╥???"

Li Xiaoyao appeared in time and rescued the shocked long-armed monk.

"Brother, what's the situation over there now, has everyone started to enter the cableway?"

The long-armed cultivator did not dare to neglect, saluted and replied:
"Mr. Li, because the black rock platform began to be swallowed up by the darkness, we didn't want to make a choice at first, but now we all have to choose, or we will be killed by the darkness."

"I think it won't be long before more people pass the second level, or die."

Li Xiaoyao nodded, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

On the other side, on the black rock platform, watching the blackness continue to spread, more and more monks were forced to walk on the cableway.

Wang Dao, Li Yunshang, Jiang Feng, and Rao Queyao were originally quite calm, seeking a perfect solution in their hearts.

None of them wanted to bet on that 50.00% chance.

However, as the situation becomes more serious, if they do not make a choice, they will be engulfed in darkness.

50.00% death or [-]% death, they will still choose.

Finally, the four of them chose the ropeway at will and entered directly.

Wang Dao gritted his teeth, remembering Li Xiaoyao's determined expression when he entered the right cableway, he decided to follow Li Xiaoyao.

He also entered the ropeway on the right!

As soon as he entered the cableway, Wang Dao felt a chill in his heart.

The surroundings are dark and gloomy, and the front is foggy.

There is no life at all,

It's not like a way of life at all!

At this time, Wang Dao couldn't help but think of the rules of the second level that the old voice said before.

Life and death chain life and death road, one road life, one road
Must die!

The way of life is flat and peaceful, full of treasures and rare treasures;

Dead end, dark and gloomy, full of dangers.

"Am I going to die here today?"

Wang Dao's facial features were distorted, and fear, unwillingness, and regret intertwined on his face, turning into a complex expression.

He knew very well in his heart that he might have made the wrong choice.

This is a dead end!

Dead end must die!

Wang Dao doesn't think he can disobey the rules.

Because this rule was set by Senior Jindan!
It's easy for the Jindan stage to play the Qi refining stage!
Wang Dao's heart was gradually filled with fear and despair.

"No, I can't just die like this, I still want to be the leader of the Northern Wilderness Alliance, and I still want to be the leader of the Yizhong Heavenly Alliance!"

Wang Dao unknowingly, tears flowed from his tears.

Those are tears of fear!

He looked at the fog ahead, and stepped forward deliberately.

But it seems to be fixed in place and take root.

I can't even take a step!

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Dao was still in place.

Regretting why I chose the right side, why I strayed into a dead end;

Fearing the danger in the mist, fearing my own heart;

Worrying about whether there is still hope, whether to die in battle or not;
He is obsessed with everything!
Everything that breaks his heart to pieces!

Suddenly, a black light came from the mist.

Straight to the throat!

Wang Dao's eyes were lax, and he just raised his Xuanyue double blade subconsciously.


Wang Dao was shocked and his hands were numb.

The tiger's mouth suddenly shattered, and blood flowed down the wound.


Xuan Yue fell to the ground with both blades.

He couldn't even hold a weapon!

With this blow alone, Wang Dao's hands were seriously injured.

The piercing pain hit his heart, and Wang Dao's confused and complicated eyes regained some clarity.

However, when he realized what had happened, the despair in his heart was magnified.
really a dead end,
A mortal attack is coming.
Call ~
A gust of wind is blowing, and there is danger hidden in the wind.

Wang Dao didn't have time to think, so he mobilized his spiritual power and pinched the spiritual formula.

A very mysterious spiritual shield stood in front of him.

boom! boom! boom!
He stepped back three steps in a row, and accepted the move abruptly.

Although he was not injured, Wang Dao's heart became even colder.

He found that the second attack just now was clearly [-]% stronger than the first attack!
The attack gets stronger and stronger until it kills me
Is it really a dead end?
Wang Dao's eyes dimmed, and the shield formed in front of him slowly dissipated.

At the same time, two attacks came together from the mist.

Wang Dao tried his best to block it in a hurry, but he couldn't stop it at all.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and he had already suffered a lot of internal injuries.

Wang Dao no longer promises hope.
The attack is indeed getting stronger and stronger, and this place is indeed a dead end.

I can't stop it.
He collapsed on the ground in despair, not thinking about anything else.

In a trance, it seems to have returned to my childhood.

blood is cold
When the body dies, the way disappears.

On the other side, Jiang Feng chose the left cableway.

As soon as he stepped onto the narrow bridge, he felt the darkness around him.

Although this dark breath made him feel very comfortable, it made his heart skip a beat.

Dead end!

This is Jiang Feng's only thought at the moment.

He looked at the fog ahead, and there seemed to be a great horror there, which made him hesitate.

I. What should I do?
Jiang Feng's eyes were confused, and his heart was full of complexity.

Ping pong!

He dazedly received the first attack.

His right hand was bloody.

Jiang Feng struggled for a moment in his eyes and regained clarity.

There was a wry smile on his lips.
If there is an attack, is it really a dead end?

This attack strength also matches my strength.

Am I, Jiang Feng, going to die here?

Do not!
No one can decide my life or death!

Suddenly, a gleam appeared in his eyes.
order me to die

But I don't believe in fate!
The complexity of Jiang Feng disappeared and was replaced.

Be firm!
Be confident!
He licked the blood on his hands, grinned ferociously, and rushed into the black mist resolutely.

At the same time, all the monks who rushed up the cableway were all facing a big test, facing their own struggles.

On two different narrow bridges, Li Yunshang and Rao Queyao also fell into confusion, struggle, reflection, and pain at the same time.
In the bright lobby after clearing the second level.

Except for the long-armed monk before, no one has cleared the level yet.

After a burst of space fluctuations, a trembling man covered in blood appeared in the center of the lobby.

Carefully identify its appearance, it is Jiang Feng!

(End of this chapter)

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