my disciples come from earth

Chapter 142 One step further, 1 dark marks!

Chapter 142 Going a step further, fifteen dark marks!
In a mysterious space, a stone tablet emitting white light stood quietly in the void, and an old voice suddenly exclaimed from the stone tablet:

"What's the situation? Where did my energy go? Why did the energy disappear? What happened in the fourth level?"

"Damn it, damn it, you have set up so many rules to restrict this old man. When I choose a successor, I see how you can control me!"

On the other side, Li Xiaoyao originally thought that there would be a voice coming soon, judging that they had passed the fourth level, but they didn't.

After about a quarter of an hour, the old voice sounded again, but it seemed to be slightly different from before, with a strange meaning mixed in the tone:
"Congratulations, you passed the fourth level."

Only Li Xiaoyao successfully cleared the level and came to the lounge of the fourth level, in the black pavilion.

Those melon skin disciples have more or less died before, so it is not considered a successful clearance.

Seeing that only Li Xiaoyao appeared, Jiang Feng's face was first surprised and then covered in shock.

Because only the top three can survive this level, Jiang Feng has never known whether Li Xiaoyao's followers are counted as breakers or not, and whether they are counted.

But at this time, only Li Xiaoyao appeared, so the result is self-evident. Only the two of them successfully passed the level.

Jiang Feng's heart was relieved all of a sudden, and he finally survived.

Being alive is naturally something to be happy about. As for Rao Queyao's fate, Jiang Feng doesn't want to know at all.

And Jiang Feng was shocked by Li Xiaoyao's endless stream of disciples.
If all possibilities are ruled out, the last remaining, however unbelievable, must be the truth.

Li Xiaoyao's followers can be resurrected!
Jiang Feng's heart shuddered suddenly, and he was taken aback by his own thoughts.

But only this situation can perfectly explain everything that happened in the fourth level.

With a ferocious face, Jiang Feng pointed at Li Xiaoyao and said:
"If I tell your secret, how long do you think you can live?"

"What secret?" Li Xiaoyao asked coldly.

Jiang Feng laughed terribly, and slowly uttered two words in his hoarse voice: "Resurrection."

Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but froze when he heard these two words.

"Hahahaha! Sure enough, I guessed it right, Li Xiaoyao, your life is not long!" Jiang Feng was determined when he saw Li Xiaoyao's expression.

He decided to spread the news as soon as he went out.

Li Xiaoyao will definitely die without a place to bury him!

Jiang Feng was still laughing up to the sky, as if he had foreseen Li Xiaoyao's miserable end.

Li Xiaoyao calmed down at this moment, completely ignoring Jiang Feng's provocation.

He has already decided that no matter what, he will completely deal with Jiang Feng in this strange cave.

When the swords between the two were tense, the old voice sounded again:
"Congratulations to the two challengers who successfully passed the fourth level [comprehensive quality level]. Since only two survived the fourth level, congratulations to both of them. Both can reach the fifth level alive and get the rewards they deserve."

"This level is different from any previous level, and there are no shortcuts to go. What this level examines is the overall quality of each passer."

"If you want to pass this level, you first need extraordinary strength."

"If you don't have enough strength and can't deal with the many powerful stone men, you will definitely die here."

Jiang Feng listened carefully and nodded secretly.

In fact, the strength of the stone man is not strong, but he still has seven layers of Qi refining, which shows that there is still a bottom line requirement for the cultivation of the passers-by in this level.

"Second is wisdom in battle."

"The strength is sufficient, but without superb combat wisdom, it is bound to be unable to persist for enough time in this level."

"Compared with the various dangerous situations encountered on the long road of cultivating immortals, the combat wisdom required for this level is only the foundation, and it is nothing more than a big witch. If you can't even see the simple rules of this level, then you must go on the road of cultivating immortals." not long."

Are you fighting smart?
Only then did Li Xiaoyao start to ponder the mystery. After all, he passed the level through a large number of melon skin disciples who could be resurrected, so he didn't have much understanding.

Only then did he realize that this was really the case.

The two people who are also at the ninth level of Qi refining, one of them entered the checkpoint, did not know how to judge the situation, and immediately used all his strength to deal with the stone man, so naturally he would soon be unable to hold on; while the other speculated through various details. The stone man in this level is infinitely refreshed, so he adopted the method of self-protection. While ensuring his own safety, he consumed as little spiritual power and mind as possible. Compared with the former, the persistence time will naturally be longer.

This is probably what the spirit of the cave called "combat wisdom".

"Finally, it is the ability to combine vertical and horizontal."

"Cultivating immortals means cultivating both immortals and human beings. Those who cultivate immortals must first be human beings before they can cultivate immortals."

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

"This level is specially set up so that all passers-by enter together, and only three of them can survive successfully. This is to test the ability of many passers-by to cooperate vertically and horizontally."

"In this level, the weaker level-breakers can join together to fight against the strong level-breakers; and the stronger level-breakers, for their own benefit, also need to have enough horizontal ability. The alliance of the weak can be the king in this pass."

"This is just the epitome of cultivating immortals. Immortal cultivators who don't know how to get along with other people, even if they are extremely talented, will definitely be eliminated and become spears in the hands of others, and eventually become wedding dresses."

Hearing these words, Li Xiaoyao took it very seriously.
Fortunately, I have Guapi disciples, otherwise, with the combination of the three of them, I would not be able to parry at all.

Li Xiaoyao didn't seem to have used these skills at all when he found out that he broke through the level, because all he needed was melon skin disciples.

In his eyes, these melon skin disciples became even more lovely.

They are their most precious wealth.

At this time, the old voice of the spirit of the cave came out again:
"Now announce the rewards of the fourth level."

"No.1 of the fourth level, Li Xiaoyao, rewards ten spiritual crystals and ten dark marks, and because Li Xiaoyao broke the record of this level, an additional five dark marks will be rewarded."

"The fourth level No.2, Jiang Feng, rewards five spiritual crystals and five dark marks."

As soon as the words fell, fifteen dark marks emerged from the void and landed on Li Xiaoyao's body.

Li Xiaoyao's strength increased greatly again, and the mysterious and mysterious aura became stronger and stronger on him.

So far, he has acquired a full 28 dark marks on his body!
Jiang Feng also obtained five dark marks at this time, and because it matched his own spiritual power, his strength increased greatly.

But at this time, there was no trace of joy on his face.

Jiang Feng knew that the gap between himself and Li Xiaoyao was getting bigger and bigger.

But fortunately, there are still five levels in the back, and I still have a chance!
Jiang Feng didn't give up in his heart. Although he threatened Li Xiaoyao before, he wanted to reveal Li Xiaoyao's secret to the world and attract the world to attack him.

But what he wants to do more is to be able to take Li Xiaoyao down by himself, and swallow Li Xiaoyao's secrets all by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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