my disciples come from earth

Chapter 145 The Real Opportunity of the Phantom Cave Mansion

Chapter 145 The Real Opportunity of the Phantom Cave Mansion

Li Xiaoyao slowly ran to Xuanshu's side, seeing it clearly.
The xuesrat really fell asleep at such a critical moment!
Then, Li Xiaoyao easily surpassed Xuanshu.
Li Xiaoyao was speechless
It's that simple?
After passing Xuanshu, Li Xiaoyao found that the end point was not far ahead.

The end appeared before his eyes.

Waving to him!
In this way, very easily, Li Xiaoyao reached the finish line.

Successful clearance!

At this time, the Xuanshu was still sleeping soundly not far from the finish line.

Li Xiaoyao realized something in his heart.

The really dangerous test of this level is probably the magic sound that shook my heart before, and this so-called speed competition, the so-called Xuanshu, is just a cover-up to disturb my mind and mind.

"Congratulations to the passer who successfully passed the fifth level."

When a cold voice came from the surrounding gray walls, Li Xiaoyao disappeared in place.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a mysterious space.

The space has no boundaries and is surrounded by mysterious darkness.

In the center of the mysterious space stands a black stone tablet with no words on it, on which a faint white light emanates, bringing a ray of light to the space.

Li Xiaoyao's heart trembled, and he cheered up, ready to deal with the hidden danger at any time.
It seems that this place is not the same as the footholds between the previous levels, but I don't know what this stone tablet is?

"Young man, relax, there is no danger here." An old voice came from the stone tablet, with a slightly soft tone.

From the black stone tablet, a little bit of light appeared faintly, which turned into a light and shadow of an old man with a white beard.

"I don't know who the senior is?" Li Xiaoyao asked cautiously.

He had already guessed in his heart that the voice of the person in front of him was similar to the voice that had appeared in various levels before.

This soul spirit is most likely the mysterious cave spirit.

Sure enough, the white bearded old man said proudly, "I am the spirit of the cave of the ghost cave, and I specially choose the successor for the ghost king."

Immediately, the spirit of the cave's tone slowed down: "Congratulations, Li Xiaoyao, you have passed the test of the King of Sui perfectly and become the new master of the cave of Sui Dan."

"And you will also be my next master."

Hearing these words, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, but at the same time, he had more doubts in his heart.

He asked suspiciously: "Senior, didn't you say that the test has a total of ten levels? This junior has only passed the fifth level. How did he get the approval of the old man, the King of Sinister?"

"Hahaha!" The spirit of the cave stroking the non-existent white beard, explained with a smile:
"That's just a kind of rhetoric to the outside world. If you are a person with an unstable heart, even if you pass the first few levels, but when you think that there are so many levels in the back, I'm afraid you will give up on your own initiative!"

Li Xiaoyao was speechless, the nonsense of the spirit of this cave is really easy to come by, since entering this strange cave, the number of times he has been deceived by him, I can't count on one hand.

The spirit of the cave continued: "Actually, the test left by King Sui consists of eight tests, and each test tests a certain quality or ability that a cultivator must have."

"And the level you just passed is actually not the fifth level, but the eighth level." The spirit of the cave laughed.

The eighth level?
Li Xiaoyao became even more confused, and bowed forward: "I also ask the senior to clarify."

The spirit of the cave slightly nodded: "Because you have broken the record in the second, third, and fourth levels in a row, according to the rules left by the king of sly, I directly let you skip the fifth, sixth, and seventh levels, and directly accept The ultimate test of the eighth level."

"The eighth pass is the key, it's called [Tao Heart Pass]."

The corner of Li Xiaoyao's mouth curled slightly
If I remember correctly, it seems that this level was called [Unnamed] before.
The spirit of the cave really came with just opening its mouth.

Who knows which of your words is true and which is false?
Although Li Xiaoyao was full of distrust towards the spirit of the cave, he still had a respectful expression on the surface.

The spirit of the cave went on to say:

"The Dao Heart Test is the ultimate test left by the King of Gui. Only those who pass this test are eligible to inherit the mantle of the King of Gui. And because you performed perfectly before, you will not be able to pass the five, six, and seven three tests in the future." Stop your footsteps. So I made an exception and let you accept the ultimate test in advance."

"What you have just passed is the ultimate test. Ask your heart."

"In the long journey of cultivating immortals, how many people are magnificent and magnificent, but in the end they all end up as a piece of loess; how many demon kings and immortal emperors, in the end, they all return to ashes to ashes."

"The biggest secret of cultivating immortals has only one word, and that is the word 'boil'. There are real immortals who snatched the essence of cultivating immortals from the Dao and called it [the secret of boiling the word Tian Jue]."

"Survive time, survive loneliness, kill relatives and friends, kill enemies."

"The biggest winner is the one who lives to the end."

"What is [immortal]? If you live to the end, you will be an immortal!"

"And the word 'boil' seems simple, but it is actually infinitely mysterious."

"[Aozi Tianjue] is broad and profound, composed of six unspoken secrets that have been handed down for a long time, called [gou], [flow], [endurance], [shelter], [steal], and [deceitful] six-character secrets, These six-character secrets are unique in the universe, each secret has terrifying power, and there is only one master at a time."

"[Gou Zi Mi] contains the true meaning of 'Gou Huo': Gou can survive disasters better when he is in a dangerous place. It is said that he has the great power of [Gou Zi Mi], and the technique of body concealment has reached perfection. No one can see."

"[Liu Zi Mi] contains the true meaning of 'endless': cultivation is like running water, which will never stop, and can accumulate small streams to form rivers and seas, and create a sky. Legend has it that it has the power of [Liu Zi Mi]. Into the world, the vitality is almost eternal, never cut off, the spiritual power is always moving, and it is self-cultivating all the time."

"[The Secret of Endurance] contains the true meaning of 'patience': in the face of death threats, the country's destruction can be tolerated, and the enemy's insults can also be tolerated. Patience is to survive the crisis of death, and then deal a fatal blow to the enemy! Legend has it that [ The great power of Ren Zi Mi], the Dao heart is as firm as the supreme god stone, no one can shake it at all."

"[Shezimi] contains the true meaning of 'willing': you can gain if you give up, give up what you should give up, and never be greedy, so you can last longer. It is said that you have the power of [Shezimi], you can give up sacrifice Sacrifice whatever you have, in exchange for shocking power."

"[Stealing the Word Secret] contains the true meaning of 'stealing': the road of cultivating immortals is the way of stealing the sky, and being good at stealing the resources of the world is the capital to survive. It is said that you have the power of [Stealing the Word Secret], and you are good at it. The general trend of the world, stealing the world for your own use, and the treasures of heaven and earth have nothing to hide in front of it."

"[Sly Word Secret] contains the true meaning of 'deceitful': cultivating immortals is going against the sky, and deceit is not to deceive people, but to better disguise yourself. It is said that there is the power of [Sly Word Secret], thousands of people Face, disguise identity is easy to come by, no one can know."

"And in this strange alchemy cave, there is a monstrous opportunity hidden, even people in the fairy world will covet [Liu Zi Mi]."

"Whoever clears this level can get the supreme secret [Liu Zi Mi], and the new owner of [Liu Zi Mi] is you."

(End of this chapter)

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