my disciples come from earth

Chapter 148 Dark Dao Realm

Chapter 148 Dark Dao Realm
Jiang Feng must die!
If not, Li Xiaoyao's heart is really uneasy.

"My lord, before you get rid of Jiang Feng, don't you have to fuse these dark marks first?"

Xiao Tong looked at the dark marks floating around Li Xiaoyao's body, blinked and said.

Li Xiaoyao nodded immediately, sat down cross-legged, and closed his eyes tightly.

With so many dark marks, Li Xiaoyao felt that the dark realm seemed to be beckoning to him.

The moment Li Xiaoyao sat down, the dark marks around him swarmed towards him.

Wisps of green and black aura continuously filled every empty place in Li Xiaoyao's body.

Li Xiaoyao felt that he was in another world. He opened his eyes, as if they were closed.

The darkness around him gave Li Xiaoyao the illusion that he was blind.

This feeling didn't last long, and cold sweat broke out on Li Xiaoyao's forehead.

Because the space he was in was too quiet, terrifyingly quiet.

He even wanted to reach out and move his hands, but his body seemed to be pressed by a ghost, unable to move.

Li Xiaoyao subconsciously wanted to call Xiao Tong, but after his voice fell into the darkness, it returned to his ears like a spring.

This situation made Li Xiaoyao panic for a while, but he immediately calmed down.

If he didn't guess wrong, he should have entered the enlightenment space, as long as he figured out the rules of this space, he should be successful.

After that, Li Xiaoyao looked around boredly, not knowing the passage of time.

Lonely, lonely, almost cold, this space made Li Xiaoyao feel more and more uncomfortable psychologically.

"Should I not be so stupid as to be trapped here all my life?"

Li Xiaoyao murmured something, his light words were like a stone stirring up thousands of waves in this space, and the echo kept repeating what he said.

Li Xiaoyao frowned, he felt as if he had been scolded by himself.

"Calm down, since it is enlightenment, it should not be traceless."

Li Xiaoyao closed his eyes tightly, trying to let himself enter a meditative ethereal state.

An orderly grunt suddenly sounded from Li Xiaoyao's mouth.

After a while, Xiaotong suddenly appeared, and when he saw that Li Xiaoyao had fallen asleep, he shook his head depressedly.

"You can fall asleep when you are enlightened. You are really my clever master."

Xiao Tong complained, and suddenly looked around with a gleam in his eyes.

"This is the way of darkness."

The little boy raised his hand curiously, and he was able to touch it easily.

There is nothing in this darkness, but something seems to exist.

The little boy's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately said with a smile: "Since the master is asleep, let me help him!"

After finishing speaking, the little boy raised his hand, and suddenly something seemed to flow in the darkness.

The space suddenly fluctuated, and the original darkness entered Li Xiaoyao's body at this time.

Immediately afterwards, the little boy disappeared into this space together with the darkness.

When Li Xiaoyao opened his eyes again, he found that the environment around him had turned into a strange cave.

Afterwards, Li Xiaoyao felt an extremely full aura in his body.

He threw it forward casually, and a blue-black spiritual energy shot out on the ground of the cave like an arrow.

Then I saw that spiritual energy suddenly contracted, and then exploded suddenly, and a charred black deep pit immediately appeared on the ground.

The spiritual power seemed to be alive, eating into the bone marrow and constantly corroding the surrounding ground.

Li Xiaoyao stared at him, a little unresponsive.

"Congratulations to Master Sect Master for comprehending the Dark Dao Realm. During the Qi Refining Period, he comprehended the Golden Core Dao. Master Sect Master is really No. 1 in the Nine Heavens of the Spiritual World!"

At this moment, Xiaotong came to Li Xiaoyao with a flattering expression on his face, giving him a thumbs up.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao subconsciously straightened his chest a lot, then he waved his hands and said, "Try to keep a low profile on this kind of thing in the future, we are not the kind of people who like to show off."

"Yes, yes, the head of the sect is proud but not arrogant. It is really a blessing from Wan Shixiu to have you as the head of the Xiaoyao Sect."

Xiaotong knew Li Xiaoyao's character so well, he immediately said a rainbow fart to Li Xiaoyao without leaving a trace.

Li Xiaoyao nodded with a smile, his expression was very much like a tsundere little prince.

Then I saw Li Xiaoyao shaking his head and sighing: "If I got such a chance when I was in Montenegro, then the old lady in red at the Medicine Pavilion might not be able to destroy the base of our Xiaoyao Sect."

Hearing this, Xiaotong also nodded in agreement and said: "With the current strength of the head master, killing the old woman in a matter of minutes, even if you meet a monk on the second or third floor of the foundation building period, you can fight!"

When Li Xiaoyao thought about what happened on Black Mountain, he was still very angry. He suddenly raised his head and said, "The Medicine Pavilion destroyed my Xiaoyao faction. Sooner or later, I will destroy them too."

"Xiaotong will definitely assist the master to bring the Xiaoyao School back to glory!" Xiaotong also made a promise at this time.

Li Xiaoyao nodded in relief, and suddenly said, "Is there still a dark mark?"

The little boy frowned, and said doubtfully: "There are some, but not many, but the master probably doesn't need it."

"Who said you don't need it anymore!" Li Xiaoyao suddenly looked at the little boy seriously and said, "Although I don't need it, the disciples of my Xiaoyao Sect need it."

"Uh..." Xiao Tong suddenly didn't realize it, and saw Li Xiaoyao's cannibalistic gaze.

The little boy hurriedly cupped his hands to Li Xiaoyao and said, "It's really the luck of the Xiaoyao Sect that the head of the sect cares about his disciples!"

Then, a new product appeared in the mall of "Unfettered Overlords".

Immediately, the melon skin disciples discovered it, which aroused heated discussion among everyone:
[My dnmd dog plan!The Mark of Darkness requires [-] contribution points, you haven't seen the money, have you? 】

[The worst thing is that this dark mark is on the first floor, anyone can buy it, but who has so much contribution value now? 】

[You can buy it but you can't buy it, this is deliberately making people feel uncomfortable! 】

[You may not have seen it clearly, this is still a limited time item. 】



[One thing to say, the dark mark still has this value, haven't you seen the above introduction? 】

[Dark Mark: The dao mark left by the strong man in the Jindan period can lay a solid foundation for his future Jindan Dao, and can also greatly improve his strength. Those with savvy can even realize the way of darkness before the Golden Core Stage!From now on, killing people by leapfrogging is no longer a dream! 】

The introduction about the dark mark was written by Li Xiaoyao personally urged the little boy, the previous ones can be more or less ignored, but the last sentence makes these melon skin disciples envious!
But everyone doesn't have so much contribution value now, so they can only have a passion but can't do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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