my disciples come from earth

Chapter 162 Brother Li Gao Yi

Chapter 162 Brother Li Gao Yi
The most shocking people were the Guardian Wang behind Li Xiaoyao and the elite disciples of the Northern Wilderness Branch.

If other people uttered these words, they might also consider the authenticity.

But the person who said this was their young master, so they had to believe it.

At this time, Protector Wang looked at Li Xiaoyao righteously and said, "Daoer, is Li Xiaoyao really such a righteous person?"

Li Xiaoyao nodded immediately, raised his head in admiration, and then said to Protector Wang: "Master, if you don't believe what I say, you can ask the three geniuses to see if what I say is true."

Protector Wang turned his head to look at Jiang Feng and the others.

The three of them were still immersed in what Li Xiaoyao said just now, and the three of them were really conquered by Li Xiaoyao's eloquence.

At this time Li Xiaoyao suddenly cue them, and the three immediately nodded.

Jiang Feng took the lead and bowed his hands to Wang Hufa, and then said: "Wang Hufa, what Brother Wang said is true, and we are still immersed in Brother Li's righteousness at this moment and cannot extricate ourselves!"

"Brother Li's high righteousness is a model for my generation to learn, but I can only learn. I will never reach the level of Brother Li!"

Li Yunshang also let out a wave of rainbow farts at this time, and Li Xiaoyao, who was on the side, felt a little flustered.

Rao Queyao took a deep breath at this time, looked ahead with affection, and said softly: "If it wasn't for Brother Li today, the slave family might have died out early, but thanks to Brother Li's help, we can escape Thanks to Brother Li's help, I was able to keep my Northern Wilderness Talent!"

Rao Queyao's influence in Beihuang must be greater than that of Jiang Feng and Li Yunshang, coupled with his pretentiously weak figure, even if the people present did not believe it, it was impossible.

The atmosphere at the scene changed suddenly, and everyone's eyes were full of regret.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao raised his arm, pointed to those who attacked him and said, "Brother Li is such a righteous person, who wanted to kill him before, and who scolded him?"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd immediately became chaotic, and someone was heard crying: "It's me who misunderstood Mr. Li. It's because my vision is too small to see through Mr. Li's righteousness."

"Mr. Li saved my life today. From now on, the Bagua Sect will be grateful to you!"

At this time, Su Xueran also fully believed that Li Xiaoyao's purpose in doing all this was to save them, and the scene in her mind was completely the scene of meeting Li Xiaoyao.

"Back then, Mr. Li entrusted my younger sister with a heavy responsibility, but my younger sister was still suspicious. This time it was my younger sister's fault. If everyone had heard that my younger sister was going to [Wanglongya], you wouldn't be like this, my younger sister." My sister has no other specialties, but a humble life, so I will come down to serve Mr. Li, Mr. Wanwang, don't be disgusted."

After finishing speaking, Su Xueran was about to kill herself with a sword, her master immediately stopped her, and then persuaded: "Silly boy, I can't blame you for this, how can you take your own life so lightly."

Seeing that Su Xueran was about to commit suicide, Li Xiaoyao knew that the story had gone too far, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said to Su Xueran: "Fairy Lingyun, if you commit suicide, you will really be ashamed of Brother Li." It's a good intention."

Su Xueran raised her head in doubt, and said with a sad face: "Why?"

"Think about it, Brother Li spared his life to save us, just because he didn't want us to die in Huangquan early. What we should do is to take Brother Li's share and work hard to survive, instead of giving up on ourselves and living up to Brother Li's kindness."

Li Xiaoyao's words made Su Xueran quiet down, she suddenly looked up at the middle-aged nun and said, "Master, let's go back, we won't go down the mountain again."

The middle-aged nun sighed and nodded: "Okay!"

After that, the middle-aged Taoist left Lengyue Forest with Su Xueran and a group of disciples of Qingyun Temple.

Afterwards, the others also left here full of respect for Li Xiaoyao, and no one mentioned that they were cheated of ten high-grade spirit stones.

Because the value of those ten high-grade spirit stones has already exceeded everything else.

Soon, only some elites from the Northern Wilderness Branch of the Alliance of Cultivators and Guardian Wang were left on the scene.

Of course, Li Xiaoyao and Jiang Feng didn't leave either.

At this time, Protector Wang's respect for Li Xiaoyao was quite high.

Seeing him looking at the disappearing entrance of the Weidan Cave, he sighed and said, "Young Master Li, your Dayi Beihuang Branch will not be forgotten, nor will the Cultivator Alliance. You can go there with peace of mind."

Li Xiaoyao's head was full of black lines when he heard it behind him, but it was impossible for him to refute aloud, instead he had to show the same regretful expression.

Afterwards, Guardian Wang turned around, looked at Wang Dao with consoling eyes, then looked at Jiang Feng and the others and said, "Several people, the alliance branch has important matters to deal with, I will leave first, everyone Go back early and report your safety, alas!"

After finishing speaking, Protector Wang said to Li Xiaoyao, "Daoer, let's go."

Li Xiaoyao nodded immediately, followed behind Protector Wang, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

The three of Jiang Feng were immediately stunned.

"Damn it! Brother Xiaoyao ran away!"

"What should we do? It won't be for us to explore the next plot by ourselves?"

"It shouldn't be such a trap, even if we want to explore by ourselves, we have to give a hint first."

[Congratulations on completing the mission: Crossing the sea with the sky! 】

[From now on, you can move freely, but you can't reveal your original identities. Please remember your current identities. Don't tell other NPCs about your origins and everything about the Happy Sect, or you will be banned directly. 】

[Because your performance is flawless, you will be rewarded with an additional [-] spiritual power points and [-] contribution points! 】

The three of them looked at the prompts of their own systems, and then stared wide-eyed.

After a while, Li Yunshang suddenly raised his hands excitedly and shouted, "Finally I can move freely!"

Jiang Feng also nodded with a smile at this time. After suffering for so long, he finally got rid of Xinshou Village completely.

Rao Queyao couldn't be happier at this time, although the reward was not bad, but he is a man, not a girl!
[New mission: Return to the sect to be an undercover agent! 】

[Mission introduction: You can now move freely in the first heaven of the spirit world, so use all your means to return to your respective sects. 】

[Task requirements: Do not disclose news about the real world to NPCs, and do not disclose news about the Xiaoyao faction, or you will be banned directly! 】

[Task time limit: one month!If you don't return to the sect within a month, you will be banned directly! 】

[Task notes: Resurrection requires spirit stones!Please don't kill me!Riding the teleportation array requires spirit stones!Please work hard to make money! 】

[Task reward: [-] spiritual power points, [-] contribution points! 】

[Mission failed: character erasure!Account banned! 】

"I'm really beeping! After leaving Xinshou Village, it's like being raised by a stepmother. Why are you titled every now and then!"

"It is estimated that this game is too realistic, and our every move will also affect the development of NPC."

"By the way, do you know where Central Continent is?" Jiang Feng and the others hadn't fully unlocked the memories sealed in their heads, so they still didn't know how to go next.

(End of this chapter)

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