my disciples come from earth

Chapter 171 The Famous Rao Queyao

Chapter 171 The Famous Rao Queyao

Jiang Feng next to him couldn't stand it anymore, he quickly pulled Rao Queyao aside and asked, "God God, your Hehuan Building is a secret organization, how could there be a direct teleportation array, I guess you have to sit down first A similar city, and then find a way to go back by yourself."

Hearing Jiang Feng's explanation, Rao Queyao suddenly felt very tired. She immediately began to mobilize her memory to see where the main altar of Hehuan Building was.

After a while, Rao Queyao said with a bitter face: "I finally know why there is no direct teleportation formation. The main altar of Hehuan Building is actually in the deep mountains and old forests. It's amazing."

"Stop complaining, just buy a ticket." Jiang Feng smiled and shook his head, this is the convenience of the top sect, the teleportation arrays are all direct.

Rao Queyao walked towards the ticket booth helplessly, and said, "Give me a ticket to Qilin City."

"Okay, three middle-grade spirit stones."

Rao Queyao hastily took the ticket, then looked at Jiang Feng and said, "Brother Ba, you may have to go first."

Jiang Feng shrugged indifferently, and said, "Even if we don't go first, we have different paths."

"Call me for anything you need in the future, and I'll give you an internal price."

What Rao Queyao was talking about was of course information. In some memories she had just awakened, almost all sects in the spiritual world had bought information from Hehuanlou, and the Medicine Pavilion was no exception.

Jiang Feng glanced at Rao Queyao, and suddenly said helplessly: "This game is really going crazy, I actually feel as if I have traveled here, as if I am experiencing another life."

Rao Queyao also smiled helplessly, and said, "Yes, it is really a blessing for our country's game industry to be able to play this kind of game."

[The teleportation array to the Medicine Pavilion has been opened, and the monks who want to go to the Medicine Pavilion should board the teleportation array as soon as possible! 】

At this time, the announcement sounded in the hall, Jiang Feng stood up and said to Rao Queyao: "God God, I will take a step first, if you are bullied in the future, remember to find me, let's find the place together!"

"Brother Ba, I won't be polite."

Rao Queyao blinked at Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng quickly turned around and said, "Brother, don't do such actions in the future, I'm afraid I will commit a crime!"

"Get lost!" Rao Queyao cursed with a dark face, watching Jiang Feng board the teleportation array.

After a while, the teleportation array to [Kirin City] was also opened, and Rao Queyao twisted his attractive figure and walked over.

She has attracted a lot of salivating eyes along the way, and Rao Queyao was a little disgusted at first, but later she accepted it, and walked more confidently.

This is probably the legendary, professional counterpart!
Not long after, Rao Queyao walked out of the teleportation hall of [Kirin City] with a shocked expression on his face.

What shocked her was the scenery above the teleportation array, and the buildings in the new place that shocked her.

[Kirin City] is the main city of Zhongzhou, and it is much more magnificent than the main city of Beihuang [Xuanwu City].

From the teleportation array, she saw that Qilin City was several grades higher than Xuanwu City in terms of land occupation and prosperity.

Moreover, the aura around here is much richer than that in Xuanwu City.

Looking at the busy street, Rao Queyao shook his head in admiration.

With so many NPCs, how big is the game's database to hold it.

The key is that the running speed is still very fast, there is no lag at all, and there is no one to optimize.

Rao Queyao didn't immediately set off for the Huanhuan Tower main altar, but wandered around in Qilin City.

As a game reviewer, it is very necessary for him to observe the surrounding environment and the degree of danger in order to provide strategies for subsequent players.

What's worth mentioning is that Rao Queyao realized that she was quite famous in her role, and people would greet her along the way, and she would return the greetings one by one, making the men who greeted her fascinated.

What's frightening is that Rao Queyao has completely fallen into this star-studded feeling, and has even admitted that he is a girl.

After shopping around for a while, Rao Queyao found that her hunger level was starting to drop, so she found a restaurant that looked the most elegant and walked in.

As soon as Rao Queyao entered, she attracted the attention of all the men. She had already gotten used to this feeling, so she found a corner and sat down.

While sitting down, Xiao Er ran over.

"Miss Yaoyao, what would you like to eat?"

Hearing Xiao Er call out his nickname, Rao Queyao looked at Xiao Er curiously and said, "You know me too?"

Being stared at by Rao Queyao, Xiaoer blushed immediately, and stammered back: "In Zhongzhou, even if I haven't met you, I must know your name, but I didn't expect Miss Yaoyao to come out today. It's harder than going to heaven to see you in the past."

Rao Queyao immediately understood why she was watched by so many people, it turned out to be like this.

She suddenly smiled, looked at Xiaoer with great interest and said: "Is that so, I'm tired of the food in Hehuanlou, so I want to eat something different, can't I?"

"Of course, of course."

Rao Queyao smiled lightly, and then said: "Take your characteristics, I'm too lazy."

"Okay, please wait a moment." Xiaoer nodded quickly, and fled from Rao Queyao's side as if flying away.

Rao Queyao suddenly felt a little helpless, it turns out that this is how beautiful girls feel when they go out, it is really hard to stop.

Not long after, a dazzling array of dishes was placed in front of Rao Queyao. She originally wanted to eat a big meal regardless of her image, but seeing that many people were looking at him, she could only eat bit by bit.

After eating this meal for more than an hour, Rao Queyao felt a little impatient, but fortunately his hunger bar was full.

Afterwards, Rao Queyao called out to the mistress who had been peeking at her all the time: "I paid the bill, mistress, haven't you seen enough?"

That Xiaoer immediately ran over with a blushing face, and said in a low voice: "Miss Yaoyao, there are five middle-grade spirit stones in total."

Rao Queyao directly took out a high-grade spirit stone, then got up and said, "Take it, you don't need to look for it."

"Thank you, Miss Yaoyao." Xiaoer thanked repeatedly, looking extremely excited.

Rao Queyao sighed in his heart at Xiao Er's actions. Even an ordinary NPC made this game with such care. The appearance of licking a dog is no different from reality.

Afterwards, Rao Queyao was ready to set off for the main altar of Huanhuan Building.

As soon as she stepped out of the restaurant, there were a few guys following behind, Rao Queyao didn't know about it.

After leaving Qilin City, Rao Queyao hired a carriage and galloped towards the main altar.

After leaving Qilin City for a while, several people suddenly descended from the sky and stopped in front of Rao Queyao, who was so frightened that Rao Queyao immediately stopped the carriage.

"You're dying!" Rao Queyao shouted angrily.

But I saw that those few people were all covering their faces, and it was obvious that they were not good people by their attire.

Rao Queyao frowned immediately, did he encounter a special plot?

"What are you going to do?" Rao Queyao asked suspiciously.

I saw those few showing a few lewd smiles, and said: "What are you doing? Fuck you!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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