my disciples come from earth

Chapter 176 Simple and rude

Chapter 176 Simple and rude (please subscribe!!)
But what Rao Queyao thought in his heart at this time was that if Fairy Chilian wanted to fight her, it should be a test task, so that she would not be killed.

As long as she completes this test, the task of "returning to the sect" should be successfully completed.

"Master, let me order it, don't kill me." Rao Queyao looked at Fairy Chilian worriedly, for fear that she would miss and beat herself to death.

Although she has a spirit stone resurrection on her body, she can save as much as she can, right?

Fairy Chilian nodded to Rao Queyao, and said softly: "Don't worry, you have a sense of proportion as a teacher."

When Rao Queyao saw Fairy Chilian's calm expression, she felt something was wrong in her heart.

"Yaoyao, you go first."

At this time, Fairy Chilian stood proudly five meters away from Rao Queyao, with an encouraging expression on her face.

Rao Queyao took a light breath, then clenched his fists tightly, and immediately raised his fists to hit Fairy Chilian.

When Fairy Chilian saw Rao Queyao's rough action, she frowned slightly and easily avoided it.

Afterwards, she stretched out her showy hand and grabbed Rao Queyao's hand, and immediately slapped Rao Queyao away with a light palm.

Rao Queyao took more than ten steps back to stabilize his figure, feeling a little depressed in his heart.

As soon as she fought, she knew the gap in strength between herself and Fairy Chilian, and she couldn't beat it no matter what.

Rao Queyao was very distressed, why her luck was so bad, she not only had to go through mountains and rivers, but also had to endure tests.

Li Yunshang returned to the sect in a daze, and threatened to attack her master. It was obvious that she had a good life in the sect.

And if she guessed right, it would probably be much easier for Jiang Feng to return to the Medicine Pavilion than for her, why her task has become a difficult mode.

"Yaoyao, do you only know how to use fists? Where's your 【Flame Spirit Sleeve】?"

At this time, Fairy Chilian's question rang out, Rao Queyao first showed a puzzled expression, and then she felt that there seemed to be some more memories in her head.

"Yan Lingcaixiu, why do you seem to have seen it somewhere?" Rao Queyao kept having doubts in her heart, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she quickly opened the mall.

Sure enough, the [Flame Spirit Color Sleeve] that originally belonged to her was lying quietly in the mall. Looking at the price, it actually cost [-] contribution points.

Dog planning!This is obviously my thing, are you embarrassed to sell it so expensive?

Rao Queyao definitely didn't want to buy it, but her consciousness clicked the exchange very honestly.

When 【Flame Spirit Colorful Sleeve】appeared in Rao Queyao's hands, her heart was bleeding, she didn't want to buy it.

Rao Queyao really didn't want to buy it at first, but she secretly felt that this item could help her a lot, so she couldn't help but bought it.

Fairy Chilian was relieved when she saw the [Flame Spirit Color Sleeve] appearing in Rao Queyao's hand.

This is an eighth-grade magical weapon, and it is a top-notch existence in the first layer of heaven. If Rao Queyao can't remember it, she will really wonder if Rao Queyao has been dropped by someone.

However, even though Rao Queyao was holding the colorful sleeve of the flame spirit, he didn't know how to use it at all.

Rao Queyao stared at the long colorful sleeves, and suddenly a curious thought appeared in his heart, could it be that she was asked to tie up Fairy Chilian?

Thinking of this, Rao Queyao's eyes naturally turned to Fairy Chilian, and when she saw Fairy Chilian's proud figure, her throat moved subconsciously.

When Fairy Chilian noticed Rao Queyao's gaze, she felt disgust for some reason, because Rao Queyao's gaze at this time was somewhat similar to those of those stinky men.

"Yaoyao, what are you looking at?" Fairy Chi Lian scolded sullenly, and then said, "Since you took out the colorful sleeves of the flame spirit, why don't you do it?"

Hearing these words, Rao Queyao smiled resentfully, and said, "Master, you asked me to do this, and I'm here!"

Fairy Chilian frowned slightly, nodded, and suddenly felt a trace of vigilance in her heart.

What she was wary of was the colorful sleeve of Yanling in Rao Queyao's hand, because it was an eighth-grade spiritual weapon, and if it hit her, she would not be able to easily defuse the damage.

Then, Rao Queyao suddenly stepped forward, and when he was about to get close to Fairy Chilian, he flicked to the left.

This nimble pace is naturally the credit of [Happy Wandering Body Technique].

Seeing Rao Queyao's movements, Fairy Chilian's eyes flickered slightly, and then she struck out again to shake Rao Queyao away.

However, this time her palm strength did not shake Rao Queyao away, but made her take a step back.

Just when Fairy Chilian was surprised, Rao Queyao suddenly rushed forward, and immediately hugged Fairy Chilian.

Then I watched her use the [Flame Spirit Sleeve] to wrap around Fairy Chilian's body, and finally tied a pig's trotter button.

Rao Queyao's series of actions stunned the surrounding fairies. What kind of operation is this?
When they saw Fairy Chilian after being tied up, they all turned away with blushing faces, they were so ashamed.

Fairy Chilian's face was flushed at this time, she never expected that Rao Queyao would use such a method to deal with herself.

What she didn't expect the most was that the damn knot couldn't break free, but instead struggled tighter and tighter, making her feel a little sore in some places.

And even if she uses spiritual power, it won't help. Yanling Caixiu is an eighth-grade magic weapon. If she tries to break free, not to mention that she will be injured, and the magic weapon will have to be destroyed, which is not worth it.

"Yaoyao! Let me go quickly, Master, where did you learn this embarrassing method of tying ropes, it's so obscene!"

Rao Queyao saw Fairy Chilian's exasperated look, and said with a sideways face, "Master, you asked me to do it yourself. I don't know any other moves, so I can only tie you up."

Why did Rao Queyao turn her face sideways, because at this time she didn't dare to look at it herself. It was the first time she discovered that she was so talented in binding people, probably because she watched a lot and learned it naturally.

"The teacher asked you to do it but didn't let you tie me up, let me go quickly."

Hearing this, Rao Queyao could only obediently stepped forward to untie the knot, and then said to Fairy Chilian with a smile: "Master, does this count as my victory?"

Seeing Rao Queyao's flattering smile, Fairy Chi Lian immediately frowned and said, "What did you learn on this trip? What kind of expression is this? Is it something you, a saint, should have?"

Hearing this, Rao Queyao immediately put away his smile, and continued, "Then master, do you think I won?"

Fairy Chilian nodded helplessly, and said, "I'm not competing with you as a teacher, why do you have to compete so much for victory, but what you just used was a body-protecting skill, right?"

Rao Queyao was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Master, you can see it."

Fairy Chilian nodded slightly, then took Rao Queyao's hand and walked in front of the other fairies.

"How is it? Did you see anything?" Fairy Ziyi looked at Fairy Chilian and asked with curiosity in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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