Chapter 180

When Li Xiaoyao went to the apprentice hall, the space here had become extremely crowded.

All kinds of shouts and introductions continued, and this place seemed to be no longer the solemn hall for cultivators to apprentice.

The recruiters of these top sects who usually pretend to be lofty, all put down their reserve at this time, like the girls in the Hehuan Building, they almost said: "Master, come and play!"

Apparently Li Xiaoyao didn't expect that his melon skin disciples would cause such a big repercussion.

Those recruiters didn't expect that their nature was like this, but if they didn't, the talented disciples would be snatched away by other sects.

Just when Li Xiaoyao appeared in the apprentice hall, a recruiter from a neighboring sect came over.

"Brother Wang, you actually came out too." It was the fat man from the quasi-nine-star sect [Qingtianjiao] who spoke, Gou Buyan.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at the fat man, and said, "This is my Northern Wilderness branch, can it be that I can't come out yet?"

"Of course not. Brother Wang, don't worry about it. I'm just curious." Gou Buyan looked Li Xiaoyao up and down, and then said, "It seems that Brother Wang hasn't practiced kung fu for a while, and he still hasn't made any progress in his cultivation."

Li Xiaoyao looked at Gou Buyan with the same eyes as he looked at Sabi, and opened his mouth and said, "None of your business!"

Gou Buyan's expression froze, and his face suddenly became a little angry. He glared at Li Xiaoyao and said coldly: "Brother Wang, you and I have no grudges, why do you treat me like this?"

Li Xiaoyao snorted coldly, and said: "Otherwise, I didn't even want to talk to you at all, and you just came up to scold me, blame me?"

The reason why Gou Buyan came here was simply because he wanted to be polite to Li Xiaoyao, but he didn't expect Li Xiaoyao's attitude today to be so unfriendly.

"It seems that Brother Wang is in a bad mood today. Since that's the case, Gou won't accompany me." Gou Buyan cupped his hands to Li Xiaoyao, and then walked towards the recruitment office of [Qingtianjiao] with a gloomy face.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the back of Gou Buyan leaving angrily, and said to an elite disciple of the Northern Wilderness Branch behind him: "Do you think he is being mean?"

The elite disciple's throat moved slightly, and he whispered: "Young master, he was taught by Qingtian."

"So what, this is our territory, maybe I'm still afraid that he won't succeed."

Li Xiaoyao raised his head arrogantly, and then walked to the center of the apprentice hall.

Now Li Xiaoyao is surrounded by many melon skin disciples he is familiar with, and everyone is holding a number plate in their hands, obviously matching the sect.

Afterwards, Li Xiaoyao found a few melon skin disciples who were holding the No. 1 number plate in their hands, and said to them, "Do you want to join the Qingtian Sect?"

Several people naturally knew Li Xiaoyao's identity, they watched Li Xiaoyao become king.

They nodded helplessly, and then one of the female melon skin disciples named [Cucumbers Have Pesticides] said to Li Xiaoyao: "Young Master Wang, it seems that we can only choose Qingtianjiao."

"What!" Li Xiaoyao frowned. He looked around and found that almost half of the Guapi disciples were holding No. 1 number plates.

"What's going on here?" Li Xiaoyao frowned. If all of them joined the Qingtian Sect, his plan would soon come to nothing.

"My lord, it seems that someone is playing tricks. It seems that the staff who match the number plate have some unknown py transaction with Qingtianjiao."

The boy's voice sounded at this time, Li Xiaoyao heard the words, and immediately released an announcement:
[BUG Announcement in Apprentice Hall: Due to the high talents of the players, there was a problem with the matching system in the Apprentice Hall, which resulted in players only being matched to No. 1 Qingtianjiao. Players who join Qingtianjiao will suspend apprenticeship, and this BUG will be fixed later! 】

"I thought the dog plan hadn't discovered this problem, but now it seems that the work efficiency is quite high."

"Damn it, that fat man from Qingtian Sect is like a badass, who wants to join them."

"Although that fat man is terrible, the strength of the Qingtian Sect is relatively strong, and it is not impossible to join them."

After the announcement was made, the reaction of Guapi disciples was not small at all, which made Li Xiaoyao's expression much more dignified.

After that, he went straight to the matching hall in the teacher apprentice hall.

Because of Li Xiaoyao's status as a king, he is completely unimpeded in the entire Northern Wilderness branch.

The staff in the matching hall are completely leisurely at this time, there are so many melon skin disciples outside, and they don't seem to be busy here at all.

Once there is news that someone needs to apprentice, they will be automatically assigned to No. 1 Qingtian Sect, or other top sects of Yichongtian.

Some eight-star or seven-star sects can't get a place at all.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the matching news in front of him with a dark face, and suddenly said: "Who made you match like this?"

The staff didn't notice Li Xiaoyao's appearance at all, but after hearing his voice, everyone's nerves suddenly collapsed.

Then one of the monks who looked like the person in charge turned around nervously, and said respectfully, "Young Master, why are you here?"

Li Xiaoyao glanced at this person, and said coldly: "If I don't come, not all of these thousands of talents will become disciples of Qingtian Sect."

"Young Master, this batch of Tianjiao's aptitude is very high, indeed only the Qingtian Sect is suitable for them." The person in charge lowered his head, his tone timid.

"Then what do you mean, the Yixiantian, Kunlunmen, and Shuiyuefu are not worthy? They are all quasi-nine-star sects, so they are not suitable?"

Hearing this, the person in charge shook his head again and again, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"How much benefit did that fat man Gou Buyan give you, and you helped him like this?" Li Xiaoyao said it directly without any cover-up.

The person in charge immediately trembled all over, and quickly said: "Young master, I have nothing to do with Gou Buyan, you can't slander me."

"Do you think I'm a fool or someone else is a fool? Do you think you can't see such an obvious help to Qingtianjiao?" Li Xiaoyao said coldly, and then said: "I think this matching hall may have to be replaced. Blood exchanged."

The face of the person in charge suddenly changed, and he lowered his head and said with an ugly expression: "Young master, I."

"I don't want to listen to your explanation. From now on, I will be in full control of the matching hall. Do you understand?" Li Xiaoyao interrupted the person in charge, his tone full of doubts.

After taking charge, he nodded again and again, not daring to say no.

[BUG Repair Announcement: The bug that players can only match Qingtianjiao has been cleared. From now on, players can get apprentice cards according to the sect they want to join. Please refer to the information on the official website for the sect introduction. 】

"Fake it, the bug was fixed so soon?"

"How can you be so conscientious, Dog Planner? I'm not used to it anymore."

"Hegemony cheats!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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