my disciples come from earth

Chapter 186 The whole world is looking for Gou Buyan

Chapter 186 The whole world is looking for Gou Buyan
While Li Xiaoyao was thinking of a solution, Rao Queyao in Hehuan Building was impatient like ants on a hot pot.

Because it was only half an hour before the task was handed in, the intelligence network of the Hehuan Tower still hadn't fed him any useful information.

He clearly knew that Gou Buyan was in Qilin City, but he couldn't find any news.

Rao Queyao stomped his feet angrily at the thought that his multiplier of obtaining spiritual power would be reduced.

At the same time, in the Qilin City Cultivator Alliance General League, on a pavilion in a corner.

Gou Buyan held the grapes in one hand and the wine glass in the other, lying very comfortably on the rocking chair.

The creaking sound of the rocking chair seemed to be protesting.

At this time, there is a domestic servant kneeling in front of Gou Buyan, and he is really telling Gou Buyan what is happening now.

"The whole of Central Continent is looking for me?" Gou Buyan was full of doubts, and muttered, "Who has such a great ability to stir up the wind in the entire Central Continent?"

"Do you know why you want me?" Gou Buyan asked.

The servant shook his head, bowed and said, "I don't know, I just want to ask where you are."

Gou Buyan frowned slightly, a figure automatically popped up in his mind, it was the kingly way.

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head in denial again, and murmured: "That guy should be a stalker now, how could he dare to look for me so blatantly, but if it wasn't him, who would it be?"

Just when Gou Buyan was puzzled, the attic door suddenly opened, and a man over fifty years old with a dark face appeared at the door.

Seeing this, Gou Buyan quickly stood up from the rocking chair, his movements were extremely quick.

The servant lowered his head even lower, not daring to make a sound at all.

"Second Uncle, why do you come over here when you have time?" Gou Buyan didn't dare to make a sound in front of this man, and even tried his best to keep his standing posture as straight as possible.

Although the servant was kneeling on the ground, from the corner of his eyes, he still caught sight of Gou Buyan's swaying figure.

Seeing this scene, the servant's heart also sank slightly, and his young master would only be so upright when facing this rich and noble second master Gou.

Without him, it's because this Second Master Gou is Gou Buyan's pro-Second Uncle, and his current status is still the newly promoted elite protector of the Federation.

Originally, the Gou family was just a small family clan, but because of the second master Gou, it has become a high-ranking family. Although it is not as good as some other old big families, no one would dare to go against their family.

In fact, even if Gou Fugui hadn't become an elite protector, no one would think of them, because their family belongs to the Qingtian Sect.

Gou Fugui glanced at Gou Buyan coldly, and said in a deep voice, "When you were recruiting disciples in Beihuang? Did you do something out of the ordinary with the newly recruited disciples?"

Gou Buyan heard it, shook his head again and again and said: "Of course not, Second Uncle, it's too late for me to curry favor with them, how could I do something out of the ordinary to them."

"Then explain to me why the sect has recruited 180 new disciples, and everyone is looking for you!"

Gou Fugui snorted angrily, his eyes were filled with anger, Gou Buyan was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

"I don't know, Second Uncle, I really didn't do anything to them. They are so talented, and some of them have higher cultivation than mine. What can I do to them?"

Gou Buyan was about to cry, his heart was completely filled with depression, who was looking for him?

Gou Fugui took a deep breath, and kept his eyes on Gou Buyan's body. After a while, he said with a sideways glance: "No matter why they are looking for you, let's find out this matter, now it's us A good opportunity for the leader of the Wilderness, any matter related to the Northern Wilderness must be resolved!"

After finishing speaking, Gou Fugui left the attic, like that, he completely hated iron but not steel.

Gou Buyan breathed a sigh of relief, and collapsed on the rocking chair again.

His eyeballs started to roll uncontrollably, but after thinking about it, he couldn't figure out why the new disciples were looking for him.

"You heard what my second uncle said, right?" Gou Buyan suddenly said to the servant kneeling on the ground.

The servant nodded repeatedly, and replied: "I heard."

"Now that you heard it, why don't you contact the people in the sect quickly and ask them why they are looking for me!"

Gou Buyan growled and grabbed a bunch of grapes and threw it over, and the servant crawled to the door.

"Wait a minute! By the way, post a message in my name, asking who is looking for me and what they are looking for."

"It's the young master, I'll do it right away."

After the servant left, Gou Buyan rubbed the greasy temple, softer and harder.

"Who is it? I didn't offend you, did I?"

The news released by Gou Buyan quickly reached Li Xiaoyao's ears, he immediately slapped his forehead, and said with a smile: "This fat man is really a godly assist, I was worried, so he sent the solution himself .”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Tong immediately looked at Li Xiaoyao expectantly and said, "Master, do you have a solution?"

Li Xiaoyao nodded, and said slowly: "He wants to know who is looking for him, then tell him."

"Tell him?" The little boy was taken aback, and his face immediately became a little ugly, "Sir, if this is the case, our whereabouts will be exposed."

"I didn't say to tell him my whereabouts." Li Xiaoyao snorted and continued, "Change Rao Queyao's mission immediately."

Xiaotong frowned slightly, his little head was full of doubts: "Sir, why do you want to modify her mission?"

"Didn't Gou Buyan want to know who was looking for him, so he asked Rao Queyao to release the news, saying that he had admired him for a long time, but he had no chance to see his face, so he specially held a banquet in the Hehuan Building and invited him to the Hehuan Building !"

Li Xiaoyao patiently explained to Xiaotong, then sighed and said: "As the right-hand man of the sect master, you must have the same thinking as me."

After listening to Li Xiaoyao's explanation, Xiaotong's eyes were shining brightly, and the admiration in his eyes could not be faked.

"My lord, your trick of blooming on the tree is really fast!" The boy gave Li Xiaoyao a thumbs up, his admiration was hard to hide.

"Blooming on the tree? What is that?" Li Xiaoyao looked at the boy suspiciously and asked.

The little boy immediately smiled and explained: "Blossoming on the tree is a kind of military strategy in the Guapi Kingdom. There are 36 types in total."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly said, "Is there such a rare thing in the Guapi Kingdom? Show me some time."

"Good master."

In Hehuan Building, just when Rao Queyao was about to accept the failure of the mission, her mission changed again.

She immediately glanced at the requirements of the new task, and her expression suddenly felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

"Is there any mistake, is this asking me to date a man?" Rao Queyao was so angry that her teeth itch, she is also a man, how could she do such a thing.

"A scholar can be killed and cannot be humiliated. If you want to deduct my spiritual power multiplier, just deduct it. I won't serve you anymore!"

Rao Queyao yelled cursingly, and then she discovered that the task punishment had changed.

[Mission penalty: If the player abandons the mission, it is deemed to have abandoned the game account, and will be banned from this, and cannot join forever. 】

Rao Queyao: "&@¥%!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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