my disciples come from earth

Chapter 189 The Spring Is Gone

Chapter 189 The Spring Is Gone
After Xiao Tong heard Li Xiaoyao's order, he activated the two puppets that had been placed in Rao Queyao's room earlier.

Just as the guests in the Hehuan Tower were filled with resentment, the door of Rao Queyao's room was suddenly shattered.

The loud noise covered the noise of all the guests, and everyone focused their eyes on the broken edge of the door.


A desperate and miserable cry sounded, and Rao Queyao ran out of the room with half undressed clothes and tears in his eyes.

Afterwards, seeing Gou Buyan's body exposed, he chased him out with a lewd smile on his face: "Girl Yaoyao, what are you running for? Didn't you ask me to come here?"

"You bastard! I invited you to talk to you about the large number of arrogances in the Northern Wilderness, but you actually have unreasonable thoughts about me, and even used the spirit powder to disperse my spiritual power, you beast! "

Rao Queyao yelled as soon as he ran, and his voice clearly reached the ears of every guest.

At this time, the guests who reacted a little faster already showed a look of rage on their faces.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao in the corner suddenly stood up, and then saw Li Xiaoyao muttering: "Publish the mission."

[Special mission: Capture the prostitute! 】

[Gou Buyan, the deacon of Qingtian Sect's outer sect, acted violently in the Hehuan Building. My Xiaoyao Sect takes punishing rape and eradicating evil as its own responsibility. This matter cannot be ignored. All Xiaoyao disciples in Hehuan Building, please mobilize the public's anger and speak out to kill them! 】

[Task requirements: Do not reveal the identity of Xiaoyao disciples. 】

[Task time limit: before dawn! 】

[Task reward: [-] contribution points and [-] spiritual power points for each participant! 】

"I'll go, Bai P can trigger special missions!"

"Wait, that guy who doesn't say anything and insults seems to be a dog god!"

"Wori! This is worth it! How can this guy be cheap!"

At this time, the Xiaoyao disciples in the Hehuan Tower started talking with each other, and when they came to their senses, they couldn't laugh or cry.

Not long ago, I saw the God of Dogs posting a post to release his grievances. It hasn't been long since he was going to be molested by an NPC, and he was also drunk.

At this moment, very few of the guests were able to react, and even if they did, they would not dare to help, because although Gou Buyan is useless, the forces behind him are not anyone who would dare to provoke him.

And at this moment, a disciple of Xiaoyao suddenly shouted angrily among the crowd: "A group of cowards! They are just a dandy, could it be possible that Miss Yaoyao really fell into his hands?"

"That's right! Dare to do whatever you want because you have some power behind you. This is Hehuanlou, and that's Miss Yaoyao!"

"Shameless bastard, today I will act for the heavens!"

In every corner of the Hehuan Tower, angry voices came one after another, one after another.

Some of the previous voices were danced by Xiaoyao disciples, but the subsequent voices were those of the guests who couldn't bear it.

All of a sudden, the whole Hehuan Building resounded with the same voice, which was condemning Gou Buyan!

Just when this momentum reached its peak, a stool made of huanghuali wood flew up out of thin air, and directly hit Gou Buyan who was chasing Rao Queyao.

A stool directly smashed it to the ground.

Gou Buyan got up from the ground with a face full of rage, and shouted defiantly: "Who! Who threw it! Do you know who I am? My second uncle is an elite protector of the Cultivator Alliance! My father is a member of the Qingtian Sect!" Elders of the door! You dare to attack me, you are too tired!"

call out!
As soon as Gou Buyan finished speaking, another stool flew over and hit him directly on the head.

Immediately afterwards, countless stools flew together and buried Gou Buyan directly.

"Shameless prostitute, dare to talk here! So what about the power behind you, is it possible that you still want to fight against the righteous people in the entire spiritual world?"

I don't know who cursed angrily, and then there were all kinds of seconding voices.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Yaoyao! Let me protect you today!"

For a moment, Gou Buyan was surrounded by the guests of the entire Hehuan Building, no matter how courageous he was, he didn't dare to speak out at this moment.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the crowd, Li Xiaoyao entered Rao Queyao's room.

The moment he entered, Xiao Tong was a little surprised, because there were Gou Buyan and Rao Queyao in the room.

However, the situation of the two is very different from the outside world.

Gou Buyan was tied up on the table and his mouth was blocked by his own socks. The appearance of lying on his stomach was no different from a fat pig about to be slaughtered.

Rao Queyao was sitting on the bed with displeasure written all over her face, because she was almost molested by this bastard just now.

If she hadn't turned off her five senses, Gou Buyan would have succeeded in prescribing her medicine.

At this moment Gou Buyan saw Li Xiaoyao walking in from the door, his pupils widened and his face was full of horror.

When Rao Queyao saw Li Xiaoyao entering the door, he got up resentfully, and muttered: "Young Master Wang, you are willing to let others get involved with you."

Li Xiaoyao glanced at Rao Queyao, and said, "Just stay there and stop pretending in front of me."

When Rao Queyao heard the words, she immediately rolled her eyes, and then returned to the bed and sat down.

Li Xiaoyao walked up to Gou Buyan, patted his fat face and snorted, "Fatty, we meet again."

Gou Buyan trembled all over, shook his head crazily, and made a humming sound.

Li Xiaoyao snorted coldly, and said immediately: "You framed my master, you dare to frame me, both of you uncle and nephew are very capable."

After speaking, Li Xiaoyao took off the sock that was covering Gou Buyan's mouth.

With nothing on his mouth, Gou Buyan immediately exclaimed in shock: "Wang Dao, you arranged all of this!"

At this moment, Gou Buyan felt that he was really like a pig, how could a man of Rao Queyao's status invite him.

He was blinded by lust, so he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Wang Dao, what are you trying to do by tricking me here?" Gou Buyan tried his best to maintain his sanity and try not to panic too much.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at Gou Buyan, and said coldly: "You know exactly what I want to do. If you clear up the matter of you framing my master, I will let you go."

"Hmph, that's impossible!" Gou Buyan snorted coldly, then suddenly sneered, "I don't believe you dare to do anything to me today, but I can tell you that everyone in Qilin City knows that I have come to the Hehuan Tower, and I If you can't go back, who of you will dare to take this responsibility?"

As soon as Gou Buyan finished speaking, Li Xiaoyao laughed. He shook his head and said, "Fatty man, don't you take yourself too seriously? Are you an enemy?"

Gou Buyan's expression changed, and he said in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Li Xiaoyao stepped forward and grabbed Gou Buyan by the back of the neck, dragged him to the window, and then said, "Look who's down there."

While Gou Buyan looked down, his whole body trembled immediately.

He saw that he was naked all over, surrounded by dense crowd, and those around him didn't have a good face, wishing to cramp and skin him!

(End of this chapter)

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