my disciples come from earth

Chapter 191 Confrontation

Chapter 191 Confrontation
Gou Fugui's face changed slightly, and he took a deep breath, pretending to be calm and replied: "I see, this will pass."

After getting Gou Fugui's answer, the two shadows still did not disappear. They received the task of bringing Gou Fugui to the leader of the alliance.

Gou Fugui looked calm on the surface, but in fact, his heart was already full of turmoil.

Even if he had [-] ways to escape today, the two shadows outside the door would have [-] ways to keep him from running away.

When the door was opened, Gou Fugui's face was full of loneliness, he may not have imagined that the development of the matter would change so quickly.


The next day, what happened in the Hehuan Tower was widely circulated. Whether it was the streets or alleys or the courtyard with high walls, Gou Buyan's deeds became the subject of after-dinner conversation.

Whenever Gou Buyan was mentioned, his expression would change angrily, with hatred coming out of his eyes.

Gou Buyan's reputation is like the rats in the river, it stinks!
Hehuan Building is also adding fuel and vinegar at this time, saying that all news about the Gou family will be free!And pull the Gou family into the blacklist, and never cooperate with the Gou family and people who have the slightest relationship with the Gou family!

The news from Hehuan Building is undoubtedly telling the public that what happened last night is 100% true, and what Gou Buyan has done is definitely true!

At this time, in front of the gate of the Cultivator Alliance General League, Li Xiaoyao came to the door alone, raised his head and said, "Beihuang Branch Wang Dao, please meet the general leader!"

The two people at the gate of the General League looked Li Xiaoyao up and down, and saw one of them leaving quickly without stopping for half a step.

Not long after, the man turned back, bowed slightly to Li Xiaoyao and said, "Young Master Wang Dao, please follow me."

Led by the guards, Li Xiaoyao stepped into the gate.

After passing a long corridor on the lake, a majestic half-mountain palace came into view.

The building of the Alliance of Cultivators is the tallest building in Qilin City. No matter where you stand in it, you can overlook the entire Qilin City.

In fact, the location of the Cultivator Alliance in each main city is the highest point in the city.

This is to tell the world that the Alliance of Cultivators is the beacon of the spiritual world and the spokesperson of fairness.

After Li Xiaoyao followed the guards into the palace, he found that the people inside were all half-centenarians.

Not many people, only three.

The person sitting on the main seat is naturally the legendary existence in the spirit world, the chief leader of the Alliance of Cultivators - Baili Dugu!
The other two, Li Xiaoyao didn't have any impression in Wang Dao's memory, but the positions they were sitting in were not that low, and their identities probably wouldn't be low either.

Li Xiaoyao bowed to the leader of the alliance, and said in a deep voice: "The Northern Wilderness Branch is king, please refer to the leader of the alliance."

This was the first time that Li Xiaoyao had a direct conversation with a strong man of the ninth floor of the foundation. Although he said that the other party was not hostile, he was not a king, and he felt somewhat guilty.

The ghost knows how much preparation Li Xiaoyao has done in his heart when he came here this time.

The opponent was a strong man eight floors higher than him, and he was very worried that his disguise would be seen through.

But at the moment, it seems that his worry is a bit unnecessary, and Baili Dugu doesn't have much expression.

"Wang Dao. When did you come to Qilin City?"

Baili Dugu spoke a little slowly, and I don't know if it was on purpose or if people like him speak like this.

Li Xiaoyao clasped his hands and replied: "This morning, I just arrived not long ago."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiaoyao felt a strong spiritual coercion, and he immediately discovered that the releaser of the coercion was the old man on Baili Dugu's right.

Li Xiaoyao didn't have any impression of this person, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and his figure didn't change at all.

As the coercion grew, Li Xiaoyao slowly raised his head and looked at the old man.

The old man's pupils flickered slightly, and he seemed a little surprised. He never thought that Li Xiaoyao would be able to withstand his coercion.

"Enough." Baili Dugu said in a low voice, and the coercion dissipated instantly.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao glanced at the old man, squinted his eyes slightly, and said, "Dare to ask who is senior? Did I offend you in any way?"

The old man snorted coldly, but did not answer Li Xiaoyao's words.

"Wang Dao, he is the elder of the Dharma Protector of the General League. In terms of seniority, you have to call him uncle."

Baili Dugu answered Li Xiaoyao's question, and Li Xiaoyao glanced at the old man, ignored him, but raised his head to look at Baili Dugu and asked, "Master Chief, do you have anything else to do when you come to Qilin City next time?" I just want to ask, why is my master under house arrest?"

"Are you questioning me?" Baili Dugu stared at Li Xiaoyao and asked with a slight chill in his eyes.

Li Xiaoyao looked straight at Baili Dugu and said, "That's right! My master is innocent and has dedicated himself to the Northern Wilderness. Why is such a virtuous and virtuous person being treated so unfairly?"

"Presumptuous! Huangkou kid, who taught you to talk to the chief lord like this!" The old man who oppressed Li Xiaoyao before shouted angrily at this moment, and the spiritual power in his body was suddenly released, and he had the intention of attacking Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at the man, snorted, and continued, "When will you be accused of telling the truth? Is it possible that my Cultivator Alliance can't listen to the truth?"

"Sharp teeth! You kid has been full of lies from the very beginning. You clearly came to Qilin City yesterday, but you said you only arrived today. I would like to ask what you mean by deliberately lying to the leader of the alliance?"

"Senior, everyone pays attention to evidence. You said that I arrived in Qilin City yesterday. Do you have any evidence?"

Li Xiaoyao looked at the old man unhurriedly and said, he almost believed his righteous words.

The old man's pupils shrank slightly, and he said coldly: "Still quibbling, do you dare to take out your teleportation ticket?"

"Who will keep that thing? Senior insists that I arrived yesterday, but I want to ask you again. What do you want to do?"

Li Xiaoyao stared at the old man, knowing the identity of the old man in his heart.

He has been against him from the very beginning, it is very likely that this old man has something to do with Gou Buyan.

Li Xiaoyao guessed right, this old man is Gou Buyan's second uncle, Gou Fugui.

After he was brought here last night, the leader of the alliance didn't ask him at all, but asked him to wait here, and then ignored him.

Obviously, the reason why the leader of the alliance let him here is to give him a chance to defend himself overnight, and it is up to him whether he can seize it.

So he ordered a thorough investigation before dawn, and finally he received news from Beihuang.

That is the young master Wang Dao left the Northern Wilderness yesterday.

Just such a piece of news made Gou Fugui associate everything with Li Xiaoyao.

(End of this chapter)

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