my disciples come from earth

Chapter 199 Li Yan Was Withdrawn

Chapter 199 Li Yan Was Withdrawn
Li Yan has no choice at this time, he can only let someone bring Gou Fugui out, otherwise he will confirm the fact that he framed Bei Mingyi.

His only way out now is to win the confrontation with Gou Fugui, if not, he will have a very difficult time today.

Gou Fugui arrived at the law enforcement hall under the leadership of the law enforcement officers. When Li Xiaoyao saw him, he really thought that Gou Fugui was not dead.

It seems that this guy has already learned the essence of Gou Fugui, that adultery is really disgusting.

"Elder Gou, Wang Dao said that you told him many things in the dungeon, is it true?" Li Yan stared at Gou Fugui with a sullen expression when he saw Gou Fugui.

Li Yan never imagined that Gou Fugui dared to betray him. Could it be that he was not afraid that his Gou family would be removed from the spirit world?

Gou Fugui glanced at Li Yan with dull pupils, and said with an ugly expression: "Elder Li, I can't hide it any longer. Nephew Wang Dao already knows everything."

The last straw that breaks the camel's back is often very light, but no matter how light it is, it can make a hopeful person despair instantly!
"Gou Fugui! What nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean?" Li Yan glared at Gou Fugui and shouted sharply.

Gou Fugui shuddered all over, leaned closer to Baili Dugu, and then said a little timidly: "You know better than me what I'm talking about, Elder Li, you can't hide this matter no matter what."

Li Yan took a deep breath, his eyes stared at Gou Fugui as if he wanted to kill someone, if Baili Dugu hadn't been present, he might have shot Gou Fugui directly.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at Li Yan, and slowly said: "Elder Li, why are you so angry? Didn't you say that it has nothing to do with you?"

"If he also slandered you, would you be so good-tempered?" Li Yan stared at Li Xiaoyao coldly, his words seemed weak.

Li Xiaoyao smiled, and said unhurriedly: "If you think Elder Gou has slandered you, then tell me, what did he slander you for?"

Li Yan's expression froze, and he heard Li Xiaoyao go on to say: "Elder Gou didn't seem to say anything after he arrived here, so you were so angry and threatened that he slandered you, I would like to ask, if you are not a guilty conscience, you are so angry What are you doing?"

Li Xiaoyao's words made Li Yan's expression very ugly, he gritted his teeth and stared at Li Xiaoyao, "You lied to me!"

"Why did Elder Li say that?" Li Xiaoyao spread his hands and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Li Yan gritted his teeth, and his body seemed to be trembling. Everyone could see how angry he was now.

At this moment, Baili Dugu suddenly said, "Elder Li, I need an explanation."

When Baili Dugu spoke, the importance of the situation was different.

Li Yan lowered his head and turned to Baili Dugu, and said in a deep voice, "Master Chief Alliance, this subordinate has no other intentions for the Alliance of Cultivators. The subordinates just feel that the President of Beiming is not suitable to lead the Northern Wilderness Branch."

Li Xiaoyao never thought that Li Yan would admit it directly, his expression immediately became a little unnatural, isn't this guy afraid of death?
Baili Dugu's eyes froze slightly at this time, and he sighed, "You are an old man of the General League, how can you have such an idea? The General League has already given you the Hall of Law Enforcement, what else is there to be dissatisfied with? "

Li Yan raised his head, pointed at the high-walled law enforcement hall with a sneer, and said, "Master Chief, look around, who would be willing to stay in such a dark place? Walk in the spirit world instead of being a shadow."

After Li Yan finished speaking, Baili Dugu took a deep look at him, and then said coldly: "In that case, you should leave, the Alliance of Cultivators is not suitable for you."

Li Yan took a deep breath and bowed to Baili Dugu, then he suddenly raised his head, stared at Gou Fugui and Li Xiaoyao indifferently, and said, "Nephew Wang Dao, you are as wise as a monster, I accept this meeting gift! "

Li Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart was already full of turmoil, he never imagined that Baili Dugu would let Li Yan go so easily without any punishment.

After Li Yan finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and walked straight out of the Law Enforcement Hall without anyone stopping him.

Just as Li Yan left, Baili Dugu stared at Gou Fugui suddenly and said coldly: "Following the trend, duplicity on the outside, if you commit the following crimes, you will not be allowed to stay today!"

As soon as the words fell, Baili Dugu suddenly stretched out his palm, and the power in his palm surged.

In just a moment, Gou Fugui's whole body was turned into powder!

Seeing this situation, Li Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly changed, this frankly put everything on Gou Fugui alone.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao suddenly felt that he was being stared at by a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything. He immediately turned his head, just in time to collide with Baili Dugu's eyes.

Li Xiaoyao's legs suddenly trembled at this moment, because Baili Dugu was deliberately oppressing him with spiritual power.

The coercion of the ninth floor of the foundation made Li Xiaoyao feel as if his heart had fallen into his stomach.

Just when Li Xiaoyao was very uncomfortable, Bei Mingyi suddenly stood in front of Li Xiaoyao, and then said to Baili Dugu: "My lord, since the truth is revealed, I will take the villain back to Beihuang gone."

Baili Dugu withdrew his spiritual power after seeing Bei Mingyi's appearance, and then said coldly: "Take care of your apprentice, don't think that everyone in the world is an idiot."

After finishing speaking, Baili Dugu's figure disappeared out of thin air, and the coercion around him also dissipated at this time.

Li Xiaoyao immediately breathed a sigh of relief, he looked at Bei Mingyi, he had a lot of questions to ask.

At this time, his hand was suddenly grabbed by Bei Mingyi, and then he felt the surrounding space distort, and when he realized it, he had already appeared on the outskirts of Qilin City.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the scene of the wild countryside around him, and suddenly felt a little vigilant in his heart, but he was still curious why Li Yan was unscathed.

"Do you really want to know why the President Li Yan was exposed but did not attack him?" Bei Mingyi said it directly as if he knew Li Xiaoyao's heart.

Li Xiaoyao nodded repeatedly and asked, "Yes, master, what's going on?"

Bei Mingyi glanced at Li Xiaoyao, sighed and said, "Do you think the leader of Li Yan doesn't know what's on Li Yan's mind? The reason why he didn't touch him is because of Li Yan's identity."

"The leader of the alliance doesn't dare to move?" Li Xiaoyao frowned, probably guessing something.

Bei Mingyi nodded, and said in a deep voice: "He came down from the second heaven, who dares to move from the first heaven?"

Sure enough, it was similar to what Li Xiaoyao guessed. If so, wouldn't he have another enemy.

No, it should be that Wang Dao has one more enemy.

Bei Mingyi glanced at Li Xiaoyao at this time, and said: "You are still young, and the world is far more magnanimous than you can imagine. I advise you, never treat your enemies as fools, especially those with higher cultivation bases." You are tall."

Li Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly, cupped his hands to Bei Mingyi and said, "My apprentice will remember the master's words."

"You call me master, don't you feel guilty?" Bei Mingyi suddenly sneered, and turned to look at Li Xiaoyao indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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