my disciples come from earth

Chapter 413 Ascension Assessment

Chapter 413 Ascension Assessment
In an instant, the entire Demon Slaughtering Formation was filled with the Xiaoyao disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage like a crowd.

Not far away, the high-level foundation-building monks who were fighting fiercely stopped their attacks, and each of them opened their mouths with disbelief.

Whether it is a monk in the spirit world or a devil in the demon world, their expressions are frozen at this moment.

Before they could react, they were immediately overwhelmed by a large number of Foundation Establishment Xiaoyao disciples who were not afraid of death.

The superiority in numbers suddenly helped many monks in the spiritual world to establish a winning position.

In this case, although the devil's realm is high, he has absolutely no power to fight back.

You, a devil at the seventh floor of the foundation, beat ten Xiaoyao disciples at the fifth floor of the foundation, what about a hundred?
How about a thousand?
Or even 1? !

Instant collapse!
In the desperate look of Mo Yin, Li Xiaoyao saw the opportunity and cut off his head with a sword.

Don't rest your eyes!

After this battle, the eyes of the big bosses in the spirit world also changed when they looked at Li Xiaoyao. With so many foundation-building monks, they are definitely the backbone that can determine the future direction of the first heaven in the spirit world!

Not only were they amazed by Li Xiaoyao's strength, but they were even more afraid of his terrifying leadership, and his unparalleled and inconceivable ability to confuse people's hearts!

No matter in the alliance of cultivators, or in the quasi-nine-star sects such as Yixiantian, Yaoge, Guiwangzong, etc., there is no shortage of loyal supporters of Li Xiaoyao.

Of course, they didn't understand that these were undercover players that Li Xiaoyao had placed in their sect in advance.

After this battle, Bei Mingyi, Luna, and Mei Mei, who are the strongest in the first level of the spiritual world, no longer look down on Li Xiaoyao.

And this trip to the Blood Demon Nest also ended with the destruction of all the demon heads in the demon world.

The spirit world has won!

As for the so-called Demon King, no one cared about him any more, and he was still silent in the endless darkness of the Blood Demon Lair.

After returning to the spirit world, with the joint efforts of Bei Mingyi, Yueshen, Yan Mei and others, Li Xiaoyao's arrest warrant was abolished.

It is also because of the great contribution he made in the Gorefiend's Lair this time that Li Xiaoyao's name is known to everyone in the first heaven of the spirit world.

In order to save their reputation, the Cultivator Alliance directly gave up Nangong Yi and his son, and rewarded Li Xiaoyao and the Xiaoyao faction greatly.

For a while, Li Xiaoyao and Xiaoyao faction became the absolute celebrities in the spiritual world.

Countless people who wanted to be apprentices all came for the name of Xiaoyao Sect and wanted to become its disciples.

For this reason, Li Xiaoyao specially opened a new hall in the sect to accommodate the local aborigines who came to apprentice from the first level of the spiritual world.

At the same time, Li Xiaoyao once again released a huge amount of game qualifications in the Guapi Kingdom. This time, players can choose to go to the spirit world or the demon world from the very beginning.

Tens of millions of melon skin disciples poured into Xiaoyao Sect and Canglan Sect.

On the other hand, since all the top forces of Moyin and Demon Dragon Sect were killed in the Blood Demon Cave, the thriving Canglan Sect suddenly took the initiative.

With Li Xiaoyao's acquiescence, Cang Lan's disciples burned, killed and looted in the Demon Realm, almost unifying all the first-level forces in the Demon Realm.

Li Xiaoyao allowed the Xiaoyao Sect and the Canglan Sect to develop freely for several months, and his own cultivation has successfully reached the peak of the foundation-building period thanks to the contributions of countless talents, treasures and disciples. The Nascent Soul stage is only a thin film away.

On this day, he came to the Cultivator Alliance headquarters alone.

"It's time to break out of the First Layer!"

With the unanimous consent of the leader of the Cultivator Alliance and several elders, the Xiaoyao Sect began to upgrade from a one-star sect to a star.

Bei Mingyi, Yueshen and others were wondering why Li Xiaoyao kept a low profile for a few months after returning to the spirit world, which was completely out of character for him.

At this time, he knew that the Xiaoyao faction was going to break through the second heaven of the spirit world in one breath, and only then did he know that Li Xiaoyao had played such a big game of chess.

The task of raising the star of the sect is very easy, and there is no middle or low star sect that can stop Li Xiaoyao and the Xiaoyao faction.

Even the seven-star and eight-star sects dare not stop the Xiaoyao sect, which is now in full swing.

And the only few quasi-nine-star sects were more or less indebted to Li Xiaoyao, so they naturally turned a blind eye to the challenge of the star-ascension mission.

In just seventeen days, the Xiaoyao Sect has leapt from the bottom one-star sect to a new first-tier sect!

The quasi-nine-star sect, the Xiaoyao sect!
And during this period of time, great changes have also taken place in the Cultivator Alliance headquarters. Bei Mingyi has used some means, and his cultivation level has leapt to the peak of Foundation Establishment, and even reached the half-step Nascent Soul!
However, under Bei Mingyi's deliberate design, the original leader sadly stepped down, and he himself ascended to the highest position in the first heaven of the spiritual world.

At the Cultivator Alliance headquarters, Li Xiaoyao and Bei Mingyi sat cross-legged.

Bei Mingyi: "The Xiaoyao Sect is already a quasi-nine-star sect, isn't that enough?"

Li Xiaoyao: "Not enough."

Bei Mingyi: "Do you have to hit the Second Heaven? You know the danger."

Li Xiaoyao: "I know, but I must do it."

Bei Mingyi's face was solemn, and he immediately laughed heartily: "As expected of the person that the adult likes, I can't match it!"

Li Xiaoyao was not surprised either. With Bei Mingyi's current status and cultivation base, if he was said to have no support from above, even if he was killed, he would not believe it.

However, what he didn't understand was why someone above would pay attention to him.

I don't know, is this person an enemy or a friend?
Li Xiaoyao put aside these questions and asked, "When can we start?"


Under Bei Mingyi's arrangement, a major event that shook the entire spiritual world struck.

The quasi-nine-star sect Xiaoyao sect wants to attack the nine-star sect and the second heaven!
Since the records began, there was only one successful record of ascension to heaven, but the sects that had applied for it were countless!

If unsuccessful, there is only one outcome.

The assessment for ascension to heaven is very simple. After the head of the alliance of cultivators from the first heaven applies to the alliance of the second heaven, the second heaven will send down a team of envoys.

Generally speaking, the emissary team is composed of ten people, of which the team leader is a genuine Nascent Soul stage monk, and the remaining nine are all masters at the peak of foundation establishment.

The Ascension Assessment is presided over by the emissary team composed of ten people.

There are three levels in total.

The first pass is the judgment of the backbone of the sect.

In this level, three envoys who are at the peak of Foundation Establishment will come out of the emissary team, set up a ring, and accept the wheel battle of two hundred Xiaoyao Sect disciples.

If the two hundred disciples can defeat the three envoys in a wheel battle, then this level will be passed.The disciples of the Xiaoyao faction who participated in the battle in this level cannot participate in the second level.

The second pass is the judgment of the high-level power of the sect.

In this level, the Xiaoyao faction needs to send ten monks with top cultivation to fight against the leader of the envoy, Nascent Soul.

In this test, as long as the ten members of the Xiaoyao faction can support for an hour, they can be considered as passing the test.

(End of this chapter)

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