my disciples come from earth

Chapter 52 "Defiant Gang" Starts Again

Chapter 52 "Defiant Gang" Starts Again
[Theoretically speaking, there is no need to lie about this kind of thing. After all, everyone will eventually reach this stage. It is meaningless to lie so easily exposed, not to mention that they are all master players of dominance. 】

[But this kind of thing seems to have only been heard in novels]

[Games affect reality. I dare not write like this in novels. 】

[I have some research in psychology and biology. From a scientific point of view, this situation is possible.A person's state of mind can be adjusted by using potential psychological hints; reasonable use of electromagnetic waves can affect a person's IQ to a certain extent from a biological point of view.It's just that as far as I know, with the current technology of our country, it is impossible to achieve the effect mentioned by the two great gods just now. 】

[Since there is a scientific basis, is the technology used in the hegemony a hidden trick of our country? 】

[I'm going, if you put it this way, the country is behind this game company! 】

[It's really possible, have you forgotten the large-scale images in the game? If it weren't for someone behind the scenes, Baye wouldn't be able to pass the trial at all due to the urgency of Radio and Television. 】

[They are all talents, and the truth is restored in just a few words.From this point of view, this game should be made to improve the overall quality of our Chinese. 】

[No, is it already a stone hammer?Can cultivating in Baye really improve IQ and xinxing? 】

[No, why do the people upstairs always say "no"? 】

[I'm afraid, maybe, maybe, maybe, it should be true, it's all true]

[It's terrible, this is definitely a Genesis game, when will the next closed beta qualification be released, I want my son to play it too! 】

[There is no one before, no one to come after, we are all witnesses of miracles. 】

[Game-blind advice, my son is a senior in high school this year, is it still too late to join the game? 】


[Could it be that the upstairs is the legendary utilitarian parent? 】

[Pfft~ Please forgive me for not holding back, did the parents of the third year of high school ask their son to play games? 】

[It's over, I must have not woken up, I have to play the game again to catch up on sleep. 】

The conjecture of [Dog Shit Doesn’t Tasty When It’s Cold] became popular all over the country. Within a day, various social software and websites were discussing "Xiaoyao Baye", and even the servers of many websites crashed.

It turned out that people who only knew a little about Ba Ye, heard that playing games can actually improve their IQ and improve their personality.Although most of them didn't believe it in their hearts, they couldn't help but checked the information of Ba Ye.

This investigation is remarkable, and many Chinese feel that they have discovered a new continent, that they have discovered something extraordinary.

"Xiaoyao Hegemony" has truly become a game for all, and the number of cloud players waiting for the internal test qualification has rapidly increased from more than 1000 million to more than 2 million, and this number will continue to rise continuously.

At the same time, the news quickly spread to Kyoto.

An old man with white hair and childlike face looked at the report in his hand, and his face showed joy: "This should be the first benefit."

The balding middle-aged man was also quite excited: "Commander, you really have the foresight, and it is really the right choice to cooperate with the expert in that different space!"

Li Xiaoyao also found this post on Black Mountain, and he was full of doubts: "Little boy, does this phenomenon really happen?"

The little boy said, "They guessed right!"

According to Xiaotong's explanation, although Xiaotong only summoned the true spirit of Guapi disciple, but practicing in the spirit world, the true spirit will also be nourished by spiritual energy to some extent.

For people in the spirit world, this kind of nourishment may not be worth mentioning.But the melon pi kingdom is a dharma-ending world, and even a little aura can cause miraculous changes.So it is not surprising that these melon skin disciples who have been nourished by spiritual energy have caused a series of obvious changes after returning to the melon skin kingdom.

Li Xiaoyao didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, but it's a good thing, after all, the melon skins can get real benefits, so naturally they have more motivation to join the Xiaoyao faction.

Li Xiaoyao suddenly discovered that this [shit is not tasty when it's cold] is really his lucky star, he is simply his propaganda ambassador in the Guapi Kingdom!
At this time, Li Xiaoyao felt a tiny spiritual power appear from the void, suddenly submerged into his body, and merged into his sea of ​​qi.At the same time, Li Xiaoyao's own spiritual power also improved a little because of this small amount of spiritual power.

"What's going on?" Li Xiaoyao was stunned.

Although this spiritual power is a drop in the bucket for his own improvement, but in a place like Montenegro, if Li Xiaoyao wants to cultivate this spiritual power from the heaven and the earth, it will take a month.

The little boy congratulated and said: "My lord, your Guapi disciple killed the first monster for you! The spiritual power just now is [-]% of the energy obtained from the transformation of the dead monster."

Is there already a melon skin that can kill Warcraft?
Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao's eyes showed joy.

He knows that if there is the first, there will be the second, and there will be thousands and thousands of others in the future.

Although a strand of spiritual power is small, it accumulates into a tower, and Li Xiaoyao seems to see a day when his cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds in the future.

"I want a big reward!" Li Xiaoyao waved his hand and immediately rushed to the scene of the death of the monster.

Four hours ago, in a cave halfway up Montenegro.

The nine players of the "Defiant Gang" have all gathered.

The leader of the gang [before your father died] sat in the middle and said: "[Poetry] I have finally broken through to the Qi refining stage today, and the nine members of our gang have all become masters of Qi refining."

[An Hong, I miss you] His eyes lit up: "What should I say, brothers, shouldn't it be time to start a monster?"

[So handsome that he wants to commit suicide] said loudly: "Just do it, I've already disliked that devil wolf!"

[Poetry Talking] also nodded: "We have nine qi refining periods, can't we still beat it, a demon wolf?"

Everyone is gearing up and ready to work hard.

[Before your father died] began the tactical arrangement. Since they had the experience of fighting against the magic wolf before, the first target they chose was still the magic wolf.

He chose the third most mature plan before, which was [An Hong, I miss you] to lure the magic wolf, and then the other eight people would sneak attack from the side.

Not only that, [Before your father died] also perfected this tactic, after he failed last time, he looked up many weaknesses about wolves.

[Before your father died] commanded: "Everyone remember, when sneak attacking, aim at the nose and waist of the demon wolf. These two places are his most vulnerable places. And this time we will no longer use stones in the sneak attack. , This is the weapon I have prepared."

Said, [Before your father died] took out eight daggers, said to be daggers, but in fact they were sharp stone tools that he had ground with the iron ore obtained from the previous activity missions, not only did not have the dagger handle in his hand, but even The blade is not very sharp either.

But in a place like Montenegro, it would be nice to have a weapon to use.

The rest of the people took the dagger in their hands, and the attribute map of the dagger immediately appeared in front of them.

[Weapon Name: Inferior Dagger]

[Weapon quality: Not popular. 】

[Weapon introduction: The inferior weapon made of iron ore by "before your father died" may have no other advantages except that it is a little harder than tofu. 】

[Weapon bonus: Maybe a little bit better than unarmed. 】

(End of this chapter)

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