Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 101: Zhang Kui's Tactics

Chapter 101: Zhang Kui's Tactics

Su Chengyun looked at the other people on the ring, only to see that Feng Jue and Cheng Kui were fighting fiercely, the two occupied a corner of the ring, and walked a strong line.

Shangguan Youyue is fighting a sword with a young man, her sword moves are light and elegant, while the young man's sword is tricky and fierce, Shangguan Youyue seems to be struggling.

But Jin Duoduo's opponent is more interesting. Jin Duoduo likes to fight with bare hands, but the boy is desperately hiding, not wanting to let Jin Duoduo get on his body.

Su Chengyun couldn't help laughing when he saw Jin Duoduo with black lines all over his head. The boy was so afraid of Jin Duoduo's bad luck that he didn't dare to let her touch him.

And Jin Duoduo is also a difficult master, if you don't let her get in touch with her, she will ruthlessly greet him, and the young man ran away from the ring for a while.

Although the young man had a sword in his hand, when he was about to strike, Jin Duoduo did not avoid it, and the young man did not dare to cut it down. The rules of the game are that no one can be killed.

Jin Duoduo took advantage of the loopholes in the competition rules and used this almost rogue method to force the boy to abandon his sword.

Su Chengyun could only think of the grievance in the young man's heart. When he met a scoundrel like Jin Duoduo, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Looking at Momo again, he is seriously fighting against a strong young man. The young man looks really strong. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he looks full of explosive power, as strong as a calf.

I saw the young man throwing a sledgehammer at Mo Mo, and Mo Mo dodged past, circling the young man from the side.

The young man was more than brave, but not dexterous. Momo soon discovered this, and never confronted the young man head-on, but used his dexterous body to strike sideways and attack him from time to time.

Su Chengyun didn't expect that Mo Mo had learned to use tactics, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that Mo Qiling must have taught him.

This Mo Qiling is really a character, he has taught Mo Mo so well in a short period of time, and his combat power has not only increased by a level.

Su Chengyun didn't make a move, but smiled and watched several people fight.

Mo Mo was the first to tell the result. I saw Mo Mo juggling a flower gun, and the boy accidentally fell off the ring because he couldn't hold back his strength.

Mo Mo wiped off the sweat from his head, and came to Su Chengyun's side with a smile.

"Susu, Mo Mo won!"

Seeing that Mo Mo was still sweating, Su Chengyun took out a handkerchief to help him wipe it off, and praised him.

"Mo Mo, you are awesome!"

"Susu, Momo will work hard, and Momo will protect Susu in the future!" Momo said with a smile.

Su Chengyun smiled.

"Susu, what Mo Mo said is true! Qi Qi said that Mo Mo is a man and Su Su is a girl, and a man must protect a girl, so Mo Mo must protect Su Su!" Mo Mo hurriedly said.

Mo Qiling actually taught Mo Mo like this.

"Susu, you believe in Mo Mo, Mo Mo will definitely be able to do it!" Seeing that Su Chengyun was silent, Mo Mo said hastily.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Momo, don't worry, I didn't say I don't believe you!"



Momo finally smiled again.

"Haha, Cheng Kui, two of you have already been kicked out of the ring, if you go down one more, you will lose!" Feng Jue laughed.

Cheng Kui had a stern face, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

His team is not weak, why was it defeated so easily.

Cheng Kui couldn't understand it.

"Feng Jue, don't be complacent, who knows what the result will be until the end, maybe you will lose!" Cheng Kui snorted coldly.They only lost two people. As long as the remaining people are stable, it is not that there is no hope of victory.

"Hey, you just have to be stubborn, you are obviously losing, and you still talk nonsense!" Feng Jue replied mercilessly, Cheng Kui must have underestimated the combat power of Su Xiaomei and the others, otherwise he would not think so.

"As long as I, Cheng Kui, stand here, we will not lose!" Cheng Kui's voice was firm.

Feng Jue laughed when he heard the words: "Hey, it's a pity that we are competing in a group battle, not an individual battle! Cheng Kui, you can't control the battle situation by yourself!" He believed Su Xiaomei, and did not see that Su Xiaomei and Mo Mo were chatting Well, their team is confident.

Cheng Kui was not annoyed, but the corners of his mouth curled up: "Then you can see if I, Cheng Kui, can change the world!" No one can stop what Cheng Kui is going to do, not even Feng Jue, who is known as a "lunatic".

"Hehe, you still want to counterattack? With me in the wind, it's just a dream!"

"Whether it's a dream or not, just try it!"

"Okay, then I will wait and see!" He wanted to see how Cheng Kui was against the sky.

Cheng Kui snorted coldly, wrapped up the sword flowers by his wrists, and went towards Feng Jue Gong.

Feng Jue greeted him with a loud laugh.

The two exchanged more than a dozen swords, stabbing at each other one after another, and then separated.

And Cheng Kui's eyes lit up.

It's now!

Cheng Kui looked at Jin Duoduo in front of him, and Jin Duoduo was struggling to chase the boy in front of him.

With a kick on Cheng Kui's feet, he rushed towards Jin Duoduo like an arrow off the string.

"Duo Duo, be careful!" Su Chengyun didn't expect this change, and hastily yelled, her side is far away from that side, beyond reach.

Be careful?


The corner of Cheng Kui's mouth curled up, and he swung his palm towards Jin Duoduo.

Jin Duoduo just heard Su Chengyun's reminder, and before he could see the figure clearly, he felt a pain in his shoulder, and his whole body flew up.

"A lot!" Shangguan Youyue also shouted anxiously.

It's over, I'm lagging behind!

At this time, Jin Duoduo only had this thought in his mind.

Just as she was closing her eyes and preparing to face the pain of falling off the ring, she suddenly felt a strong kick from a steady and powerful foot. She spun around and flew towards the inside of the ring in an ugly posture. What she heard was a sword Intersecting sounds.

"Wow, it hurts!"

Jin Duoduo rubbed his arm that hurt from the fall, slowly opened his eyes, turned his head and saw that the one who kicked her was Feng Jue, whom she hated so much, and he acted as if nothing had happened to her after kicking her, without even looking at her.

"This lunatic!" Jin Duoduo was furious in his heart, he didn't know how to catch her, he had to kick her so that she would be ashamed in front of so many people.

Feng Jue stabbed at Cheng Kui with a sword, Cheng Kui smiled strangely, after a false move, his body quickly backed away, and went towards Jin Duoduo again.

Seeing this, Feng Jue yelled at Jin Duoduo: "Shobaxing, what are you still doing?"

Jin Duoduo didn't expect Cheng Kui to attack her again, so he hurriedly started to escape.

Seeing that Cheng Kui was about to catch up with Jin Duoduo, Feng Jue rushed over and struck Cheng Kui with his palm.

"Haha, I can let you stop me once, can I make you stop me a second time?" Cheng Kui laughed and gave him a slap, but he also used this rebound to get closer to Jin Duoduo. A sword is about to stab Jin Duoduo.

"Broom star, get down!" Feng Jue yelled. Jin Duoduo, who was running away anxiously, was already sweating profusely. I didn't want to rush forward.

Cheng Kui's sword missed, and he was about to strike again, but with a ping sound, Feng Jue's sword rushed over and blocked the sword.

"Cheng Kui, your opponent is me!" Feng Jue said.

"Haha, Feng Jue, I want to see how you save this man from me!"

Seeing that Cheng Kui was determined to fight him with Jin Duoduo, his eyes burst into flames.

"Feng Jue, let's take the move!" Cheng Kui chased Jin Duoduo again after swiping two swords.

Jin Duoduo gritted his teeth angrily, and his face was extremely ugly. This Cheng Kui was crazy, and he just chased her.But the more flustered he was, the more Jin Duoduo made mistakes, his feet became unsteady and he fell down.

"Haha, God help me!" Cheng Kui laughed when he saw this.

"Cheng Kui, I, Feng, will never let you succeed!" Feng Jue kicked his feet, and rushed towards Cheng Kui, Cheng Kui was forced back several steps.

Feng Jue moved lightly, and soon came to Jin Duoduo's side. With a hook and a flick of his foot, Jin Duoduo was thrown far away in a parabola.

"Feng Jue, you bastard! You villain!" Jin Duo slammed and fell to the ground violently, her eyes piercing Feng Jue's face like knives.

Feng Jue's face darkened, he really didn't know good from bad.

Originally wanted to reply a few words, but seeing Cheng Kui attacking, he had to swallow back what he was going to say and went up to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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