Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 105 Mr. Mingyi Appears

Chapter 105 Mr. Mingyi Appears
"It seems that we have a lot of enemies!" Jin Duoduo concluded.

Shangguan Youyue also had a sad look on her face: "Yes, if someone doesn't want us to pass, it's easy to play tricks!"

Seeing that the two of them were depressed, Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Don't be so pessimistic. Could it be that just a random person can beat you to the ground? Don't you underestimate yourself too much!"

"What underestimation, I know my own affairs!" Jin Duoduo murmured, knowing how much she weighed.

"Chengyun, I also want to believe in myself, but when I think that there are many enemies and there will always be stronger ones, I can't help but worry!" Shangguan Youyue said.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Su Chengyun hated iron for being weak and said: "You are here to grow others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige. Be timid before fighting. This is the biggest taboo in fighting. You say, you can fight in such a state. Have you passed three levels?"

Jin Duoduo bit his lips when he wanted to say something, and Shangguan Youyue lowered his head.

Su Chengyun turned his head and asked Mo Mo beside him: "Mo Mo, are you afraid?"

Mo Mo shook his head: "Don't be afraid, Su Su is not afraid, Mo Mo is even less afraid! Qiqi said that Mo Mo is very strong, and when you meet a strong man, you only need to be braver than him!"

Su Chengyun looked at Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo again, and sighed: "You two are not as good as Mo Mo, Mo Mo knows that when you meet in a narrow road, the brave wins! You two..."

Su Chengyun's outstretched hand withdrew again.

"Hey..." She sighed again. It's not easy to do psychological work. Could it be that she needs to find a role model to stimulate these two.

"Chengyun, Duoduo and I know what you mean, we will do our best!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"Just trying your best is not enough, you have to go all out!" Su Chengyun said.

"Don't put too much pressure on you. You can watch other people's games now, and then wait two hours to participate. There should be more strong players in the ring."

Jin Duoduo opened his puzzled eyes and asked, "Chengyun, how do you know that there are many strong players in the ring?"

"Hey, there is a word called visual fatigue!"

Visual fatigue?

Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo looked at each other.

"I got it!" Shangguan Youyue clapped her palms, "There are a lot of people in today's competition, and those who enter the ring at the beginning will leave a deep impression on the academy leaders and spectators, while the subsequent cookie-cutter battles won't have the same effect as the beginning , unless you stand out!"

Su Chengyun nodded appreciatively: "Not bad, and they are confident enough!"

Jin Duoduo said after listening: "It turns out that this is also about strategy. Why don't we go to the ring at the end?"



Su Chengyun and Shangguan Youyue said at the same time, Jin Duoduo was taken aback, and looked at the two suspiciously.

"You Yue, tell me!"

"Duoduo, it is estimated that many people think like you, so you may not be able to grab the ring in the end, and the final competition may be very tragic. Many people will have the last chance and will work hard. Do you think you can fight hard? pass them."

Jin Duoduo stuck out his tongue when he heard the words.

"Also, some big-hearted and strong will find the right opportunity to have a grand finale!"

"It's too complicated! I didn't expect a small trial competition to be so complicated! Chengyun, Youyue, how did you think of it?"

Hearing this, Su Chengyun pointed his finger and said with a smile: "Use your brain, you can think of it too!"

Shangguan Youyue covered her small mouth and smiled.

"Hmph, it's up to you!" Jin Duoduo glanced away, making Su Chengyun and the others burst into laughter.

Suddenly there was a commotion not far away.

"Master Mingyi is here!"

"Master Mingyi is about to make a move, everyone come and see!"

"Master Mingyi..."

"Master Mingyi..."

"Nan Mingyi is going to play, I don't know who his opponent is!" Jin Duoduo gloated at the corners of his mouth.

Su Chengyun looked at Jin Duoduo's face and said, "Duoduo, is it really okay for you to gloat like this?"

"Ah...Chengyun!" Jin Duoduo was speechless.

Shangguan Youyue stepped forward with a smile: "Chengyun, let's go and have a look too!"

Before Su Chengyun could speak, Jin Duoduo said, "What are you looking at? Is Nan Mingyi's opponent begging for mercy?"

This time Shangguan Youyue couldn't stand it anymore: "Duoduo, how do you know that he is begging for mercy, not fighting hard!"

Jin Duoduo rolled his eyes: "Isn't this obvious? Who can win Nan Mingyi, it's better to just admit defeat and save your energy to challenge again!"

"Uh... makes sense!" Shangguan Youyue still felt something strange.

Su Chengyun smiled: "I bet that person won't admit defeat!"

"Why?" Jin Duoduo and Shangguan Youyue both looked over.

Su Chengyun pursed his lips and smiled to change the subject: "Come on, let's go and have a look!"

"Chengyun, you haven't said anything yet!"

"Go and realize it yourself!" Su Chengyun threw down a sentence and pulled Mo Mo towards the direction of the crowd.

"Let's go, let's go too!" Shangguan Youyue pulled Jin Duoduo and chased after him.

A lot of people have gathered here, not only here, but also over the auditorium.

And the voices one after another are also very enthusiastic, such as.

"Master Mingyi, you are the most handsome!"

"Master Mingyi, I love you!"


There were quite a few screaming women, as if they met Mr. Ming Yi, the women's reserve was also thrown away.

Su Chengyun had to sigh, the popularity of Mr. Mingyi is really high!
The arena was set up very high, Su Chengyun and the others could see it clearly even if they were at the back.

I saw Young Master Mingyi smiling and waving his hands to greet the people in the audience, while another slightly chubby boy on the stage stood holding a sword with a sullen expression, but his back was straight.

This boy is not bad!
Just when everyone was looking at Mr. Ming Yi, Su Chengyun turned his attention to the young man.

While Su Chengyun was observing the young man, suddenly the field fell silent. Su Chengyun looked around, and it turned out that it was Mr. Ming Yi who waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

I saw Mr. Mingyi looked around the audience for a moment, and said with a smile: "I, Nan Mingyi, will not use any spiritual power skills in the selection competition today, please bear witness!"

"Ah, so handsome!"

"Ah, so strong!"

The woman's scream sounded again.

"What is Nan Mingyi doing?" Jin Duoduo pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Young master Ming Yi is confident!" A woman in front seemed to have heard Jin Duoduo's words and turned to give Jin Duoduo a dissatisfied look, "Master Ming Yi's name can be called by anyone, please call Ming Yi Young Master." The woman turned her head away after she finished speaking.

Jin Duoduo stabbed the woman with his eyes, and was about to curse, but was stopped by Shangguan Youyue.

"Duo Duo, don't be impulsive!"

"I'm impulsive?" Jin Duoduo pointed to his nose, "I, Jin Duoduo, don't need them to teach me a lesson. Nan Mingyi has no objection, so why should they dictate?"

"Duoduo!" Shangguan Youyue hastily covered Jin Duoduo's mouth, "If you want to be sprayed by Mr. Mingyi's fanatical fans, we will not help you!"

"You..." Jin Duoduo took Shangguan Youyue's hand with great difficulty, but he didn't know what to say after hearing the words.

"If you don't want to hear rumors in the streets and alleys tomorrow that a woman is jealous of Mr. Mingyi's pursuits and even fights with Mr. Mingyi's pursuers, then you can continue!" Su Chengyun said coolly.

"Who, who is jealous?" Jin Duoduo said dissatisfied with his neck.

"We know, but others don't know!" Su Chengyun said.

Jin Duoduo bit his lip and snorted coldly: "It's cheap for her!"

(End of this chapter)

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