Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 120 Dance on the Wire

Chapter 120 Dance on the Wire
Su Chengyun glanced at the eighteen agencies scattered on the ground, clapped his hands, turned around and continued walking forward.

The front was originally the end of the tunnel, but when Su Chengyun defeated the Eighteen Tricksters, the scenery in front of him also appeared. A steel wire about [-] meters long came into view, and the steel wire was hanging in the air. It was five meters above the ground.

Su Chengyun stared at the thin and long steel wire, it seemed that this time he was going to walk on the high wire.

Tightrope walking is a very simple matter for practitioners, but it is difficult to say what will happen in this short distance of [-] meters.

Su Chengyun put his eyes on the walls on both sides, pulled out the dagger from his boots, and put it in front of his body, before stepping on the steel wire with his right foot.

Su Chengyun walked very carefully and slowly.

After walking less than five meters, arrows shot like awns from the walls on both sides. Fortunately, Su Chengyun was well prepared, and saw her feet firmly on the steel wire, and the dagger in her hand was waving airtightly. , The flying arrows were shot down one by one, but also because of the movement of the hand, the steel wire also began to shake.

Looking at the non-stop flying arrows, Su Chengyun suddenly felt that the flying arrows were endless.

No, you can't sit still!
A flying arrow was shot at his right leg, Su Chengyun took advantage of the situation and took a step forward, dodging the flying arrow.


Su Chengyun walked forward while flying the dagger, and the flying arrow finally stopped after walking about five meters.

But Su Chengyun still didn't dare to take it lightly at this time, she took a deep breath and walked forward cautiously again.

Before he walked a few steps, he heard two bangs, the walls on both sides opened, and two gusts of wind blew over without warning.

Su Chengyun took precautions in time, but was still swept by the sudden gust of wind, and her whole body tilted downwards. Fortunately, she grabbed the steel wire and did not fall.

Although there is only a distance of five meters below, even if you fall down, you will not be injured if you stretch out your hands, but Nancang Academy will never kindly let anyone who falls down get up and continue. To start over, but there is absolutely not enough time.

The palms of the thin steel wires hurt endlessly, and the blowing of the huge wind made her dangling body shake continuously. Su Chengyun took advantage of the wind to insert the dagger into the boots, and as soon as he exerted force on his legs, his feet were also entangled on the steel wires .

Su Chengyun did not move rashly, but felt the change of the wind. Taking advantage of the downwind, her feet were tightly wrapped around the steel wire, and her body swung forward, grabbing the steel wire with both hands, thus moving a person forward. distance, and then followed the wind to swing forward with both feet.

After walking alternately several times, finally there was no wind. Su Chengyun stepped on the steel wire again, and when he looked back, he had traveled half the distance.

There are still 50 meters.

Su Chengyun continued to walk forward.

However, the walls on both sides were compressed towards the middle at a visible speed.

"not good!"

Su Chengyun screamed in his heart, and his whole body flew forward on the steel wire like an arrow off the string.

She has to get through the rest of the way before the walls merge together.

Su Chengyun was walking fast, but suddenly a few trappers appeared on the wire in front of him.

"Go away!" Su Chengyun yelled, and continued to rush forward without stopping.

When meeting the first organist, Su Chengyun's attack was simple and rude, and quickly kicked the organist down.

Su Chengyun continued to rush towards the second organ man, but the coercion of the walls on both sides made her dare not hold back.

With two bangs, the organ man fell down.

Next is the third, fourth... eighth...

There are still ten meters left, and there are two organs.

But the walls on both sides have been compressed to only one meter.

No, too slow, hurry up!
Su Chengyun increased his speed.

The ninth organ has fallen!
The tenth official.

"So strong!" Su Chengyun didn't expect that the last organist was much stronger than the first nine, and she didn't break through the organist's defense for a while.

Seeing the walls on both sides pressing down, Su Chengyun gritted his teeth, turned his hands into knives, and attacked the weak point of the organ man.

"Brother Qiu, can that girl pass the final test?" Shangguan Bingning asked with an eyebrow.

"Hey, this last organ man is strong when he meets the strong, the girl has thought about the difficulties!" Qiu Tianqi said with a smile.

Shangguan Bing shook his head: "Brother Qiu, I said that your design is too unreasonable. The last level should be the most difficult. You just designed it so that the strong can't pass it, and the weak can easily pass it!"

"Shangguan, you don't understand. The last level is based on the will of the passer-by. If the passer-by has the will of the strong, then the combat power of the last organist will become stronger. If the passer just wants to pass the level and the strong If the will is not strong, then the combat power of the wardens will also be low."

"So that's how it is! It seems that the little girl has a strong will! She is no better than Nan Zizi!" Shangguan Bing said.

"Hey, boy Nan is actually a bit inferior to little girl. Boy Nan didn't do as well as little girl when he broke through the level for the first time!"

Shangguan Bingwen looked at Qiu Tianqi, and said seriously: "Brother Qiu, boy Nan is very good, so don't be picky anymore!"

"Hey, I didn't say boy Nan is bad, it's just that he owes someone to suppress him!"

Shangguan Bing was speechless!

There is such a master in the world who always hopes that his disciples will be suppressed.

"Ah, the girl broke through!" Qiu Tianqi yelled loudly, and Shangguan Bing hurriedly looked at the big screen.

I saw Su Chengyun narrowly escaped from the steel wire at the moment when the two walls collided, and landed on the ground.

Su Chengyun patted his chest.

It’s too thrilling!

If it is slower, it will be sandwiched into a meatloaf.

Su Chengyun glanced back, then continued to walk forward.

This time, after more than ten steps, a light appeared in front of him. If you look carefully, it looks very much like the entrance you just entered.

Is it an exit, customs clearance?
Su Chengyun hesitated for a moment, then walked steadily towards the light.

His eyes lit up, the sky was big and the earth was big, it turned out that it was really an exit, and now he was back on the ring.

"Congratulations! Next one, please enter!" the referee said.

Su Chengyun smiled at the referee, and walked down the ring.

Su Chengyun ignored the hot envious eyes from all around, but walked towards the No. 77 ring through the crowd.

She promised Mo Mo that she would go to find him after the end.

Before he reached the No. 77 ring, he saw Mo Mo's tall figure.

"Susu!" Mo Mo ran two steps quickly, grinning at Su Chengyun, "Susu, Mo Mo knew you would come!"

fool!He had been waiting for her.

"Momo, what's the date?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Oh, NO.30 to NO.40 are inside!" Momo replied.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Let's go ahead and wait, don't miss it!"

"Well, Momo listens to Susu!"

"Momo, why don't you ask me if I have successfully cleared the level!" Su Chengyun asked with a smile as he walked forward.

"Susu will definitely pass!" Mo Mo smiled innocently, and his tone was full of trust and determination.

This Momo!

Su Chengyun shook his head.

She originally wanted to tell Momo about the situation of the formation, but she gave up the idea after thinking about it.

Although Ji Lao didn't say that he couldn't disclose it, he didn't say he could.

After all, it would be unfair to other passers-by if it was revealed.

How could Nancang Academy allow such a situation to happen? Maybe both she and Mo Mo would be disqualified.

Then things exploded.

It's better not to take risks!

Furthermore, she believes that Momo can also pass the customs successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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