Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 126 Tracking

Chapter 126 Tracking
Su Chengyun and Mo Mo hid on a tall tree, parting the leaves to peek.

Not far from the big tree, two men in black were chasing and intercepting six boys and girls, who were desperately trying to break through.

"Little prey, just admit defeat obediently when you encounter us hunters, and don't try to escape!" The grinning voice of a hunter floated into Su Chengyun's ears along the wind, followed by the folding of a boy and a girl. damage.

"Everyone split up and flee!" A young man shouted, taking the lead in choosing a direction.

But he was faster than the man in black and instantly blocked the way out.

"It's a bit courageous, what a pity!" The man in black shook his head, and struck out with a palm, the boy's body shone with a golden light.

"No!" The boy's voice was still in the air, but the man had already disappeared in place.

"Ah..." A girl couldn't stand the continuously damaged atmosphere, she yelled frantically, and wanted to run away regardless, but was kicked out by another man in black.

There are two left!

"Susu, they are almost finished!" Mo Mo whispered.

Su Chengyun: "Shh, let's just watch the show!"

Mo Mo nodded vigorously.

The two teenagers were kicked out of the game without even holding up ten moves.

Su Chengyun shook his head, six people against two, the whole army was wiped out.

This is the third time I have seen it since I met Momo. It seems that hunters are already active, and they must be careful, and they must not repeat the mistakes of those people.

"Haha, yes, I didn't expect these little guys to have a lot of jade badges!" A man in black laughed.

"Not good, the jade tokens have exceeded the limit, we have to send some back!" The voice of another man in black was slightly steady.

"Haha, I'll send it off, and take a look at other people's records by the way! I leave it to you!"

"Chu Liang, be careful on the road, be careful not to be killed by prey!" The steady man in black did not forget to confess.

The man in black rolled his eyes, and waved his hands without turning his head: "You think I'm that guy Wang Wu, and I was wiped out as soon as I came up. It's really embarrassing to us hunters!"

The rest of the men in black looked at Chu Liang's back as he walked further and further away, and shook their heads helplessly and left.

"Damn, cooperating with me, Wang Wu, has become a negative teaching material in Chu Liang's eyes!" In a wide hall, a young man walked around anxiously rubbing his hands.

"Wang Wu, stop spinning, we're dizzy!"

"Yang Tian, ​​you say that there is someone like Chu Liang who blatantly slanders!" Wang Wu asked excitedly, grabbing the hand of Yang Tian who had just spoken.

"Wang Wu, let go, who told you to be the first to be killed by the prey? If Chu Liang doesn't use you as a negative example, why should he use us who are latecomers?" Yang Tiandao.

"Yang Tian, ​​you..." Wang Wu stared at Yang Tian for a long time, let go of his hand and said, "Yang Tian, ​​you are the second to be kicked out of the game, you are so proud of yourself !"

Yang Tian didn't follow the words: "Wang Wu, take a good look at my face, there is a little pride in this face!"

"Okay, stop arguing, it's embarrassing enough to be kicked out, and you're arguing endlessly, do you have any shame! Also, it's better to think about how to deal with Ji Lao's punishment here, Ji Lao can advance Having said that, if we lose too badly, it proves that we are too bad, and we will all be remade!" An older youth stood up and said.

Wang Wu and Yang Tian lowered their heads in shame.

"Sit down and watch carefully!" The older youth ordered, Wang Wu and Yang Tian obediently did their best, and looked at the big screen in front of them.

"Wang Wu, let me ask you, who kicked you out? Could it be that you met Nan Mingyi? If you were kicked out by Nan Mingyi, it's really justifiable." Yang Tian abandoned the previous argument, and gossiped. .

Wang Wu smiled wryly: "It would be fine if I met Nan Mingyi, I wouldn't be so ashamed, after all, if I control my cultivation to the level of a spiritual master, there are really not many who can defeat Nan Mingyi!"

"That's true, but who is it?" Yang Tian continued to ask.

"Oh, it's a little girl!"

"Little girl?"

"Yes, I saw her coming just now, waiting for me to look for it!" After Wang Wu finished speaking, he glanced at the big screen and kept searching.

"Hey, Chu Liang has two tails growing behind him, but he didn't notice it at all!" Yang Tian exclaimed suddenly.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Wang Wu couldn't care less about looking for the little girl, so he read Chu Liang's jokes first.

"Hey, it's that little girl!" Wang Wu said in surprise, pointing to a tail on the big screen.

"Which little girl?" Yang Tian asked stupidly.

"Stupid, of course it's the little girl who kicked me out, haven't we been discussing about that little girl!" Wang Wu rolled his eyelids.

"Ah, this little girl kicked you out? Such a skinny little girl, Wang Wu, are you waterproof?" Yang Tian glanced suspiciously at Wang Wu.

Wang Wu waved his hands dumbfounded: "Go, go, how dare I let the water go!"

Yang Tian grinned: "Wang Wu, seriously, is that little girl really that strong?"

"Of course!" Wang Wu held his head up, it wasn't because he was lying, the little girl was really strong.

"I know that little girl, she and Nan Mingyi had a tie!" A person next to him interrupted.


Both Wang Wu and Yang Tian looked at the person who spoke in surprise.

"I'm not mistaken, it's her!" the man said.

"No wonder!" Wang Wu shook his head, no wonder he was kicked out.

Yang Tian tilted his head and said with a smile: "Wang Wu, I didn't expect you to encounter difficulties as soon as you came up. It's no wonder that you were kicked out first!"

Wang Wu glared at Yang Tian: "Yang Tian, ​​you have to mention the fact that I was kicked out!" It's really uncomfortable to be the first, not to mention being used as a negative example, and to be compared by the latecomers.

"Hey, hey!" Yang Tian laughed dryly, pointing to the big screen and said, "The little girl is so powerful, Wang Wu, tell me, will Chu Liang follow in your footsteps?"

"I'm no match for that little girl, not even Chu Liang!" Wang Wu raised his eyebrows, but he frowned again after speaking, "Yang Tian, ​​why don't you say they didn't do anything?"

Hearing this, Yang Tian stared at Wang Wu's face and said, "Wang Wu, do you wish that Chu Liang would be kicked out immediately, and you two would be kicked out by one person, so Chu Liang wouldn't dare to laugh at you anymore!"

"Ahem, Yang Tian, ​​am I, Wang Wu, that kind of person?" Wang Wu glared at him, and then said, "That little girl has the ability to kill Chu Liang, but she hasn't done it all the time, and she followed secretly, so you don't doubt it. ?”

"Ah, not good!" The previously stable young man slammed the table in front of him, frightening the people around him.

"Teacher Qi Jun, what's wrong?" Wang Wu came back to his senses and asked.

Qi Jun stared at the big screen, and said worriedly: "Do you remember where Chu Liang is going?"

Where are you going?

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and at the end one or two of them widened their eyes in shock when they remembered.

"Base camp!"

"Base camp?"

"That's right, Chu Liang is going back to the base camp to hand over the jade token!" Qi Jun said.

"Then..." Everyone else stared at the big screen after hearing the words.

Seeing Chu Liang leisurely walking towards the base camp, he even picked up a small prey in a particularly good mood, but he didn't notice the two tails behind him.

"Doesn't this Chu Liang have a head? He doesn't even know he's being followed."

"It's not that you don't know about Chu Liang's personality. He loves to show off. He must be only concerned about how to go back and show off, and he doesn't care about what's behind him."

"If someone knows the location of the base camp, then..."

"If someone takes Chu Liang to the base camp, I will definitely find Chu Liang desperately!"

"Count me in!"

"Count me in!"


(End of this chapter)

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