Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 129 Why Nobody Came to Rob

Chapter 129 Why Nobody Came to Rob

"Susu, there is a fight ahead!"

"Momo, let's go and have a look!"

The two walked towards the direction of the fight, and saw several people besieging a girl from a distance, and the accessories on the girl's body emitted a dazzling light from time to time.

"Ah, it's Jin Duoduo!" Su Chengyun exclaimed, except that Jin Duoduo had so many jewels on his body, she really couldn't think of another person.

"Susu, should we help?"

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, someone has already taken action!"

"Where is it?" Mo Mo craned his neck to look, just in time to see the beautiful boy in green clothes jumping down from the tree and joining the battle group.

"Wow, Susu, it's Fengjue!" Mo Mo shouted after seeing the man clearly.

Su Chengyun nodded, it was indeed Fengjue.

"Let's go there too!" Su Chengyun said.

"it is good!"

Feng Jue's combat strength is still astonishing, before Su Chengyun and Mo Mo have reached the battlefield, Feng Jue has already eliminated them all.

"Feng Jue, thank you!" Jin Duoduo excitedly thanked Feng Jue.

"You don't have to thank me, who let them disturb my rest!"

"Ah, rest?"

"That's right, I'm resting on that tree!" Feng Jue pointed to the big tree that he just jumped off.

Jin Duoduo looked at the tree Feng Jue pointed at, and it was really very close, less than ten meters away.

"Feng Jue, so you've been watching the show all the time?" Jin Duoduo's eyes drifted away. She had been fighting with those people for a long time, and Feng Jue had been on the tree and didn't help him. It was really embarrassing.

"So two kittens and puppies, I thought you could win, but it turns out..." Feng Jue sighed.

Jin Duoduo bit his lip, and just said she was bad.

"Feng Jue, are you still angry with me?" Jin Duoduo looked up.

"No!" Feng Jue's eyes flashed.

Jin Duoduo complained: "You lie, if you don't care, why didn't you help me in the first place, and still saw my jokes?"

"Really not, if Feng Jue says there is no, then there will be no. Jin Duoduo, don't mess around!" Feng Jue waved his hand, the woman has a small stomach, it is really troublesome.

"Am I messing around?" Jin Duoduo pointed to his nose, "Feng Jue, can you talk about responsibility, why am I messing around?"

Feng Jue sighed: "You said you didn't mess around, so tell me, Jin Duoduo, what are you doing now?"

"I...I'm reasoning with you!" Jin Duoduo said.

"Hehe, I've already told you, if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do!" Feng Jue shrugged.

"Feng Jue, you..." Jin Duoduo bit his lip and didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter?" Su Chengyun's voice sounded at the right time.

Feng Jue's eyes lit up: "Miss Su! And Momo! Why are you together?" Feng Jue glanced suspiciously at the two of them.

Mo Mo pursed his lips, and stood forward, blocking Feng Jue's view of Su Chengyun: "Why can't Mo Mo and Su Su be together?" Ink is here.

"Hey, I said something wrong, of course you can be together!" Feng Jue said hastily, this Mo Mo is a stubborn donkey.But seeing the intimacy between Su Chengyun and Mo Mo, why does he feel sour.

Su Chengyun smiled: "We also met not long ago! It's you, what's going on? Duoduo, why are you so sullen that Feng Jue bullied you?"

Jin Duoduo glared at Feng Jue, then shook his head: "He dares!"

Feng Jue also said: "Miss Su, that's an aunt, how dare I bully her?" If he didn't bully, he would be in trouble, if he was bullied, would he still live?
"Hmph! You're smart!" Jin Duoduo snorted.

"Chengyun, have you seen Youyue?" Jin Duoduo turned around and asked.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "No, my previous location is a bit far from here, I just arrived here!"

"Then you were teleported quite far from the beginning. It's not peaceful here. If you walk a few steps, you will encounter robbers, and you won't let anyone rest for a moment!" Jin Duoduo complained.

Su Chengyun comforted: "Hehe, the closer you are to the safe zone, the more this is the case, it's normal! Maybe Youyue has already arrived in the safe zone."

"The safety zone hasn't been opened yet, and it's not peaceful there!" Jin Duoduo sighed, "Chengyun, let's go find Youyue together, and she's the only one left!"

"Well, it's getting more and more dangerous here, it's better for everyone to be together and take care of each other!" Su Chengyun finished speaking and looked at Feng Jue, "Feng Jue, do you want to come with us?"

Feng Jue shook his hair: "I'm alone now, so I'll be with you!"

Several people moved forward together, although they met more and more people, but no one moved forward.

Mo Mo asked puzzledly: "Susu, why no one came to rob?"

When Jin Duoduo heard this, he immediately cried out: "Mo Mo, can you hope for better?"

Momo looked at Jin Duoduo suspiciously: "Duoduo, it's better if they come to rob!"

"Ah..." Jin Duoduo.

Su Chengyun smiled and told about the previous anti-robbery activities. Jin Duoduo understood, but when she understood, she just shook her head. Only people as strong as Chengyun and Mo Mo would do this. If it was her, Jin Duoduo , I don’t know how many times I will die.

"But no one came! How can we grab the jade token if they don't come?" Mo Mo said worriedly.

This Mo Mo is addicted to grabbing jade cards. Don't forget that there is a battle madman Feng Jue in their team.

"Momo, why wait for them to come and grab them? Why don't we go and grab them directly!" Feng said indifferently, and went if he wanted to.

Unexpectedly, Mo Mo shook his head.

"They don't mess with Momo, so Momo won't rob them!"

Feng Jue: "Uh..."

Su Chengyun was ashamed, Mo Mo was too deeply influenced by her, she always believed in the dogma that no one will offend me, I will not offend others.

But it is also possible to snatch the jade medals in today's selection competition, but whoever makes her have a lot of jade medals, naturally it is not worth taking the initiative to snatch them.

Who knows that Mo Mo sees that she doesn't take the initiative to snatch her, so he is determined not to snatch her, and just waits for others to find her.

"They won't come to snatch it!" Feng Jue said.

"Why?" Mo Mo looked at Feng Jue with puzzled eyes.

Feng Jue shook his hair handsomely, raised his head and said vigorously: "Because I am here!"

Mo Mo probably also thought of Feng Jue's fierce reputation, and lowered his eyelids.

"Mo Mo, if you want to snatch it, when the time is ripe, we will snatch those hunters!" Su Chengyun said.

Mo Mo's face brightened all of a sudden: "Su Su is talking about those men in black, they have so many jade plaques!" Mo Mo still did not forget to make gestures.

Su Chengyun nodded: "But we have too few people now, there is no difference between robbing and dying, just wait."

"Su Xiaomei, it won't be long before we meet a hunter and kill him. So many of us are afraid that the hunter will fail?" When did this Su Xiaomei become timid, Feng Juexin said.

"But there are so many hunters, neither Mo Mo nor Su Su dare to approach!" Mo Mo rubbed his head and said.

"A lot?" Feng Jue was puzzled.

Mo Mo hurriedly nodded and counted on his fingers: "Well, there are about four or fifty people!"

"So much!" Jin Duoduo also exclaimed in surprise.

"Su Xiaomei, Momo, have you found the hunter's stronghold?" Feng Jue asked anxiously with excited eyes.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Maybe, they look alike!"

"It must be, Su Xiaomei said it looks like it, then it must be!" Feng Jue rubbed his hands excitedly, walking up and down.

(End of this chapter)

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