Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 132 1 Group of Silly Hats

Chapter 132

"Overestimating one's abilities!" The man in black swung his hand, and Shangguan Youyue's long sword missed.

Shangguan Youyue bit her lip, turned her wrist, and turned her long sword to continue stabbing at the man in black.

"Hehe!" The man in black dodged the sword with a movement.

Shangguan Youyue persisted in stabbing, and the man in black kept dodging.

"The little girl's ability is not enough!" The man in black did not forget to comment.

Shangguan Youyue ignored it and just attacked.

"Okay, the game is over!" The man in black didn't dodge this time, but waved his sleeves to attack Shangguan Youyue. Shangguan Youyue only blocked it a few times before being knocked to the ground.

The man in black looked down at the little girl lying on the ground and said with a smile: "Little girl, it's good that you can persist until now, but it's only good! It's not enough for you to pass this selection! Goodbye, little girl! "

The man in black swung his fist, and Shangguan Youyue, who had glared at the man in black just now, suddenly burst into surprise in his eyes when he saw the back of the man in black.

"Not good!" The man in black was shocked, and just about to leave the place, his back suddenly felt cold.

"Don't move, you are dead!" A cold voice sounded from behind.

The man in black turned his head slowly, only to see a slender girl standing behind him with a smile, and behind him was a sharp dagger.

When did this girl come behind him?The man in black was surprised, he didn't notice it at all.

"Chengyun!" Shangguan Youyue exclaimed in surprise.

Su Chengyun stretched out a hand to pull Shangguan Youyue to stand up.

"Chengyun, why are you here?" Shangguan Youyue's surprise persisted for a long time.

"It's not just me, Duoduo and the others are here too!" Su Chengyun pointed to the back, and at this moment Shangguan Youyue discovered that Jin Duoduo, Mo Mo, Feng Jue and a young man they didn't know were walking towards this side.

"Duoduo, Momo, Fengjue!" The last one couldn't be named, Shangguan Youyue only smiled and nodded to Tang Yu, which was regarded as a greeting.

"You Yue, you scared me to death just now!" Jin Duoduo stepped forward to hold Shangguan You Yue.

"Well, I thought I was going to be kicked out too! Luckily, Chengyun came!" Thinking of the thrill just now, Shangguan Youyue still has lingering fears. If Chengyun hadn't arrived in time, her consequences would have been disastrous.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Jin Duoduo said.

"Little girl, can you put away your dagger first?" The man in black couldn't help but reminded a few people who were only focused on chatting.

Jin Duoduo stared: "What are you talking about, I've never seen a corpse that can talk!" He almost kicked You Yue out of the game, hoping to show his face.

"I'm afraid that the fake corpse will turn into a real corpse by accident!" The man in black swept the sharp dagger behind him.

Jin Duoduo frowned: "Do you think Chengyun is as disrespectful as you?"

"Uh..." What else could the man in black say.

Su Chengyun put away the dagger and looked at the man in black with a smile.

"This hunter, please get out of the game yourself, we won't do anything!"

The man in black glanced at the few people present, smiled wryly, and muttered a sentence in his heart, and soon his body lit up with light, and disappeared in place.

"Okay, the eyesore is gone, it's finally clean!" Jin Duoduo let out a foul breath.

"By the way, why are you all together?" Shangguan Youyue looked at several people, as if she was the only one.

Jin Duoduo took Shangguan Youyue's arm with a smile: "Hey, Youyue, we also just got together not long ago, so we didn't come to look for you. Fortunately, we came in time!"

Shangguan Youyue nodded fiercely.

"Okay, let's talk while walking!" Feng was impatient with the moaning of the few people, and reminded everyone that there were still important things to do.

"Yes, talk while walking!" Jin Duoduo also thought of their big event, walked forward with Shangguan Youyue on his arm, and whispered their plan.

Shangguan Youyue was silent for a long time before saying: "You guys are so bold!"

"You Yue, do you want to participate?"

"You all participated, can I still fall?"

"Youyue, I knew you would participate!" Jin Duoduo smiled, and finally had a companion. Compared with the previous strongmen, her heart couldn't bear the load, "By the way, why are you here? I thought you had already gone to the safe zone!"

Shangguan Youyue's eyes darkened: "I wanted to go, but I saw Youlan chasing Mr. Mingyi coming over, I didn't want to meet them, so I hid in a tree, waiting for them to pass Come out again, who knows that when I want to leave, the man in black will appear!"

"You mean Nan Mingyi is nearby?" Jin Duoduo grasped an important point.

"Yeah, he's been past here for a while!"

Jin Duoduo's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Chengyun, Fengjue, let's ask Nan Mingyi for help!"

"Master Mingyi?" Several pairs of eyes looked over.

Jin Duoduo smiled and said: "You Yue said that Nan Mingyi just passed by not long ago, I think we can catch up soon!"

"Wonderful! Mr. Ming Yi, regardless of his combat power and charisma, he is the most suitable person!" Feng Jue clapped his hands.

"But will he agree?" Shangguan Youyue frowned.

"We'll find out if we ask!" Feng Jue said indifferently.

"All right!"

"You Yue, you lead the way!"

Several people rushed forward, because they had a goal this time, everyone walked quickly.

After drinking a cup of tea, I finally saw the figure in front of me, and Mr. Mingyi's bright smile was mixed in it.

As if feeling someone peeping, Mr. Ming Yi turned around, saw Su Chengyun and the others froze for a moment, then smiled again.

"Shangguan Youlan is also here, as well as those people around her, they will only hold back!" Feng Jue said.

"What should we do? They are with Young Master Mingyi!" Jin Duoduo said worriedly.

"Su Xiaomei, do you have a good idea?" Feng Jue looked at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun thought for a while, and waved at Feng Jue: "Feng Jue, you call Mr. Ming Yi aside and ask him if he is interested in participating. If he is not interested, just ignore it. If he is interested, let him Send those people away!"

"Okay, just do what Su Xiaomei said!" Feng Jue walked towards Mr. Ming Yi enthusiastically, while Su Chengyun and the others waited on the spot.

"Master Ming Yi, long time no see!" Feng Jue stepped forward to greet him.

"Feng Jue, long time no see!" Mr. Ming Yi replied politely.

"Master Ming Yi, I, Feng Jue, have something to ask you, can you move?" Feng Jue said with a smile.

"Young Master Ming Yi, be careful of deceit!" Shangguan Youlan said before Young Master Ming Yi could speak.

"That's right, Mr. Ming Yi, don't pay attention to this lunatic, who knows what bad idea he has in mind!" A woman said.

"Hmph, measure the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!" Feng Absolute snorted at them, then ignored them, and looked at Mr. Mingyi with burning eyes.

"Master Ming Yi, are you really afraid of being cheated?" Feng Jue asked with a smile.

Mr. Ming Yi shook his head: "You are definitely not that kind of person!"

"Young Master Mingyi..." Shangguan Youlan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Young Master Mingyi.

"Shangguan Youlan, I, Nan Mingyi, don't need other people to tell me what to do!" Although Mr. Mingyi had a smile on his face, the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, and even his eyes were full of coldness.

"Ah..." Shangguan Youlan had never seen Mr. Mingyi like this before, and she was a little confused.

"Master Mingyi, please!" Feng Jue cast a mocking glance at Shangguan Youlan and the others, who is Mr. Mingyi? He really thought that his smiling at you meant that you could be unscrupulous in front of him.I'm still taking care of Mr. Mingyi's affairs, I'm overthinking my abilities!

A group of idiots!
(End of this chapter)

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