Chapter 160

Several people glared at Su Chengyun bitterly, and walked forward.

And Lu Rushuang stared at Mo Mo, no matter how Su Chengyun looked at it, he felt that Lu Rushuang's eyes staring at Mo Mo were so annoying and malicious.

Mo Mo was not happy anymore, and pursed his mouth: "Susu, why is that woman's eyes so annoying?" After speaking, he pointed at Lu Rushuang.

Su Chengyun felt happy, it seems that the two of them have the same perception, they both hate Lu Rushuang so much.

"Mo Mo, they just want to see you look good!" Jin Duoduo said with a smile from the side.

"That's right, maybe a beautiful woman has taken a fancy to you and wants to make a promise with her body!" Feng Jue also narrowly looked over.

"Ah... Promise with your body? Don't! Don't!" Mo Mo shook his head vigorously.

"You don't want big beauties?" Feng Jue asked, blinking his eyes.

"Whoever wants it will want it, Mo Mo doesn't want it!" Mo Mo still shook his head.

"It's a pity!" Feng Jue sighed with a smile, then looked at Lu Rushuang, and saw that her face had darkened, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

This is deliberate!

Su Chengyun saw that Lu Rushuang's clenched fists had bulging veins, and he seemed to be very angry. He was about to speak, but Lu Ruyun was the first to attack.

"Lu Rushuang, what are you doing staring at Mr. Mo?" Lu Ruyun said with a displeased face.

Hearing the words, Lu Rushuang glanced at Lu Ruyun lightly, but did not speak.

"Lu Rushuang, didn't you hear that Mr. Mo said that he didn't want you just now, why are you still staring at him?" Lu Ruyun refused to let go, and glanced at Mo Mo from time to time, showing surprise and obsession in his eyes.

Yep, another nympho.

Lu Rushuang bit her lip, annoyed in her heart that Lu Ruyun is such an idiot.

"Ruyun, don't make a fuss, go away!" Lu Huining hurriedly stopped her, feeling a little displeased that Lu Ruyun was having internal strife in public, and it was because of a man.

"No, let her go first!" Lu Ruyun pointed to Lu Rushuang.

Lu Huining wanted to stroke her forehead, this Lu Ruyun really didn't know how spoiled she was, the young lady would commit a temper tantrum, regardless of the occasion, and regardless of the consequences, it was really a headache.

"Let's go together!" Lu Huining said with a straight face.

Lu Ruyun wanted to say something, but Lu Yuanrui grabbed Lu Yuanrui, and Lu Yuanrui also pulled Lu Rushuang with his other hand, dragging the two of them forward.

But secretly cursing in their hearts, they are really two people who don't worry about it.

He didn't even want face because of a good-looking skin, and he humiliated the Lu family.

"Okay, everyone continue to eat, shouldn't anyone come this time?" Feng Jue said with a smile.

The others also laughed when they heard this.

A few people didn't disperse after dinner, but went to find the location of the classroom, and looked for it tomorrow, afraid that there would be too little time.

Only then did Su Chengyun know that Feng Jue and Wei Ang were also assigned to the ninth class. What a coincidence, it made Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo feel envious for a while.

Several people searched all the way and inquired all the way, finally found the location of the classroom, and dispersed separately.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo returned to their dormitory and began to organize things. In fact, Su Chengyun mainly cleaned up the pharmacy room. The fastest way she thought of to earn gold coins was to work hard on pharmacy or elixir.

A busy day passed quickly, and on the second day, the two of them got up early, had breakfast in the dining room, and then rushed to the ninth classroom.

Yesterday, the classroom door was closed and locked. Now that they rushed over, they saw that there were already many people sitting in the classroom.

Without hesitation, the two found a place to sit down and wait.

Su Chengyun looked around, he didn't know many people, and the classroom was very big, there should be about [-] seats.

It seemed that their [-] freshmen were divided into [-] classes.

"Susu, Feng Jue and Wei Ang are here!" Mo Mo said.

Su Chengyun looked towards the door, and sure enough, he saw Feng Jue's eyes wandering in the classroom. Seeing her and Mo Mo, Feng Jue's eyes lit up, and he walked towards this side. Wei Ang followed closely, and the two sat together. In front of Su Chengyun.

"Miss Su, Mo Mo, you guys are so mean, Wei Ang and I originally wanted to come with you, but you've already left the house!" Feng Jue complained.

"It's because you got up late, Mo Mo and Su Su got up early!" Mo Mo said.


In fact, they didn't get up too late, really not too late!
Feng Jue said in his heart.

It's just that Su Xiaomei is a little girl, and little girls like to sleep in, so she deliberately knocked on the door late, but she left early.

For this reason, he was ridiculed by Wei Ang for a long time.

"Su Xiaomei, why didn't you know to wait for us?" Feng Jue asked aggrievedly.

"Hehe, I thought you guys had already left the house!"

"Little sister Su..."

"Wow, it's Mr. Mingyi..."

"Ah... I haven't seen it, Mr. Mingyi is in the same class as us..."

"Wow, is that true? Really?"

"Wow, it's really Mr. Mingyi..."

Su Chengyun and the others looked around, only to see Mr. Mingyi in white walking in with a smile, sat down on the empty stool in front, saw Su Chengyun and the others, and nodded with a smile.

"Ah... Mr. Mingyi is really in the same class as us... I'm so happy..."

"I want to tell my partners to make them envious and jealous..."

Su Chengyun looked at Mr. Mingyi's back and couldn't help admiring him, seeing his determination.

To be able to ignore warm gazes and be indifferent to whispers is really tough.

If it were her, it would definitely not be possible!

"Saobao!" Feng Jue curled his lips in disdain, then turned around and asked with a smile, "Miss Su, are you not fascinated by Mr. Mingyi's skin?"

"Uh..." Su Chengyun didn't know how to answer.

But Mo Mo stared straight at Feng Jue: "Susu is only fascinated by Mo Mo's face. Su Su said that she likes Mo Mo's face the most, so she won't like other faces!"

"Ah..." Feng Jue was speechless, looking at Su Chengyun as if asking for help.

Su Chengyun smiled, and patted the back of Mo Mo's hand: "Mo Mo don't be angry, Feng Jue is jealous of Young Master Ming Yi!"

"En!" Mo Mo obeyed obediently, and his eyes that looked at Feng Jue became strange.

Feng Jue raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Joke, am I jealous of him?"

"Ah, don't you envy that Mr. Ming Yi attracts young girls to like him?" According to the description, Mr. Yi is so showy that even a little arrogant son or young master can't stand it.

"Su Xiaomei, don't you know that women are troublesome?" Feng Jue said shaking his head.

"Su Su is not troublesome!" Mo Mo immediately refused to obey after hearing this, and glared at Feng Jue angrily.

"Ah, I was wrong! Su Xiaomei is not troublesome, those people are!" Feng Jue pointed to the girls with golden eyes to make up for it. How could he forget that Su Xiaomei is also a girl.

"Hum!" Mo Mo snorted at Feng Jue, and turned his head away.

"Feng Jue, that's your fault. In terms of skin, who can compare to this Mr. Mo?" Wei Ang said with a smile, these words are really not watered down, Mr. Ming Yi's face is indeed inferior to Mo Mo.

Hearing this, Mo Mo's expression brightened immediately, and he smiled at Wei Ang: "Call me Mo Mo!"

"Okay, I'll call you Momo from now on!" Wei Ang was also straightforward.

Feng Jue: "Hey, you guys..."

But Mo Mo just ignored him, and instead whispered to Mo Mo: "You really have vision, just like Susu!"

Wei Ang smiled and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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