Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 162 Mystery and Traps

Chapter 162 Mystery and Traps

"Did you see the waves of students going out outside? You may have recognized them as freshmen like you. There are a total of [-] freshman classes. I can tell you clearly that Liang Yuling's teaching method is different from other classes."

"Today is the first class of the school, and the main thing is for everyone to get to know each other. Now assign the homework: you find a way to learn the inheritance culture of the college and familiarize yourself with the various rules and regulations of the college. Remember everything. I will give you three days, after three days Examination!" Liang Yuling quickly assigned homework, but it made many people gasp.

"For the first assessment, I hope you all will pass, but I also know that some of you will fail! You must be mentally prepared, I, Liang Yuling, will never show mercy in my punishment! Okay, get out of class!" Liang Yuling faced Everyone grinned, but this smile made many people feel nervous.

Liang Yuling threw the students from the next class out of the classroom, but the students looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Miss Su, let's go!" Feng Jue greeted.

Su Chengyun thinks about it too, the teachers are gone, what are they still doing here, it's better to go back and think about how to finish the homework.

Several people stood up and walked out, others saw this, and some also got up and left.

The four of them walked on the road in silence.

"Chengyun!" Suddenly, a team passed by, and someone called Su Chengyun's name.

"You Yue, it's you!" Su Chengyun saw You Yue in the team.

"Chengyun, did you leave so soon?" Shangguan Youyue asked strangely.

Su Chengyun nodded and asked, "What are you doing?"

Shangguan Youyue smiled: "Oh, the teacher took us to familiarize ourselves with the academy!"

"You Yue, hurry up!" Jin Duoduo urged from the front.

Shangguan Youyue hurriedly said: "Chengyun, I'll go first, we'll talk when I have time!" After finishing speaking, he trotted to catch up with the team.

"Hey, other classes are led by teachers who are familiar with the various rules and regulations of the college, and we have to work hard to figure it out by ourselves!" Feng Jue sighed.

Wei Ang said with a smile: "Feng Jue, come on, this teacher Liang Yuling is capable, no matter how many people want to get into her class, we can be regarded as very proud to be assigned to her class! Let's be content!"

"Hehe, of course I know that Teacher Liang Yuling is capable! But how do you complete this assignment?" Feng Jue said distressedly, "Miss Su, what can you do?" Feng Jue looked at Su Chengyun.

"I don't have any good solution now!" Su Chengyun spread his hands, "However, I have a feeling that there is a mystery in the homework assigned by Teacher Liang Yuling!"

"Is there a mystery? What is the mystery, isn't it just learning the inheritance culture and rules and regulations of the academy?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

Wei Ang couldn't help nodding: "I also feel that there is always something wrong with this assignment. We must have overlooked something. Have you noticed that Teacher Liang Yuling smiled meaningfully when he left, and he is very sure that there must be some of us Those who failed, if they simply passed on the culture and rules and regulations, it wouldn’t be like this, it must be that we didn’t notice it somewhere!”

"Um, from your analysis, I also smell a conspiracy!" Feng Jue said after a moment of thought.

"Susu, is the beating you said to Lu Ruyun in the restaurant also a rule?" Mo Mo asked curiously.

"Yes, the college's rules and regulations must have regulations on fighting!" Su Chengyun said.

"Then is there any regulation on where you can hit someone?" Mo Mo continued to ask.

Su Chengyun's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "I understand!"

"Su Xiaomei, what do you understand?" Feng Jue asked.

Wei Ang also looked over with bright eyes.

"Thanks to Mo Mo's reminder, do you remember that Teacher Liang Yuling emphasized a few words when talking about the rules and regulations of the college?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"I remember, Teacher Liang Yuling's original words were: Remembering is everything!" Feng Jue said.

"There are all two words!" Wei Ang also proved, "Oh, I understand!" Wei Ang beat his palm with a smile on his face.

"Ah, Wei Ang, you also understand, tell me quickly, what's going on?" Feng Jue asked anxiously.

Wei Ang looked at Feng Jue strangely: "Feng Jue, if Mr. Liang assigns martial arts homework, you must react faster than any of us. Why do you lose your mind when it is changed to literature homework?"

"Hey, I'm not interested in these things, I'm too lazy to use my brain, anyway, there are you and Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue was very straightforward, but Su Chengyun and Wei Ang were speechless.

"Su Xiaomei, Wei Ang, hurry up and tell me, what is the mystery in Teacher Liang Yuling's homework?" Feng Jue urged.

"Haha, it's very simple. In fact, teacher Liang Yuling has made it very clear. Let us learn the rules and regulations of the college. All these two words have actually named the key." Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

Feng Jue lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head with a clear expression: "I also understand that Teacher Liang Yuling not only asked us to learn the superficial rules and regulations, but also other rules and regulations of the college."

"Yes, for example, you need to learn the rules and regulations of the library, the rules and regulations of the restaurant, and..." Wei Ang said.

"You also need to learn the rules and regulations of the dean's office!" Feng Jue said.

"That's right, that's what it means. As long as the college has a system, no matter whether it fits with us or not, we have to learn it!" Wei Ang concluded.

"Ah...the homework assigned by Liang Yuling is too tricky!" Feng Jue wailed.

"Feng Jue, don't you know? In addition to being beautiful, teacher Liang Yuling is also famous for being tricky!" Wei Ang smiled wryly.

"Then what should we do? We can't enter the dean's office either? Wei Ang, Su Xiaomei, do you have any solutions?" Feng Jue asked.

"I haven't thought of any good solution yet!" Su Chengyun shook his head.

"We can first learn the rules and regulations on the surface, as well as inheriting the culture. There should be no mystery in inheriting the culture! We can talk about other things when we think of a way! Anyway, there are three days!" Wei Ang said.

Feng Jue curled his lips: "I said, why would Teacher Liang Yuling give three days to learn this kindly? It turns out that she has already set up a trap, just waiting for someone to get in!"

"Don't worry, since we have seen it, we will never get in!" Wei Ang said.

"Wei Ang, Su Xiaomei, Mo Mo, tell me, should we remind others?" Feng Jue asked suddenly.

Su Chengyun looked at Feng Jue with a smile: "What about after the reminder?"

"After the reminder, of course the other students will miss our affection!" Feng Jue said.

"And then?" Su Chengyun continued to ask with a smile.

"And then?" Feng Jue was confused.

"And then, we were remembered by Teacher Liang Yuling and became Cheng Yu's second and Ruan Qin's second!" Wei Ang said.

"Ah..." Feng Jue was speechless.

"I don't want it, I won't do such a stupid thing that benefits others and harms myself!" Feng Jue shook his head and hastily denied his crooked idea.

"Hey, Feng Jue, do you think other people can't think of it!" Su Chengyun said, "Since we can think of it, other people can think of it, don't worry, even without your reminder, many people can think of it."

"That's right, Feng Jue, you should only worry about yourself! It's not your turn to worry about other people!"

"Oh my God...who cares about them..."

(End of this chapter)

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