Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 168 Walking with pigs and not with you

Chapter 168 Walking with pigs and not with you
Class Nine is famous!
Class Nine is famous for being fierce!

Can you not be fierce, the teacher always punishes the students if they are fierce, and the students are so fierce that they dare to punish the daughter of the city lord.

However, the backs of the students in Class Nine were straight.

"Chengyun, you Class Nine, hey, Shangguan Youlan has hated you this time!" Shangguan Youyue shook her head helplessly, and hesitated to speak to Su Chengyun.

"Hehe, it's okay, she still can't make waves in the academy!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, she really didn't put Shangguan Youlan in her eyes.

"Chengyun, I really envy that you can move around freely. We have to go to class every day now, and our heads are getting big!" Jin Duoduo scratched his head, very distressed.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Although we don't have classes, our homework is heavy!"

Shangguan Youyue: "Ah, is your teacher keeping homework again?"

"Well, I don't know where to start with my mindless homework!" Su Chengyun sighed.

"It's okay, there is always a way!" Shangguan Youyue patted Su Chengyun's shoulder, "Our dormitory is here, let's go first!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun nodded, watching Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo leave before heading towards the top-level dormitory area.

Seeing two figures from a distance, Su Chengyun's brain became hot, and he rushed over quickly, knocked off the hand holding Mo Mo's sleeve, and protected Mo Mo behind him.

"Dou Yan, what are you doing?" Su Chengyun glared at the man in front of him.

"Hehe, what can I do, I just invite Momo to my dormitory!" Dou Yan said with a slow smile while holding a folding fan.

"Is this how you invite people? What do you do to invite people?" Su Chengyun was angry.

"Hehe, I didn't do anything, I just wanted to pull Momo to go with me!"

"Bah, even if Momo is walking with a pig, he won't be walking with you! Get out of here quickly, and don't let me see you again!" Su Chengyun said unceremoniously.

Walk with pigs, and don't walk with him!
Anger ignited in Dou Yan's eyes, and he stared fixedly at Su Chengyun.

"Su Chengyun, it's none of your business, right?"

"Hmph, why is it none of my business? Momo's business is my business. Do you think it's my business?" Su Chengyun snorted coldly.

"Why are you such a domineering woman? Why do you make decisions for Mo Mo? Why don't you ask Mo Mo if you want to help him make decisions?" Dou Yan's mouth curled up coldly.

When Mo Mo heard that Dou Yan doubted Su Chengyun, he immediately stated: "Mo Mo listens to Su Su!"

"Did you hear that?" Su Chengyun looked at Dou Yan mockingly.

"Su Chengyun, don't be complacent!"

"I'm not proud! Dou Yan, don't think that no one knows your dirty thoughts. If you dare to get close to Mo Mo, I will never let you go!" Su Chengyun said viciously.She didn't expect that Dou Yan seized the opportunity to pester Mo Mo just by letting Mo Mo come back early.For Momo's safety, he had no choice but to threaten her severely.

"Heh...heh..." Dou Yan smiled instead of anger, as if he didn't take Su Chengyun's threats seriously.

"Su Chengyun, don't think you can cover the sky with one hand, I tell you, I, Dou Yan, will not give up!" Dou Yan glanced at Momo, ignored Su Chengyun who had a gloomy face and laughed and left.

Su Chengyun's heart is heavy, this Dou Yan is really not an easy character to deal with.

"Mo Mo, don't leave me around when you go out in the future!" Su Chengyun said to Mo Mo.

Mo Mo nodded obediently: "Well, Mo Mo will never leave Susu again!"

In the following days, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo simply spent time in the library, checking a large number of books and materials every day.

The library is very big, with three floors in total. They can only check the books on the first floor now, but there are enough books even on the first floor. If they want to read them, they will not be able to do it in three to five months. .

They don't have so much time now, so they can only choose books about Lanling Continent to read.

The knowledge she and Mo Mo are blank, they are like empty sponges, desperately absorbing water.

"Mo Mo, I didn't expect you to have such a good memory!" Su Chengyun praised, she thought she had the ability of photographic memory, and she could read books very fast, but she didn't expect that Mo Mo's speed was not slow, and she could remember things too quickly. Relatively strong.

This may be the advantage of simple people!
"The library is closed! The library is closed!" the library administrator began to urge.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo quickly put away the books and walked outside.

"You two little dolls, why are you the last again?"

"Hehe, I'll forget the time just looking at it!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Persevere, you can borrow books after one month of enrollment!"

"Well, goodbye, Grandpa Jin!"

On the way, a senior student ran over.

"Are you Su Chengyun?"

Su Chengyun nodded: "Yes, I am! May I ask who you are?"

A faint smile appeared on the boy's face: "Oh, I'm a second-year student. I met Teacher Liang Yuling just now. Teacher Liang Yuling asked me to notify you to go to her office!"

Teacher Liang Yuling looking for her?

It seems that Teacher Liang Yuling hasn't found a student yet!
Su Chengyun didn't show his face, and asked with a smile: "I don't know why Teacher Liang Yuling is looking for me?"

The boy shyly touched his head: "I don't know about this either! Teacher Liang Yuling only asked me to inform you!"

"Are you only notifying me?" Su Chengyun continued to ask.

"I don't know if the others have notified me, but Teacher Liang Yuling seems to be in a hurry, so you should hurry up!"

"Mo Mo, let's go together!" Su Chengyun took a deep look at the boy and greeted Mo Mo.

"Okay!" Momo replied.

"Teacher Liang Yuling only let you go alone, and no one else followed!" the boy said anxiously.

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard the words: "I believe Teacher Liang won't mind if I take someone there!"

"No!" The boy hurriedly drank, and his face suddenly became embarrassing after drinking.

Su Chengyun's smile was even brighter, his body fluttered, and he grabbed the boy's wrist.

"Say, who sent you here?" Su Chengyun asked, staring into the boy's eyes.

"'s Teacher Liang Yuling!" The boy replied, and looked at the wrist being grabbed, "I'm kind enough to inform you, what are you doing?"

"Don't you know what I'm doing? Tell me, who sent you here?" Su Chengyun's eyes became extremely cold.

"It was Teacher Liang Yuling who asked me to come!" the boy said with his neck stuck.

"The mouth is so hard, I want to see if your wrist is as hard as your mouth?" After Su Chengyun finished speaking, the boy would open his mouth and scream in pain as soon as Su Chengyun finished speaking. As expected, a handkerchief was stuffed into his mouth, and the boy just whimpered.

The boy was sweating coldly on his painful forehead, but he couldn't get rid of Su Chengyun's restraint.

"Aren't you going to tell me? Do you want to confront Teacher Liang Yuling?" Su Chengyun looked at the painful boy with a smile.

The boy's face became extremely ugly.

Su Chengyun said coldly: "Actually, I can guess who it is even if you don't tell me. It's Dou Yan, right?"

The boy was startled, his writhing body froze, and he looked at Su Chengyun with horror.

Su Chengyun originally guessed, but now he still doesn't understand.

Dou Yan, is this the shot?
(End of this chapter)

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