Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 173 Plan Implementation

Chapter 173 Plan Implementation
I saw Mr. Mingyi went around to the back of the dormitory, and returned after a while.

"Okay, I have temporarily lifted the alarm in this dormitory!"

"Thank you, I'll go in now!" Su Chengyun sincerely thanked.

"Wait, go to the second floor!" Mr. Ming Yi pointed to an open window on the second floor.

Su Chengyun nodded, and under the cover of the moonlight, like an elf in the dark, he climbed in through the window lightly.

"Why are you here?" Su Chengyun looked at Mr. Ming Yi behind him in surprise.

"Hehe, I have participated in everything, of course there must be a beginning and an end!" Mr. Ming Yi replied in a low voice.

Su Chengyun knew that it was useless to persuade him, so he ignored Mr. Ming Yi and walked forward lightly.

No bedrooms!

There is no study room!

Restaurant no!

Is it on the first floor?
Su Chengyun stepped on the stairs to the first floor, but just as the stairs turned a corner, she saw two figures on the sofa in the extremely luxurious living room, and she quickly withdrew her body.

"What's wrong?" Young Master Ming Yi asked softly from behind.

Hearing this, Su Chengyun glanced lightly at Mr. Ming Yi, and bit his lips unnaturally.

Seeing that Su Chengyun didn't answer, Mr. Mingyi poked his head out quietly, and frowned slightly after seeing the chaos in the living room.

"What are you going to do next?" Mr. Mingyi asked.

Su Chengyun lowered his head and thought for a moment, then asked softly: "How about the fire prevention measures in the top dormitory?"

Mr. Mingyi seemed to have guessed Su Chengyun's plan, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, top class, even if this dormitory burns down, it won't affect other dormitories!"

Su Chengyun was completely relieved after hearing the words.

"Please act as if you didn't see what I'm going to do, Mr. Mingyi!"

Master Mingyi nodded.

Su Chengyun just took out a paper bag from her arms, and saw that she exerted force, and the paper bag flew towards the two people in the living room, and just spread out on top of the two people's heads, and the white powder directly sprinkled on the two people's bodies , but the two of them felt nothing.

Su Chengyun ignored the two and walked directly downstairs, picked up the paper bag and put it away, but Dou Yan's very proud words chattered into it.

"Mo Mo, you finally came to my dormitory!"

"Momo, no matter how Su Chengyun protects you, you have fallen into my trap!"

"Momo, I won't treat you badly!"

"Mo Mo..."

Su Chengyun wanted to go straight up and blow Dou Yan's head off, but thinking about the plan below, he abruptly stopped this urge.

She tried her best to ignore the two of them, and looked at Li Tian's face, and saw that Li Tian's face was dripping with sweat, and the previous disguise technique had been spent, and there were no traces of Mo Mo's face.

Two long sticks of incense were burning on the coffee table next to it, exuding a strong smell.

Su Chengyun spat, this fragrance was similar to what she asked Wei Ang to put on Li Tian, ​​if she had known that Dou Yan had prepared it, why would she bother!

At the same time, thinking that this incense was the one he was planning to use on Mo Mo, suddenly a cold air rose from Su Chengyun's body, she quickly searched in the living room, and found a handful of long incense in a short while.

Su Chengyun took out a few, gestured at the length, broke them one by one, and finally lit them and inserted them in various places in the living room.

A dagger was also found on the coffee table, and Su Chengyun didn't let it go, he stuffed the dagger into Li Tian's hand.

After doing this, she nodded in satisfaction, thinking that Feng Jue and the others might not be able to hold on for long, she smiled coldly, ignored the two busy figures, and walked towards the stairs.

"Okay?" Young Master Ming Yi asked, he had already seen what Su Chengyun did, and a smile overflowed from the corner of his eyes.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Let's go!"

The two quickly left Dou Yan's dormitory.

"I'm leaving!" As soon as he left Su Chengyun, he was about to bid farewell to Mr. Mingyi.

"Well, see you later!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

Su Chengyun opened his eyes when he heard the words, turned around and left without asking any questions!
Mr. Ming Yi shook his head, and walked in another direction.

Su Chengyun hurried and hurried, and finally arrived at South Lake, the scene was still in chaos, she finally found Mo Mo among the chaotic figures, hurriedly messed up her hair and clothes, pushed through the crowd and went towards Mo Mo.

"Su Su!" Mo Mo saw Su Chengyun's eyes light up in surprise.

Before Su Chengyun said anything, he saw a group of well-dressed teams running over.

"Everyone stop, all stop!" The leader shouted loudly, leading the team into the crowd, and forcibly separated the wrestling people.

Feng Jue and Wei Ang took the opportunity to come to Su Chengyun and Mo Mo.

"Su Xiaomei, you are back, is everything going well?" Feng Jueya asked in a low voice, blinking his eyes.

Su Chengyun smiled slightly, and gave them a reassured look.

"Who can tell me what's going on?" the leader asked.

Everyone lowered their heads and did not answer.

"Who are they?" Su Chengyun asked in a low voice.

"Law enforcement team!" Wei Ang replied with his lips.

It turned out to be the law enforcement team!
"What's going on? No one answered?" The leader continued to ask.

Wei Ang: "Should we stand out?"

"Even if we don't show up, we will be confessed by others. Why don't we take the initiative to stand up!" Feng Jue took two steps forward after speaking, and said loudly, "It was caused by Shangguan Youlan finding fault for no reason!"

"Oh?" Wen Yan, the leader, was taken aback for a moment, but he recovered in a blink of an eye. He walked up to Feng Jue, looked at Feng Jue and asked, "Speak up!"

Feng Jue said vividly: "We are first-year freshmen. We heard that Nanhu Lake has a beautiful view at night, so we went for a walk together. Who would have thought that Shangguan Youlan and the others would say that we talked about her behind her back and refused to forgive her? We just After a few arguments, she started to fight, but we didn't fight back because she is the daughter of the city lord, but Shangguan Youlan intensified and even attacked the students around her."

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course, many people here can testify!" Feng Jue said with his head held high.

The people around also nodded when they heard the words.

"It's that Shangguan Youlan who made the first move!"

"That's right, she didn't put all of us in her eyes because she was the daughter of the city lord, and even said that we are not on the stage!"

"Well, a little girl, ruthless and extremely mean!"


The leader frowned when he heard the sound of attacking Shangguan Youlan everywhere.

"Where is Shangguan Youlan?"

Not far away, a figure reluctantly stood up.

"I am Shangguan Youlan!"

Su Chengyun looked at it, and almost laughed out loud. Unexpectedly, Shangguan Youlan, who always pays attention to appearance, is unkempt, her clothes are also ripped to pieces, and there are a few obvious shoe prints on the corner of her skirt. She doesn't look like she is alone. of.

What's more terrible is the noise coming from afar.

"Look, Young Master Mingyi!"

"Master Mingyi is here!"

Shangguan Youlan was overjoyed at first when she heard the words, but then her face froze when she thought of her honor, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground immediately.

Mr. Ming Yi walked over slowly with a bright smile, and said to the leader: "I heard that something happened here, I just came to see it!" He never looked at Shangguan Youlan from the beginning to the end.

The leader nodded slightly when he saw that Mr. Mingyi was only watching and not intervening, and turned his gaze to Shangguan Youlan.

"Shangguan Youlan, what can you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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