Chapter 177

In the hall, several people sat down, and Su Chengyun offered tea.

"Young Master Ming Yi, wouldn't it be nice for you to find a little girl for tea at night?" Feng Jue took a sip of tea lightly.He didn't look for Su Xiaomei at night, and the two are still in the adjacent dormitory.

"Isn't this accompanied by you!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

Well, they have become a foil!

For the first time, Feng Jue felt that Mr. Ming Yi was so thick-skinned, he insisted on coming even though Su Xiaomei didn't invite him.

Su Chengyun didn't think too much about it, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Ming Yi, for your help today!"

"Miss Su, you don't need to thank me, I didn't do anything!" Mr. Ming Yi replied with a smile.

"Su Xiaomei, why can't I understand? Why are you thanking Mr. Mingyi?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

Only then did Su Chengyun realize that he hadn't told a few people about Mr. Ming Yi's help, so he briefly explained the matter.

Both Feng Jue and Wei Ang looked at Young Master Ming Yi strangely, not understanding why this man would help.

"Young Master Mingyi, don't think that I speak badly. It is said that you are the disciple of Dean Qiu. If you encounter such a thing that damages the reputation of the academy, you should stand up and stop it. Why..."

Although Feng Jue didn't say anything later, everyone understood.

I saw Mr. Mingyi smiled: "Hehe, you don't know my master very well. My master is not a person who values ​​reputation very much. I can't say whether this matter will damage the reputation of the college. You think the teachers in the college are all You can't do it without food. Besides, even if there is something that damages the reputation of Nancang Academy, it will not be shaken at all."

Su Chengyun suddenly realized that Nancang College already had a public relations teacher who specialized in handling these matters and guiding public opinion!
"Master Mingyi, who are you here this time?" Wei Ang asked.

"It's nothing, I just came here on a temporary basis to chat with you!"

Several people looked at each other, unable to believe that the matter was so simple, but seeing Mr. Mingyi's appearance, they couldn't ask any more questions, so they avoided this topic and started chatting until midnight.

"Mr. Ming Yi, what exactly does this mean?" Feng Jue frowned.

"I can't understand either!" Wei Ang said while touching his chin.

"Miss Su, do you understand?"

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I don't understand it! But I don't think it's malicious, it's already late, you should go back early!"

Feng Jue and Wei Ang bid farewell and left, and Su Chengyun and Mo Mo also returned to the dormitory.

"Susu, isn't Momo very useless?" Momo's mood was a little depressed.

"Why did Momo say that?" Su Chengyun asked strangely.

Mo Mo lowered his head: "Mo Mo knows that today's events are all because of Mo Mo, but Mo Mo can't help anything, Feng Jue and Wei Ang are so capable, even Mr. Mingyi helps Susu, Mo Mo But it can't help!"

"Who says Mo Mo can't help, Mo Mo is helping to create chaos!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

However, he still felt that no one else could do it!
"Okay, Mo Mo, don't think so much, as long as you are well, I will be happy!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, "Hurry up and go back to sleep!"

"En!" Mo Mo returned to her dormitory obediently.

On the other side, Mr. Ming Yi did not go back to his residence, but came to Qiu Tianqi's place.

"Master!" he called out respectfully.

"Boy Nan, I didn't expect you to meddle in other people's business!" Qiu Tianqi's eyes swept over Young Master Ming Yi, as if he had just met Young Master Ming Yi.

"Hehe, I just suddenly became interested and wanted to get involved!" Mr. Ming Yi said with a big smile.

"Hmph, are you interested? How many times have you had such an impulse since you were young? Can you count them with one slap?" Qiu Tianqi said angrily.

Young Master Ming Yi was not afraid when he heard the words, instead he walked forward with a smile on his face, looked at Qiu Tianqi with a smile and said: "Master, if you have to keep a straight face, at least put away the smiles from the corners of your eyes!"

"You brat, how dare you find fault with Master!" Qiu Tianqi glared at Mr. Ming Yi.

"Hey, you actually agree with what I did today, right?"

"Hmph!" Qiu Tianqi turned his head to the side.

"Master, if I don't help today, you might lose several good students!"


"Master, I don't understand. You clearly know that people like Dou Yan are scum, but you still recruit people into the academy. What do you mean? Master, I don't believe that you don't want to enter the academy alone, but he can still come in? "Master Mingyi said doubtfully.

"Hmph, what do you know! Which college doesn't have many scumbags, you are tall without these scumbags, and without these scumbags, you can have fun in your boring studies!" Qiu Tianqi said dissatisfied.

"Ah, master, according to what you said, these scumbags were deliberately put in by your old man, just to have some fun for the academy!" Mr. Mingyi opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Hmph, not only that, these people are not weak, with them as opponents, many people in the academy will improve rapidly!"

"Hey!" Mr. Ming Yi sighed dejectedly, not knowing what to say.

He wanted to say that these scumbags would become a stain on the academy sooner or later, but obviously his master didn't care at all.

He also wanted to say that these people would cause trouble to some people, but his master clearly meant that only trouble is good, and only trouble can make progress.

Mr. Ming Yi was completely defeated by his master.

"Boy Nan, did you go to Su Chengyun's dormitory today?" Qiu Tianqi asked gossipingly.

Master Mingyi nodded.

Qiu Tianqi smiled and stroked his beard: "Boy Nan, I've never seen you care so much about a girl! Not only do you help her, but you also take the initiative to find someone to talk to!"

Mr. Mingyi couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words: "Master, where did you go!"

"Boy Nan, I'm your master. I don't understand your temperament. If you don't have any interest in other girls, why would you take the initiative to help?" Qiu Tianqi stared.

Mr. Mingyi bowed his head and remained silent!
"Hey, boy Nan, if you like him, go after him! However, if you want to catch up with Su Chengyun, I'm afraid it will be very difficult!" Qiu Tianqi laughed and poured cold water on him.

Young Master Mingyi asked in bewilderment: "Why?"

"Why?" Qiu Tianqi stared, "Boy Nan, you really don't think Su Chengyun likes you!" On the surface, the little girl was very talkative, but deep down she was a proud and arrogant master. His majestic Dean Qiu probably didn't even notice him.

Mr. Ming Yi was still puzzled.

"Don't think that you are popular with girls. Everyone wants to see you. I think Su Chengyun is an exception! Besides, there is a beautiful boy beside her who is not inferior to you! Don't forget, everything today is The beautiful boy caused it, Su Chengyun can do so much for the beautiful boy, will she do it for you?"

"But that Momo..."

"Are you trying to say that Mo Mo is a bit stupid?"

"Hmph, I think the one who calls Mo Mo stupid is a fool! Mo Mo is pure and innocent!"

"Master, why do I feel that you value that boy more than me!"

"Ahem, master, I just appreciate his innocence!"

"Smart people in the world usually lose to innocent people, so I don't like you very much, boy Nan!" Qiu Tianqi patted Mr. Ming Yi on the shoulder sympathetically.

(End of this chapter)

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