Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 179 Warning

Chapter 179 Warning
"Su Chengyun, are you lying to me?" Shangguan Youlan frowned at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun smiled: "What did I lie to you for?"

"You explained that Mr. Yi just went to chat with you. There are so many people in the academy, why did he just come to you?"

"Hehe, I have to ask Mr. Ming Yi about this. I also wonder why he is looking for us. Maybe he knew that we were the parties involved in yesterday's incident and came here specially to find out the situation!"

"Su Chengyun, don't you think this reason is too far-fetched? I'm also a party involved. As for the relationship with Mr. Ming Yi, I, Shangguan Youlan, are much closer than you guys. There is no reason why Mr. Ming Yi is looking for you and not me! "

"Hehe, Shangguan Youlan, don't you think lonely men and widows living in the same dormitory will gossip? Even if you don't pay attention, Mr. Ming Yi will definitely pay attention!" Of course Su Chengyun didn't say that Mr. Ming Yi paid attention to himself, but It wasn't her, Shangguan Youlan.

"Su Chengyun, wouldn't you be a lonely man and a widow if Mr. Ming Yi went to you?"

"Hehe, of course not, my roommate is a man, besides, there are Feng Jue and Wei Ang here!"

Shangguan Youlan fell silent when she heard the words, she really forgot that Su Chengyun's roommate was a man.

"Su Chengyun, Mr. Ming Yi was really just chatting in the past, not anything else?" Shangguan Youlan asked again.

"Others? You mean..." Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

Shangguan Youlan bit her lip: "Su Chengyun, can you explain that Mr. Yi may have gone for you?"

Go for her?

Su Chengyun frowned, wondering what Shangguan Youlan meant.

"I mean, did Mr. Ming Yi like you so he went to your dormitory?" Seeing Su Chengyun's unresponsive look, Shangguan Youlan asked directly angrily.

"Ha, what?" Su Chengyun was really taken aback this time, then laughed, waved his hands and said, "Impossible!"

"How is it impossible? Ever since I met Mr. Mingyi, I have never seen him take the initiative to any girl. You are thought that I don't know that Mr. Mingyi asked to go to your dormitory yesterday!"

Su Chengyun was even more surprised this time, how could Shangguan Youlan know the details.

And Shangguan Youlan was looked at by Su Chengyun as unnatural, she would never tell Su Chengyun that she was worried about following Mr. Mingyi last night.

"Shangguan Youlan, don't you think it's futile to find me for such a thing? You like Mr. Ming Yi, so you can go after him? I don't know Mr. Ming Yi well, so I can't help you!" Su Cheng Yundao.

"Su Chengyun, I didn't ask you to help me!" Shangguan Youlan almost jumped in anger. Does Su Chengyun know the point of what she said?

"Ah, then what exactly are you looking for?" Su Chengyun raised his eyes and asked.

"Su Chengyun, I warn you, you are not allowed to like Mr. Mingyi!"

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard the words: "There are so many little girls in the academy who like Mr. Ming Yi, so they must warn you!"

Shangguan Youlan immediately rolled her eyes when she heard the words: "You are different!" Because Mr. Mingyi treats you differently.

"Oh, is there any more?" Su Chengyun touched his nose and asked.

"Stay away from Mr. Mingyi in the future!"

Su Chengyun nodded: "Well, I won't take the initiative to join in in the future!"

"Hmph, remember your words!" Shangguan Youlan flung his sleeves and left.

Su Chengyun shook his head, and walked towards Mo Mo and the others.

"Su Xiaomei, what did Shangguan Youlan tell you?" Feng Jue asked.

"Oh, it's nothing! Let's go to the library!" Su Chengyun didn't say deeply, why should boys be involved in girls' affairs.

But Shangguan Youlan seems to really like Young Master Ming Yi, and Young Master Ming Yi seems to treat Shangguan You Lan like any other girl.

The Goddess has a heart, but King Xiang has no intention. It seems that Shangguan Youlan is destined to be heartbroken.

But it's none of her business, she and Mr. Mingyi are not in the same way at all.

"Good morning everyone!"

Before they reached the library, they saw a smiling figure.

"Master Mingyi?"

Su Chengyun wanted to touch his forehead, just now Shangguan Youlan talked with her about Young Master Ming Yi for a long time, and now Young Master Ming Yi is standing in front of him, if Shangguan You Lan knew about it, it would be even more misunderstood.

"Miss Su, is your head uncomfortable?" Mr. Ming Yi asked with concern, Su Chengyun's heart trembled.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" she said hastily.

"Master Ming Yi, do you have something to do?" Feng Jue asked with a frown.

"Oh, something to do!" Mr. Ming Yi laughed, "That's right, Master wants to see Miss Su and this classmate Mo!"

"Dean Qiu?" Several people were surprised when they heard the words, and looked over.

"Not bad!" Mr. Ming Yi said with a smile.

"Why does Dean Qiu want to see us?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"I don't know about that either!" Mr. Ming Yi shook his head, "But Miss Su will know when she goes!"

"Okay, Momo, let's go and have a look!" Su Chengyun greeted Momo.

"Well, Mo Mo hasn't seen the old man for a long time!"

Su Chengyun nodded to Feng Jue and Wei Ang, and walked forward side by side with Mo Mo.

Mr. Ming Yi glanced at the two intimate figures, and suddenly felt inexplicably sour in his heart.

Could it be that he really likes Su Chengyun, Mr. Ming Yi touched his heart and showed hesitation.

"Feng Jue, what are you still looking at, let's go!" Wei Ang urged.

Feng Jue pulled Wei Ang over, "Wei Ang, don't you think Mr. Ming Yi looks at Su Xiaomei strangely?"

Wei Ang sneered: "Feng Jue, you just found out?"

Feng Jue's eyes widened: "Ah, you already found out?"

"It's not too early, Mr. Ming Yi was already very abnormal yesterday, can I not pay attention?" Wei Ang said.

"So, last night..."

"Well, Mr. Mingyi probably has some wrong thoughts about Chengyun!" Wei Ang dragged his chin.

"Master can he like Su Xiaomei?" Feng Jue jumped.

Wei Ang looked at Feng Jue strangely: "Feng Jue, are you only allowed to like riding the clouds and not others?"

"Wei Ang, touch your heart and say, Mr. Ming Yi, is that someone else? Mr. Ming Yi likes Su Xiaomei to cause trouble for Su Xiaomei, and thinks that Su Xiaomei is not messy enough! Ah...who said that I Xiaomei , I regard Su Xiaomei as my younger sister!"

"Come on, Feng Jue, it's not like I've known you for a day or two, and I can't even tell that you like a girl!" Wei Ang snorted.

"Wei Ang, I warn you, don't tell Su Xiaomei this!" Feng Jue said viciously, grabbing Wei Ang's front.

"Let go, let go! Don't worry, I won't tell Chengyun!" Wei Ang promised quickly.

"Hey!" Feng Jue let go of his hand in dismay.

"Feng Jue, you should put your thoughts away as soon as possible, I can see that Cheng Yun has always regarded you as a good brother, a good buddy!" Wei Ang tried hard to persuade.

"Pretend I don't know!" Feng Jue replied sullenly.

"Know that you are still like this?"

"Hmph, just give me some time!"

"Okay, I'll give you time, fortunately I'm wise!"

"What, Wei Ang, you also liked Su Xiaomei?"

"No, no, I'm just admiring, admiring Chengyun!" Hey, do I still dare to like you after seeing your miserable appearance?
(End of this chapter)

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