Chapter 182
"Feng Jue, Wei Ang, have you really prepared the ingredients?" Looking at the pile of ingredients in the kitchen, Su Chengyun asked in surprise.I thought they were coaxing Mr. Ming Yi, but who knew it was true.

"Chengyun, didn't you complain about the food in the restaurant last time? It happened that He Fengjue and I also got tired of eating, so we bought some ingredients!" Wei Ang explained with a smile.

"Ah, can't you leave the academy?"

"Hey, you don't need to go out of the academy, just hand it over to the procurement staff of the restaurant, as long as you give some gold coins, he will take care of it for you!" Wei Ang said.

"Oh, it's okay!" Su Chengyun suddenly realized.

"Feng Jue contributed a lot to this matter, most of the ingredients were planned by him!" Wei Ang mentioned Feng Jue, and indicated with his eyes that Feng Jue was still angry.

Su Chengyun stroked his forehead in annoyance, and bit the bullet to face Feng Jue.

"Fengjue!" Su Chengyun pulled a big smile from the corner of his mouth, and lowered his posture.

Feng Jue turned around and ignored him.

Su Chengyun walked over again, and said with a flattering smile: "Fengjue!"

Feng Jue still turned around behind him.

"Feng Jue, I was wrong this time, I shouldn't be blunt!" Su Chengyun apologized sincerely.

Feng Jue gave some response this time, but only gave a "hum".

"Feng Jue, please forgive me this time! I'll be thinking about what I say in the future! In this way, as an apology, I'll arrange dinner!"

"But to be honest?" Feng Jue looked over.

"Seriously, seriously!" Seeing that the wind ignored her, Su Chengyun nodded so hard that he was about to hit the ground.

"Okay, I, Feng Jue, will see Su Xiaomei's craftsmanship today, if it's not good, hum!"

"Hey, I'll prepare right away!" Su Chengyun smiled and ran into the kitchen.

"Susu, Momo is here to help you!"

"it is good!"

And Wei Ang looked at Feng Jue with a smile: "Feng Jue, just play with Cheng Yun!"

"Who says I am teasing Su Xiaomei, I am really angry!" Feng Jue said angrily.

"Feng Jue, don't you find it strange?"

"What's so strange?" Feng Jue looked at Wei Ang suspiciously.

"Stupid, of course it's strange why Chengyun thinks of you and Mr. Mingyi in that way?"

"Wei Ang, you still mention this!" Feng Jue glared at Wei Ang.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, am I helping you analyze?" Wei Ang hurriedly comforted him, but sighed in his heart, it seemed that Feng Jue's iron heart had indeed received a slight shock.

Feng Jue's anger subsided a little after hearing the words: "It's really strange to hear you say that!"

"Feng Jue, do you still remember that Shangguan Youlan approached Chengyun a few days ago?"

"Remember? What does that have to do with my affairs? Could it be that Shangguan Youlan told Su Xiaomei that I like Mr. Mingyi?"

"Where did you think? I mean, is it possible that Shangguan Youlan told Chengyun to stay away from Mr. Mingyi!"

Feng Jue wanted to say something, Wei Ang interrupted directly: "It is well known that Shangguan Youlan likes Young Master Ming Yi, and today you also asked Cheng Yun to stay away from Young Master Ming Yi, do you think Cheng Yun will connect the two things. "

Feng Jue opened his eyes wide, then took a deep breath, then exhaled heavily, and said angrily: "I said... I said how could Su Xiaomei say such things, it turned out to be Shangguan Youlan! If she hadn't found Su Xiaomei, Su Xiaomei would not think of that, Shangguan Youlan harmed me!"

"Okay, don't be angry! Don't be angry!"

"Wei Ang, why didn't you say that Shangguan Youlan didn't warn Master Mingyi to stay away from Miss Su? It was obviously Master Mingyi who wanted to come over, but Shangguan Youlan didn't go to find the instigator, but came to trouble Miss Su. Be Su Xiaomei. Bullying!"

"Feng Jue, keep your voice down! Cheng Yun will hear you!" Seeing Feng Jue's voice getting louder, Wei Ang hurriedly stepped forward to cover Feng Jue's mouth. Unexpectedly, Feng Jue couldn't stand alone, and the two of them joined together Fell on the couch.

"Ah... I didn't see anything!" As soon as Su Chengyun came out of the restaurant, he saw Wei Ang lying on the sofa with Feng Jue's body pressed down, and he quickly covered his eyes, but opened a crack to look over.

"Miss Su, it's not what you think?" Feng Jue hurriedly shouted, "Wei Ang, you're not up yet!"

"Chengyun, it's really not what you saw!" Feng Jue ran over to explain, "If you don't believe me, ask Wei Ang!" Feng Jue directly pulled Wei Ang's hand, and Su Chengyun's eyes fell on the two of them. hands.

Wei Ang hurriedly released Feng Jue's hand, looking at Feng Jue with a dark face.

"Wei Ang, explain quickly!" Feng Jue urged.

But Wei Ang felt helpless and asked the sky, explaining, the more he explained, the more he couldn't explain it clearly, but he still said: "Well, Chengyun..."

"Oh, I understand, I understand!" Seeing Wei Ang's face of being caught and helpless, Su Chengyun couldn't help laughing, and rescued the two very understandingly.

No wonder Feng Jue turned his face when he heard her say that he liked Mr. Ming Yi, so the real master is here!
No wonder Wei Ang kept laughing, it turned out he was praising Feng Jue for his angry behavior!

"Ah, Miss Su, what do you know?" Feng Jue asked stupidly.

"Feng Jue, I said long ago that I don't discriminate against homosexuals, but can you two wait until Mo Mo and I leave..." Su Chengyun glanced across the sofa.

Feng Jue almost went crazy when he heard the words, and Wei Ang also felt very speechless.

"Don't worry, I will keep it secret for you, even if I cover for you, it's okay! Who told you to be my friends!" Su Chengyun generously expressed that he could help.

Feng Jue couldn't listen anymore, he stepped forward and grabbed Su Chengyun's shoulder, and shouted: "Miss Su, I'm not gay!" The sound was loud.

Wei Ang glanced at the window, luckily it wasn't open, the dormitory's soundproofing measures are good, if not, rumors of him being gay with Fengjue would be flying all over the sky tomorrow.

"Oh, no, no!" Su Chengyun said with a smile still.Feng Jue was arrogant and refused to admit that she understood.

"Miss Su...I'm really not gay!" Feng Jue yelled again.

This time the roar brought Mo Mo out of the kitchen, and when he saw Feng Jue holding Su Chengyun's shoulder, he immediately went forward to grab Feng Jue's hand.

"Let go of Susu!" Mo Mo roared.

But Feng Jue seemed to have seen a savior, and grabbed Mo Mo's arm instead: "Mo Mo, tell Cheng Yun that I, Feng, are definitely not gay!"

Mo Mo looked at Feng Jue with doubtful eyes, and said after a long time: "Feng Jue, even if you are gay, Su Su will not hate you. Well, neither will Mo Mo!"

"I told you, I'm not gay!" Feng Jue became even more anxious when he heard this.

"Okay, if you say no, then it's not!" Su Chengyun smiled and patted Feng Jue on the shoulder, and if the argument continued, Feng Jue seemed to be going crazy.

Looking at Su Chengyun's appearance, Feng Jue knew that she hadn't changed her mind, so he let go of Mo Mo weakly.

"Wei Ang, tell me!" Feng Jue waved his hand weakly.

Wei Ang sighed, glared at Feng Jue, stepped forward to Su Chengyun and said, "Chengyun, it was an accident just now!"

Accident?Did she see it by accident?

Su Chengyun looked at Wei Ang with a smile: "Oh, was it an accident? It's okay, it's okay! I'll pretend I didn't see it!"


Wei Ang looked up at the roof helplessly, and heaved a deep sigh in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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