Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 184 The Gala

Chapter 184 The Gala
The next day, Feng Jue was covered with cold air, and sat in the air-conditioned seat, while the classroom was quiet.

Everyone came very early today, and their eyes secretly swept across the door and Su Chengyun from time to time.

This atmosphere made Su Chengyun feel very strange.

"What's wrong with everyone?" She asked softly.

"It's okay! Chengyun don't pay attention to them!" Wei Ang replied with a smile.


After a while, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and then a figure as bright as the sun stepped into the classroom, everyone's eyes lit up, and they looked at Mr. Mingyi without blinking.

But Mr. Mingyi still glanced at the classroom, and walked over with a smile after seeing Su Chengyun, and sat on the seat behind Su Chengyun.

Many people looked as expected, and looked at Su Chengyun with meaningful eyes. Fortunately, they were all smart and none of them took that seat, otherwise they would have to give up their seats today.

Feng Jue bit his lip tightly, lowered his head and didn't dare to look back, he was afraid that he would lose his temper, while Wei Ang patted his shoulder lightly to comfort him.

Look at the concentration of Mr. Mingyi, he was so angry last night, and he recovered in just one night, how can he be like this one!
Wei Ang sighed.

Teacher Liang Yuling stepped into the classroom with a happy face, not surprised by the weird atmosphere in the classroom.

"Students, yesterday's assessment results are out!" Liang Yuling smiled and looked around the audience.

Everyone didn't dare to be careless, they immediately sat upright and started to get serious.

Liang Yuling said with a smile: "Our Class Nine's overall score is ranked first, and far surpasses No.2. Thank you very much for winning glory for the class!" Liang Yuling clapped his hands.

The students below were also very excited and applauded.

Liang Yuling signaled everyone to stop, and said with a serious expression: "However, there are still 53 failed students in our class. Now I can read the name, please come out! Li Feng..."

53 people stood up one by one, their faces sombre.

"Since I got the first place in the class test, I will give a light punishment this time and go out and run ten laps!" Teacher Liang Yuling waved his hand, and 53 people ran out one by one.

"The following is the announced results, Mr. Ming Yi, 99 points, Su Chengyun, 98 points, Mo Mo, 98 points..."

Everyone listened to the results, but their eyes lightly glanced at Mr. Mingyi and Su Chengyun. They remembered that they also won No.1 and No.2 last time. No wonder they admired them, they are both top students in the class!

Not long after Teacher Liang Yuling announced the results, the students who went out to run the penalty laps also came back.

"Okay, after the assessment is over, you have a good rest for the day. Tomorrow night, the college has prepared a gala for your freshmen. Remember to attend it, and you are not allowed to be absent! By the way, I forgot to tell you that senior students may also come to attend Ah, little girls, be careful, don't be fooled by those people's rhetoric!" Teacher Liang Yuling reminded with a smile and walked out of the classroom.

"The gala?" The classroom was about to explode.

"Ah... I forgot to bring my most beautiful dress!"

" favorite blush hasn't arrived yet!"

"Wow, it's so annoying, people don't even have any preparations!"


Su Chengyun looked at the two people in front: "Is there anything special about the gala at Nancang Academy?"

Wei Ang frowned and said: "It seems that there is nothing particular about it, but everyone attaches great importance to the rules and etiquette of noble families, so some people will suffer a lot!"

What Wei Ang said was simple, but Su Chengyun still understood. Nancang Academy has a lot of noble disciples and children from aristocratic families. No matter what time, space and era they are in, all upper-class society is a class that likes to compare and show off, so Nancang Academy The gala is not exempt, and will eventually become a place for celebrities and nobles to show off.

On the contrary, some children from small families or poor families, or people like them from the barbarian land of Mochizuki not only lack innate advantages compared to those nobles, but also have no training in this area in the later stage, so they always suffer a little bit. If someone uses etiquette to make things difficult for them, they will definitely make mistakes and become the object of ridicule.

"Su Chengyun, if you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me, and I will tell you everything!" Mr. Ming Yi said from behind.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mingyi, I, Feng Jue, will teach Su Xiaomei, Su Xiaomei, let's go back!" Feng Jue said coldly.

Su Chengyun smiled at Mr. Ming Yi, greeted Mo Mo, Feng Jue and Wei Ang and left the classroom together.

Mr. Mingyi looked at the backs of several people thoughtfully.

Seeing that Mr. Ming Yi was rejected again, the others couldn't help holding their breath, and no one dared to speak out.

Mr. Mingyi chuckled lightly, and walked out of the classroom.

The classroom was boiling again.

"Did you see, Su Chengyun rejected Mr. Mingyi again!"

"Master Mingyi, why can't you just look at me more!"


Feng Jue and Wei Ang went directly to Su Chengyun's dormitory.

Feng Jue said directly: "Miss Su, you have offended a lot of people, I believe they will definitely not let go of this opportunity tomorrow, so from now on, Wei Ang and I will teach you and Mo Mo to learn aristocratic etiquette!"

Su Chengyun also knew that the matter was a little urgent, and was very grateful for the enthusiastic help of the two, so he said: "Don't worry, Momo and I must study hard!"

But with the two people's explanations, Su Chengyun learned faster and faster. After all, she had reached the pinnacle of that world in her previous life, and both feet stepped into the upper class. She played with the etiquette of the upper class better than anyone else. Even the British royal etiquette has been studied.So now, after listening to the explanations of the two, they will soon be able to master it.

Feng Jue and Wei Ang were just amazed at how quickly Su Chengyun learned, and they were also surprised to find that Mo Mo learned faster. They only needed to demonstrate once, and Mo Mo's movements were even more standard and smooth than the two of them. Like a born nobleman, the two of them were jealous.

"Don't teach, don't teach, you two are learning too fast!" Feng Jue said angrily.

But Wei Ang laughed: "Okay, the etiquette has been taught almost! Since it's a gala, you can dance naturally, Chengyun, can you dance?"

Su Chengyun is not sure whether she will be the same as this world.

"Wei Ang, Feng Jue, can you demonstrate it to me?"

"Okay!" Wei Ang pulled La Fengjue's arm, the two argued for a while about who would dance the men's step and who would dance the women's step, and finally jumped up.

Wow, so familiar!

Dance really has no borders, no time and space!

Su Chengyun actually found that the dance here was no different from the previous life. After the two danced a few more dances, Su Chengyun became more sure.

But seeing Mo Mo's confused eyes, Su Chengyun knew that Mo Mo couldn't.

Thinking about Mo Qiling's appearance that strangers are not allowed to enter, he must disdain such activities as dancing, maybe no one dares to invite him to dance.

"Feng Jue, Wei Ang, I have already learned it, and I will leave Mo Mo to you!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah, Miss Su, you know it?" Feng Jue asked in surprise.

Su Chengyun nodded.

"Mo Mo, study hard!" Su Chengyun cheered Mo Mo up.

Mo Mo nodded: "Susu don't worry, Mo Mo will definitely learn!"

(End of this chapter)

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