Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 196 Ambush on the Road

Chapter 196 Ambush on the Road
There are also lively places in Nancang City at night. Su Chengyun and Mo Mo played for a long time, and ate a lot of snacks before walking towards the college.

"Momo, are you having fun today?"

"Well, as long as Susu is here, Mo Mo will be happy!"

Hey, this Momo!

Walking on the quiet road, looking at the crescent moon hanging above his head, Su Chengyun was very happy.

"Susu, there is a voice!" Mo Mo frowned.

Ah, is there a sound?Su Chengyun listened intently, and faintly heard the slight sound of footsteps moving.

"Momo, don't stop, let's keep going!" Su Chengyun said, she wants to see who wants to ambush them.

A moment later, there was a sound of breaking through the alley at the same time.

"Momo, be careful!" Su Chengyun shouted, and moved away from the spot, Momo's movements were not slow.

"Who? Come out!" Su Chengyun shouted.

No one answered, the surrounding was extremely silent, only the sound of wind blowing and falling leaves.

Suddenly, lights flashed on both sides.

"Susu, it's an arrow in the back!" Mo Mo shouted.

Su Chengyun hurriedly drew out his dagger and placed it in front of him.

"Mo Mo, you left me right!" The two leaned back to back, and at the same time swung their daggers to cut off the hidden arrows in front of them.

The dagger dance is impeccable, but the dark arrows seem to be endless.

Seeing this situation, Su Chengyun's passive resistance was a bad idea, so he couldn't help saying: "Momo, let's take the initiative!"

"it is good!"

The two of them faced the hidden arrows at the same time. Su Chengyun avoided the flying arrows one by one like a ghost, and entered the alley, only to see a few bowed archers.

Su Chengyun snorted coldly, stepped forward and stabbed at the nearest archer.

Over there, Mo Mo also attacked the group of archers.

"Let's go together!"

Seeing that the archers were useless, many men in black suddenly jumped out of the alley and strangled the two of them.

And Nan Cang College.

Mr. Ming Yi stood at the side refreshingly, while in front of him was Qiu Tianqi who kept walking back and forth stroking his beard.

"Boy Nan, what did you say you were doing! The Mind Refining Pagoda is a place to train your mind, not a place to train your sadness! What is the most taboo in mind training, the most taboo is mood fluctuations! And you, you just ran over. It's because of fear. Demons cannot enter the body, right?"

"The old man has only been away for a few days. Look at what you have tortured yourself into. You are not a ghost or a ghost. If you throw it out, who will know you!"

"The most important thing is that you still ran to Su Yatou to hold on. Why, do you want Su Yatou to see you hurt by love, or do you want Su Yatou to feel sorry for you and pity you?"

Young Master Ming Yi who had been listening to the training with his head down hastily raised his head when he heard the words, and said, "Master, I don't think so!"

"I don't think so, so what do you think?" Qiu Tianqi stared.

"I went to the Mind Training Pagoda just to forget Su Chengyun through training my mind, but Master, I found that I couldn't do it! I found that the more I trained my mind, the more I thought about it, so I couldn't stand it anymore and ran to see her!"

"Hmph, let me tell you what's good about you! Nan boy, you can see clearly in other things, why can't you see through a word of love!"

"Master, I... I don't want to either!" Young Master Ming Yi's eyes flashed.

"Hey, forget it. Since ancient times, people have been troubled by love words. You can't figure it out and no one can help you!" Qiu Tianqi sighed.

Mr. Ming Yi: "Master, I want to go for a walk!"

Qiu Tianqi waved his hands: "Go, go, blow on the cold wind more, sober up!"

Looking at the back of Mr. Ming Yi going out, Qiu Tianqi sighed and said silently in his heart.

"Boy Nan, Miss Su is your catastrophe, so you can do it yourself!"

But Su Chengyun's battle was very fierce.

Su Chengyun kicked away a man in black, turned around and stabbed the dagger into the chest of another man in black.

The men in black fell down one by one, and Su Chengyun finally broke out of the men in black's encirclement and rushed to the main road.

"Mo Mo!" Seeing being chased out and surrounded by men in black again, she yelled.

"Susu, I'm fine!" Mo Mo's hurried voice came from the other side of the alley, it seemed that Mo Mo was under a lot of pressure.

"Momo, be careful!"

"Susu, you too!"

"Hey, you still care about others when you're dying!" A man in black sneered.

"Hmph, it's not certain who will die!" Su Chengyun also turned back coldly.

"Haha, the little girl's mouth is really stubborn. Brothers, don't be merciful, and the business has been resolved early!" the man in black said.

"Who sent you here?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Haha, little girl, do you think we'll tell you! Go to hell and ask Hades!" The man in black stabbed at him with a long sword, and Su Chengyun moved away.

And Mo Mo walked back and forth among the men in black like a cheetah, harvesting lives one by one with a cold dagger, and finally rushed out of the way.

"Su Su!" Mo Mo also rushed over to join Su Chengyun.

And the man in black chased him out from the alley.

The two men in black were taken aback when they met, and Su Chengyun immediately judged that this was not the same party.

However, the two men in black just looked at each other and rushed towards them. They had the same goal, and it seemed that they had cooperated temporarily.

It is much easier for Su Chengyun and Mo Mo to work together than to fight alone, and they can trust each other with their backs.

"Kill them!" Seeing that the man in black couldn't attack for a long time, he couldn't help but get anxious. This is Nancang City, so such a big movement may have alarmed others. Even if their master can hold back the patrol team for a while, he can't hold back Too long, they have to make a quick fight.

The night is thicker, and the killing intent is also stronger.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo's bodies were stained with blood, stained with the blood of the man in black.

Seeing the companions around him fall one by one, the man in black also lost his temper.

"Su Su be careful!" Mo Mo exclaimed, turned around, and stood in front of Su Chengyun, a sword scratched his arm.

"Mo Mo!" Su Chengyun kicked with a spin, kicking the man in black who stabbed Mo Mo far away.

"Susu, don't worry, Mo Mo is fine!"

Mr. Ming Yi heard the sound of fighting from a distance. If it was in the past, he might come forward to watch it curiously, but today he is really not in the mood.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard a familiar voice: "Damn you all!" The voice seemed to contain a violent storm.

"Su Chengyun!"

Mr. Mingyi was startled, and passed by.

The scene caught in his eyes caused his pupils to dilate suddenly, and he saw more than [-] men in black teaming up to attack the two people surrounded in the middle. eyes.

"Su Chengyun!"

Mr. Ming Yi shouted loudly, like a stream of light coming in an instant, and a cloud fan pushed away the people blocking the way.

"Ah, Ming... Mr. Ming Yi?"

Su Chengyun looked at Mr. Ming Yi who suddenly fell from the sky in surprise, never thought that Mr. Ming Yi would appear suddenly.

Only Mo Mo frowned slightly, and an unknown emotion flashed in his eyes.

The man in black didn't expect that Mr. Ming Yi would come suddenly, and stood beside the two of them, he was a little stunned, not knowing what to do.

"Who are you, how dare you commit murder in Nancang City?" Young Master Ming Yi narrowed his eyes and shouted, looking at the man in black with scrutiny and strong killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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