Chapter 199
On the second day, Feng Jue and Wei Ang came back early, and both of them carried a chill.

"Su Xiaomei, I heard that you had an accident last night, but is it true? Su Xiaomei, are you injured? Where is the injury?" Feng Jue hurriedly asked before taking a sip of water.

Su Chengyun said: "Oh, I was ambushed by a few men in black, but fortunately, I was lucky to be lucky, so I didn't suffer much injuries!"

Feng Jue stared: "How many? How did I hear that there were dozens of them? I heard that Mr. Ming Yi was there last night. Is it the killer he provoked? Are you implicated by him?"

Su Chengyun shook his head and laughed, the misunderstanding was serious, he hurriedly explained: "Well, it has nothing to do with Mr. Mingyi, those men in black are here for me and Mo Mo!"

"Who the hell is going to kill Su Xiaomei?" Feng Jue became more angry when he heard the words, and turned his artillery on Mo Mo, "Mo Mo, how did you protect Su Xiaomei? How did you hurt Su Xiaomei?"

Su Chengyun was a little dumbfounded, what's wrong with this Fengjue, just after attacking Young Master Mingyi, he turned to attack Momo again.

Seeing Mo Mo with his head bowed and a guilty expression on his face, Su Chengyun hurriedly said, "Mo Mo was injured too!"

"Momo is a man, so what's the point of him getting hurt, if you don't protect Su Xiaomei well, you just haven't protected well!"

Wei Ang couldn't stand it anymore this time, so he held back Feng Jue.

"Feng Jue, it's never over, is it time to talk about these things?"

"Chengyun, do you know who the man in black is?" Wei Ang asked in a deep voice.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I don't know, but I can be sure that there are two groups of people!"

"Two groups of people?" Feng Jue gritted his teeth, "How long has Su Xiaomei come to Nancang, and there are actually two groups of people coming to ambush, it seems that they are bullying Su Xiaomei and have no backers!"

Wei Ang pondered for a moment and said: "Chengyun, there are only a few people you offended in Nancang City, so it should be easy to check!"

"Yes, yes, check! Check him out, I, Feng Jue, want to see which bastard is going to attack Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue roared angrily.

Wei Ang was not as angry as Feng Jue: "Chengyun, I'll go home and ask them to help with the investigation. Don't worry, they will definitely find out!"

Feng is not resigned to being an afterthought: "Miss Su, I will also ask the family to help with the investigation. No matter how deep they hide, they must find out and avenge Su Xiaomei!"

"Thank you!" Su Chengyun said gratefully.

"Miss Su, why are you being polite to us?"

"That's right, Chengyun, you're welcome!"

"Miss Su, take a good rest, Wei Ang and I will take care of the matter! Wei Ang, why are you dawdling, let's go, get down to business!" Feng Jue shouted at Wei Ang.

"Chengyun, Momo, take good care of your wounds, we will see you later!"

When the two Tathagata came, they left in a hurry.

"Susu..." Momo was a little depressed.

"Mo Mo..." Mo Qiling had already left, and it was Mo Mo at this time.

"Susu, I'm sorry, I'm useless!" Momo said with her head down.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Mo Mo, you are already great!"

"But asking Qiqi to save Susu every time, Mo Mo is so useless!"

"No, Mo Mo, you are really doing well!" Su Chengyun said.

"But, in Susu's heart, there is no Qiqi. Susu likes Qiqi more!" Mo Mo's voice was very deep.


"Momo knows that Susu likes Qiqi the most!"

"Mo Mo..."

"Susu, I'm actually very happy that you like Qi Qi Mo Mo, Qi Qi is a very reliable person, he can protect you!"

"Ah, Momo, are you boasting? Aren't you and Qiqi the same person!"

Momo scratched his head: "Susu, Momo and Qiqi are still individuals according to what you said, and they will be complete when they are combined in the future."

Su Chengyun understood that these two people still have their own thoughts, but neither is complete.

No wonder one is called Momo and the other is called Qiqi, neither of them is really Mo Qiling now.Only when they fit together can they be regarded as the real Mo Qiling.

In the afternoon, Teacher Liang Yuling came to the door.

"Chengyun, Mo Mo, I have heard about what happened last night, and I have sent someone to investigate. Don't worry, my student, I, Liang Yuling, will never be bullied at will!"

"Thank you, Teacher Liang!" Su Chengyun and Mo Mo hurriedly expressed their thanks.

"The Yun family is also investigating this matter. Yun Zixuan regrets not insisting on sending you back at the latest, and Ziluo is also very worried about you."

"Mr. Liang, this has nothing to do with Big Brother Yun. We insisted on going by ourselves. Please tell them that we are fine and let them stop worrying!"

"Chengyun, don't leave the academy until the truth of this matter comes to light!"

"Okay, got it, Mr. Liang!"

After Teacher Liang Yuling left, Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo also rushed over.

"Chengyun, are you okay?" Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo asked with concern.

Su Chengyun explained in every possible way that she was fine, and the two breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chengyun, who is going to harm you?" Shangguan Youyue asked.

"I do not know?"

"Chengyun, father attaches great importance to this matter, don't worry, he will find out!"

"Thank you, You Yue!"

"Chengyun, why are you being polite to me!" The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Chengyun, I'm sorry, I can't help much!" Jin Duoduo said apologetically.

"Duoduo, I'm very happy that you can come to see me!"

"Well, Chengyun, don't worry, those bad guys will definitely be caught!"

In the evening, Young Master Ming Yi also came to visit. Although Mo Mo didn't like to see Young Master Ming Yi, but seeing that Young Master Ming Yi helped Su Chengyun block the sword yesterday, he gave him a little good face.

Mr. Mingyi also expressed his surprise when he saw Mo Mo who had returned to a normal state, wondering where the violent and bloodthirsty Mo Mo went yesterday.

"Master Mingyi, thank you very much last night!"

Mr. Ming Yi hurriedly waved his hands: "Chengyun, you already thanked you yesterday!"

Take the cloud?

Mo Mo's eyes narrowed, this kid is too casual, from Miss Su to Su Chengyun, and now he is affectionately called Chengyun.He made it clear that Susu would not refuse him because he helped yesterday.

Su Chengyun smiled slightly: "Master Ming Yi has helped me twice, thank you is due!"

Mr. Mingyi's eyes darkened, Chengyun was still so polite to him.

"Chengyun, I have already told Master everything about last night, and Master is very furious! Don't worry, with Master's action, the murderer will definitely be caught! I have also notified the Nan family, and my family will also do their best to investigate!"

Su Chengyun nodded, feeling very touched, she did not expect so many people to help her find the murderer.

Feng Jue and Wei Ang came back the next day.

"Chengyun, do you know Baihualou?" Wei Ang asked.

Feng Jue glared at Wei Ang: "Wei Ang, how did Su Xiaomei know about Baihualou? I have to ask Mo Mo about this! Momo, have you ever been to Baihualou?"

"What is Baihualou?" Mo Mo asked in confusion.

Su Chengyun vaguely remembered that Yun Zixuan had mentioned it, and asked, "Is Baihualou the biggest brothel on that flower street?"

"Ah, Miss Su, how do you know?" Feng Jue was very puzzled, and Wei Ang was also more puzzled.

Su Chengyun hurriedly told the story of hiding from the black-robed man and hiding in Baihualou.

"Baihualou also intervened in what happened last night, and they are also looking for the murderer!" Feng Jue said.

(End of this chapter)

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