Chapter 221
The woman and her little girl walked and strolled, going into almost every store, but they always made criticisms, and they were very aggressive, which made all the merchants dare not speak out.

"Tch, there is nothing good at all!" the woman said.

"Miss, I just heard from a shopkeeper that there will be a stall street across that alley!" Feng'er said.

"What? Feng'er, I think you are a coward. How dare you let me go to those small stalls! What is my identity, how can I go to a small stall?" the woman said angrily.

"Miss, you don't know that there are still good things in those stalls!"


"Really, really, Feng'er found a treasure in the stall last time!"

"Is that the one you let Miss Ben see?"

"Yes, miss, don't you still boast that I will buy it?"

"Didn't you tell Miss Ben that you bought it at a famous shop?"

"Hey, hey. Miss, to tell you the truth, it was bought at a small stall!"

"Hmph, since that's the case, it's fine for me to go and have a look! If you don't find someone you like, let's see how I deal with you!"

"Miss, I dare not guarantee it!" Feng'er said with a bitter face.

"Okay, hurry up and lead the way!"

"Yes, miss!"

The two walked towards the alley, but when they got to the middle of the alley, two drunkards with shoulders and backs rushed out from the side and bumped into the two of them.

"Ouch!" The woman fell limply on the ground, glaring at the two of them, "You are so blind, how dare you bump into Miss Ben!"

Feng'er also supported her lady, while glaring at the two of them: "Do you know who our lady is? Can you afford to pay for the damage?"

"Hey, where are the two chicks, they are quite hot, brother, I bumped into each other, what can you do to me?" The man hiccupped after finishing speaking.

The other man looked at the woman and Feng'er with a playful smile: "Hey, the two chicks are really good-looking, do you know that brother is here, and came here specially to meet him!"

The woman was furious when she heard the words: "Where did the bastard dare to speak to Miss Ben like that, Feng'er, slap your mouth!"

"Yes, Miss!" Feng'er walked towards the two of them, they were not afraid, but laughed out loud.

"Is the chick here to give brother a massage? Brother welcome! Come, here, here!" The man tugged at his clothes, exposing his chest.

Feng'er frowned: "It's so disgusting, look at me beating you all over the place!" Feng'er rushed up, hitting the two of them with iron-like fists.

"Ah... it hurts!"

"The chick is really ruthless, it hurts brother to death!"

The two ran away rolling and crawling.

But Feng'er laughed loudly at the backs of the two: "Haha, haha, if you dare to come again, I, Feng'er, will destroy you!"

"Feng'er, you are so brave!" the woman boasted.

"It is Feng'er's responsibility to protect Miss!" Feng'er said with a smile, "Miss, let's continue walking!"

"I'm not leaving. I met Deng Tuzi twice in a row. This town is too unlucky! Let's go back to the inn and leave early tomorrow morning!" A look of disgust appeared in the woman's eyes.

"Okay! Feng'er listen to Miss!" The two walked towards the way they came.

And not long after they left, two people appeared beside them, and they were the two who had just been beaten.

"That young lady doesn't know kung fu, that little girl just has more strength in her fists! I think brother is worrying too much!"

"Well, I think so too. They use bait, at least they should use some decent bait. These two look like Miss Jiaoman's arrogant maid."

"Come on, let's go back and tell Big Brother!"

"Wait, let's not tell big brother, you know this guy, he is very suspicious. Just now you heard that they are leaving early tomorrow morning, we can only act tonight! If big brother delays, people will definitely Go early!"

"You mean we're hiding it from Big Brother?"

"Exactly, anyway, big brother doesn't like this type of girl, it's you and me who like it!"

"Hehe, yes! However, we have to go back. In this way, when we go back, we will tell the elder brother that we need to test a few more guards at night, so that we can come out naturally, and will not arouse the suspicion of the elder brother!"

"Good plan, that's it!"

"Then let's go back and come out after dark!"

"it is good!"

When the woman and Feng'er returned to the inn, they immediately closed the door.

"It should be them, right?" Feng'er said.

"There must be a flower picker among the three, did you sprinkle the powder?" the woman asked.

"Don't worry, I can do things reliably!"

"That being the case, press the next step!"

Feng'er nodded, opened the window and the door, and after a while there was a shout from the room, which could be heard clearly by the diners on the first floor.

"What kind of snacks are these? It's so unpalatable, take them out and give them to beggars!"

After a while, a guard came out with a plate of refreshments, went straight outside and gave them to a beggar guarding the corner.

"Eat, this is our lady rewarding you!"

"Thank you kind lady, thank you sir!" The beggar got the food, his eyes lit up, and then he looked at the other beggars with malicious intentions around him, and immediately ran away with the plate.

Seeing this, other beggars chased after him.

But after chasing him for a long time, they didn't see the beggar again.

And the beggar had already changed his clothes and went straight to a private house.

"Master Ming Yi and Feng Jue have news!" He shouted in a low voice.

Immediately, many people gathered around and asked in a hurry: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Don't worry, this is a note from Mr. Ming Yi!" The man took out a note from his pocket.

"Three suspects have been locked, please follow up as planned!"

"Okay, let's send people here to track down these people!"

After a while, people in different costumes walked out of the houses in batches, including bell doctors, businessmen, strong men, and peddlers!They quickly scattered all over the town.

"Chengyun, your skills are absolutely amazing, I can't even recognize our classmates when I walk on the street!" Wei Ang said.

Su Chengyun smiled: "It's nothing, it's just a simple disguise technique!"

"Is that simple?" Wei Ang clicked his tongue.

"Hehe, let's prepare dinner and wait for them to come back. There will be a tough battle tonight!"

"Okay!" Those who stayed behind started to prepare dinner together.

As the sky gradually darkened, various news spread to Su Chengyun's small courtyard and Mr. Mingyi.

Nerves were tense on both sides.

"The latest news, the flower picker has been confirmed!" After receiving this news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you know where they live?"

"It's been checked!"

"Okay, send a few more people to keep watching, and report back as soon as there is news!"

"it is good!"

And in an ordinary house, two men came out swaggeringly.

"Hey, didn't you think that big brother is also easy to deceive sometimes?" A thief laughed.

"Do you think big brother really doesn't know what we're going to do?"

"Ah, big brother knows?"

"Of course!"

"How did Big Brother know?"

"Brother is so smart, how could he fail to guess!"

"Then why didn't he stop us?"

"Stupid, big brother didn't stop, just acquiesced!"

"Oh, so it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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