Chapter 229
Liao Quan was put to death, and Liao Hai was also executed by a student.

Mr. Mingyi notified the mayor of the nearby town to accept the aftermath and send the news back to Nancang City.

"Why did you tell the mayor, what if he takes the credit for himself?" Feng Jue said.

"Feng Jue, are you stupid? He doesn't even look at who we are, he has to have the guts to take credit!" Wei Ang said.

"If you want me to say that it's too late for him to hide, how dare he take the credit? Think about it, there are bandits in Xiaolei Mountain, but does anyone in Nancang City know about it? Obviously, there is something wrong with the mayor of the town!" Su Chengyun said.

"Could it be that he took advantage of bandits and allowed them to oppress the people!" Feng Jue was anxious.

"It's very possible, and it's also possible that he was threatened by bandits, and he is timid and afraid to take care of these things!" Su Chengyun said.

"Then leave him all the things in the bandits' lair, what if he gets greedy?" Feng Jue asked.

"Hehe, on the cusp of this storm, if he touches those things, he will die!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"That's right, even Momo knows it!" Momo smiled with narrowed eyes.

" know how to bully me as a patient!" Feng Jue pulled the quilt and covered his face.

"Hey, you asked for it yourself, so you should be refreshed! It's just for a moment of refreshment, and now you're lying here like a patient, and you deserve it!" Wei Ang exhaled through his nose disdainfully.

"Su Xiaomei, do you still have any medicine to help me recover quickly?" Feng Jue asked in a low voice.

Su Chengyun said very straightforwardly: "Yes, I guarantee that you will be alive immediately after eating it, and then lose all vitality like an old man!"

"Ah... I don't want to eat it? I'd better wait for the sequelae to disappear naturally!" Feng Jue hurriedly said in fright.

"Okay, Feng Jue, you can rest obediently! Teacher Liang Yuling has experienced everyone's hard work, so let everyone have a good rest for a day, and then go on the road tomorrow!" Su Chengyun said.

"Oh, it's not that I drag everyone's schedule!" Feng Jue said.

Wei Ang patted it disdainfully: "Hmph, how powerful do you think you are, and how many classmates are in your hand! Could it be that you are the hero?"

"Hey, hey!" Feng Jue laughed dryly.

The three walked out of Feng Jue's tent, and saw Mr. Ming Yi walking over with a smile: "How is Feng Jue?"

"He'll be fine after a night of rest!" Su Chengyun said.

"Chengyun, do you have the drawings of Xiaoleishan's mechanisms?" Mr. Mingyi suddenly changed the subject.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Yes, here I am!"

"Could you let me take a look, to be honest, I am very interested in mechanism art!"

Su Chengyun smiled: "Master Ming Yi, take it, this blueprint is useless to me!" She has read it well, so it is naturally useless.

"Thank you, Chengyun!"

"We are all classmates, you are welcome!"

Is it just a classmate?Mr. Mingyi left feeling a little disappointed.

Wei Ang said: "Mo Mo, let's go hunting together, that kid Feng Jue should make up for it!"

"Okay!" Mo Mo readily agreed.

"You go! I'll prepare other things!" Su Chengyun waved his hand to let you go.

She prepared some medicinal materials and prepared to make a pot of medicinal food for Feng Jue.

On the second day, Feng Jue came back to life again, and his active figure appeared in the camp.

Teacher Liang Yuling ordered the team to start a new journey after everyone had breakfast.

After two major incidents, the students became interested in traveling while their self-confidence in being a hero was inflated. They started marching without the urging of Teacher Liang Yuling!
But the weather was not good, and just after noon, it began to rain heavily.

Everyone finally found a big cave and began to hide from the rain.

The heavy rain lasted for a day and a night, and there was no sign of stopping. There was a river outside, and some water had already flowed into the cave.

"I don't feel right, it's raining too much!" Wei Ang frowned.

Su Chengyun also said worriedly: "I'm afraid there will be a disaster if this continues!"

"I think we were the first to suffer the disaster. You see, if the water is poured again, we won't even have a place to stand!" Feng Jue said.

"No, I think we should discuss with Teacher Liang Yuling and choose a new place to stay. This place is almost impossible to stay in!" Wei Ang said.

"It's better to discuss with Mr. Ming Yi than Mr. Liang Yuling. Mr. Liang Yuling made it clear that we have to find a way to solve it ourselves!" Feng Jue curled his lips.

"Let's go, let's go find Young Master Mingyi!"

The four of them walked towards Young Master Ming Yi, who was also looking at the water on the ground in embarrassment at this time.

"Master Mingyi, let's find another place, this place is too dangerous!" Wei Ang said directly.

"I'm also thinking about it? But it's raining too much outside, and the umbrella is useless!" Mr. Mingyi said in a difficult way.

Su Chengyun thought for a while: "We can make raincoats!"

"What is a raincoat?" Several people asked hurriedly.

Su Chengyun said: "It's just rainproof clothes. In this case, I'll make one first, and you can see if you can use it later!"

After Su Chengyun finished speaking, she went to her package. Her tent was made of waterproof material. Now is not the time to be reluctant to cut it open.

Flying needles and threads, a raincoat was ready in a short while.

"Let me try!" Feng Jue volunteered.

Su Chengyun helped him put it on, Feng Jue moved his hands and feet and exaggerated: "Miss Su, your hands are so skillful!"

Su Chengyun couldn't laugh or cry, is this the time to talk about this?

"That's good, I won't be afraid in the rain!" Wei Ang's eyes lit up slightly, and Mr. Ming Yi was also very satisfied.

The other students gathered around, knowing the beginning and end of the matter, and expressed their willingness to help.

Su Chengyun and a few girls who volunteered to make more than a dozen raincoats came out together, and Mr. Ming Yi selected a dozen of them to go out together to find a new habitat.

They left for an hour, and when they finally came back, they brought a shocking news.

"Several low-lying villages were flooded, and the mayor is organizing rescue efforts!"

As soon as the students heard this, they expressed that they wanted to help. Naturally, they couldn't lag behind in matters where human life was at stake.

"Mr. Mingyi and the others have already left, so let me tell you to continue to make raincoats. We can't put our lives in it just to save people!"

The students were deeply concerned, and everyone took action.

The girls basically all started to do it, and the boys also helped to open the tent.

After rushing out a batch, a group of students quickly put on raincoats and went out to help.

Su Chengyun didn't know how many batches he rushed.

Fortunately, their tents were big enough, and each of them had three bodies left. Thinking that there would be other people to rescue, they came out with some more.

Su Chengyun also remembered the kind of umbrella tents from before, and hurriedly made more than a dozen of them.

The few people who were injured a few days ago remained in the cave. Their wounds should not be exposed to water, and the rest of them rushed to the rescue site.

Su Chengyun's umbrella tents were erected side by side on the high ground, and those who were immediately rescued had a temporary shelter from the wind and rain.

Su Chengyun and the others also joined in the rescue operation.

(End of this chapter)

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