Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 232 An Accident Happened

Chapter 232 An Accident Happened
Eight days passed in a hurry, Su Chengyun and other 50 people arrived at the gathering place of monsters smoothly based on the preliminary information provided by the mayor Luoxia. After summarizing all the news through untold hardships, they finally figured out the reason for the beast horde.

However, since the demonic beasts had already been alarmed, and the collective activity goal was too big, they could not help but return to Luoxia Town in groups. Mr. Ming Yi led a few people back to report to Teacher Liang Yuling first, and the rest dispersed in groups and headed towards Luoxia Town. go.

Su Chengyun, Mo Mo, Feng Jue, and Wei Ang were in a group. The four of them were talking and laughing as they walked forward in the desert. They escaped waves of monsters, but there was still a day to go. Can rush back, the weather suddenly changed.

"No, it's Desert Storm!"

The four of them hurriedly found a place to hide, but the wind and sand were too strong, so they couldn't find a place in a short while.

"Miss Su, here!"

"Chengyun, we found a good place!"

Obviously the voices of Feng Jue and Wei Ang were not far away, but Su Chengyun and Mo Mo couldn't judge their direction in the billowing dust.

"Momo, hold on to my hand!" Su Chengyun said loudly.They were scattered with Feng Jue Wei Ang, the two of them could not be separated again, once separated, it would be difficult to find them again.

"Okay!" Mo Mo also knew the seriousness of the situation, and held Su Chengyun's hand tightly.

"Little sister Su..."

There was the sound of Feng Jue in the howling wind, but Su Chengyun couldn't find it anymore, she saw the billowing yellow sand in the distance sweeping towards him.

"Feng Jue, Wei Ang, take care of yourselves!" Su Chengyun shouted into the air.

After the words fell, the two were sucked into the yellow sand.

Su Chengyun only felt that his body was spinning at a high degree, and the rapid wind cut every inch of his skin, causing great pain. Su Chengyun closed his eyes tightly, feeling his right hand being tightly held by Mo Mo, Su Chengyun understood Smile, as long as Momo is around, it's no big deal.

But Su Chengyun was fortunate that it was too early, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, they were spinning faster and faster, and there was a force pulling their hands, as if they wanted to separate their tightly held hands.

The two held hands tighter, but the tension was getting bigger and bigger. No matter how hard they tried, they were gradually separated, and Su Chengyun suddenly felt flustered.

Gradually, his fingers could not feel the ink's temperature, and Su Chengyun's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Momo..." she yelled.

The wind took advantage of the momentum and cut the throat extremely uncomfortable.

While she was coughing, a strong shoulder suddenly hugged her in her arms, and the wind around her seemed to disappear without a trace.

"Mo... Mo Qiling!" Su Chengyun opened his eyes and saw a pair of deep blue pupils.

"Susu, I'm here!" The corners of Mo Qiling's mouth curled up slightly.

Su Chengyun felt relieved, she was completely relieved when Mo Qiling came!

Looking up and looking around, it was still a high-speed rotating storm, only where they were located was a vacuum, and I don't know how Mo Qiling did it.

"Let's go down!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun only felt his body fall and fell to the ground.

The yellow sand is long, and I don't know how many yellow sands have passed through. The two fell into darkness.

"Susu, here we come!"

"Ah... where is this place?" Su Chengyun looked around strangely.

Mo Qiling pointed his finger, and saw a torch lit up not far above his head, and the surrounding scene came into view.

I saw that this was a secret room or something, square and square, and there was a white bone sitting on the ground, Su Chengyun jumped suddenly.

"Mo Qiling, is this place?"

"This is a secret room in the depths of the Lanyan Desert. It should have been dug by that man to avoid his enemies. Unfortunately, his injuries were too severe to make it through!" Mo Qiling stepped forward to check the bones and said.

"Oh!" How strong was this person at the time, to be able to dig a secret room so deep in the Blue Flame Desert?Unfortunately, although he escaped the enemy, he died of his injuries.

"Huh, there is still Najie?" Mo Qiling said suddenly.

"Ah, Najie, where is it?" Su Chengyun asked anxiously after hearing the words.

Mo Qiling squeezed out a quaint ring from under the bone, and handed it to Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun looked at the ring over and over for a long time, then looked at Mo Qiling: "This is the ring?"

Mo Qiling nodded: "That's right, this is the Najie of this continent. Although it's very low-level, it's enough for Susu!"

"Hehe!" Su Chengyun put it on his hand happily after hearing the words, and asked, "How do I use this?"

"Recognize the master with blood!"

Su Chengyun immediately dripped a drop of blood on it, only to see Najie exuding a soft light, and then Su Chengyun felt something more in his mind.

"Hey, what a big space!" She actually saw the space of Najie, which was the size of a football field.

"I didn't expect this time to be a blessing in disguise, thank you, Mo Qiling!" Su Chengyun sincerely thanked, if not for Mo Qiling, she would not have such good luck.

"Susu is still polite to me!" Mo Qiling shook his head and laughed.

"Hehe, let's bury this bone!" Su Chengyun looked at the bones on the ground, took things from others, and always wanted to do something for them, so that she could feel at ease.


Together, the two dug a big pit in the corner of the secret room and buried the bones.

"I don't know who this person is, otherwise we can help him erect a monument!" Su Chengyun said regretfully.

"Look at all his things turned into fly ash, he must be from a long time ago!" Mo Qiling said.

"Hey, that's the only way!" Su Chengyun sighed, "How long are we going to stay here?" Su Chengyun suddenly thought of this question, Feng Jue and Wei Ang must be anxious about their disappearance.

"Hurry up, this kind of desert storm usually lasts for two to days, let's go out and have a look after two days!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun sat down wearily, this storm really made her exhausted.

"Susu, you are tired, take a good rest!" Mo Qiling also sat down, looking at the tired Su Chengyun and said softly.

Su Chengyun smiled slightly at Mo Qiling, but felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he fell into the darkness at some point.

Seeing Su Chengyun fell asleep, Mo Qiling took out a fur blanket, put Su Chengyun on it, and began to clean her wounds.

"Hey, Susu, if you're awake, you definitely won't let me treat the wound for you!"

Su Chengyun felt that he had slept for a long time, and he was still a little dazed when he woke up, especially when he saw Mo Qiling guarding beside him.

"I...why did I fall asleep?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"Susu, you're too tired to even know it!" Mo Qiling said with a smile.

"Oh!" When Su Chengyun moved, he felt extremely painful. Then he remembered that he was cut by the wind yesterday. He hurriedly looked around, but saw that the wound had been healed. You don't need to think about it to know that this is the masterpiece of the man in front of you.

"Susu, I have already treated the wound for you!" Mo Qiling praised.

Su Chengyun bit his lip, and glared at Mo Qiling angrily.

This guy is taking the opportunity to eat her tofu, some of her wounds are inappropriate, and this guy actually gave her some medicine.

Mo Qiling, do you have any scruples?
(End of this chapter)

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