Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 239 Silly Boy

Chapter 239 Silly Boy

"Yun'er, you haven't said how you know?" Su Hongyi asked suspiciously.

"Oh, they caught me, gave me medicine, thought I was in a coma, so they spoke without any scruples, but I overheard them all!" Su Chengyun replied lightly, but Su Hongyi's ears were shocked. Distressed.

"The Lu family..." How dare she treat her daughter like this!Su Hongyi's right hand hammered hard on the table, and the table was instantly torn apart.

Su Chengyun mourned for this table, knowing his father's annoyance, he didn't add fuel to the fire.

"Yun'er, don't worry about the Lu family's affairs, Daddy will take care of them himself one day!" Su Hongyi narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Hehe, Daddy, the Lu family is probably still looking for you. If they knew you were in Nancang City, they would have sent someone here long ago!"

"Hmph, they can't do anything to me!"

Su Chengyun shook his head: "Father, you forgot about the Nancang Lu family, those things may not be innocent of the Nancang Lu family!"

"Yun'er, Daddy understands what you mean. Daddy will be careful and won't easily let them get their whereabouts before they are completely wiped out!" Su Hongyi said.

"Well, it's right to avoid it. Dad, how do you know these things?"

"Father only remembered it in the last two years. Daddy was frightened at the time when the Su family destroyed the family. Coupled with the actions of the Lu family, that part of the memory was tampered with. Daddy was imprisoned by Xingyue Palace for several years. I don't know why. What happened, those memories came back fragment by fragment slowly, but they were not completed until recently, Dad thought that the Lu family would not treat you well, so he wanted to go back secretly and bring you out!"

Su Chengyun understood what he said, and said: "It's a good thing Daddy didn't go, the Lu family hates me to the bone now, if Daddy goes, he's throwing himself into a trap!"

"Well, I met Yun'er here, and seeing that everything is fine with Yun'er, Daddy is relieved!" Su Hongyi said in relief.

"By the way, Dad, have you heard of the Su family in the Exiled Land?" Su Chengyun suddenly thought of Chun Niang.

"The land of exile? The Su family?" Su Hongyi shook his head, "Yun'er, that Su family?"

"Daddy, it's hard to say about the Su family now! Since Daddy hasn't heard of it, you can put it aside for now!"

Then the two chatted about many things, until Momo's head poked out.

"Yun'er, who is that idiot?" Su Hongyi narrowed his eyes dangerously when he saw Mo Mo who was always looking at his daughter.

Su Chengyun greeted Mo Mo with a smile, and introduced, "Daddy, this is Mo Mo!"

"Mo Mo, this is my father!"

"Hi, dad!" Mo Mo said directly, Su Hongyi just drank the tea in his mouth and spurted it out, he didn't care to wipe it, stood up and shouted, "Brat, who are you calling dad?"

Mo Mo was startled at first, then looked at Su Chengyun with aggrieved eyes, Su Chengyun gave Mo Mo a comforting smile, stepped forward to help Su Hongyi sit down: "Daddy, don't be angry! Mo Mo is straightforward, don't talk to him care!"

Su Hongyi's anger that had been suppressed by Su Chengyun's reassurance rose again.

Straightforward?Instead of being outspoken?
Didn't that daughter also acquiesce in calling this brat daddy?

Su Hongyi glanced critically at Mo Mo, looking at Mo Mo in a daze.

In addition to being stupid, he is still stupid. Just such a brat who kidnapped his beloved daughter?

Could it be because of this brat that Yun'er didn't go back to the temple with him?
The more Su Hongyi thought about it, the more he looked at Mo Mo, the more he disliked it.

"Yun'er, why don't you go back to the temple with daddy?" Su Hongyi began to persuade Su Chengyun.

"Ah, Susu, are you going to the temple? Mo Mo is going too!" Mo Mo shouted hastily.

"Stinky boy!" Su Hongyi gave Mo Mo a blank look, it was so blatant, he was still alive, and he actually abducted his daughter just like that.

"Mo Mo, I'm not going to the temple!" Su Chengyun smiled at Mo Mo.

"Oh, Susu won't go, and Mo Mo won't either!" Mo Mo returned Su Chengyun with a big smile.

That smile was extremely dazzling in Su Hongyi's eyes, no, I really can't stand it anymore, Su Hongyi said: "Yun'er, don't you really want to go back to the temple with Daddy?"

"Daddy, it's all agreed!" Su Chengyun slightly lowered his eyelids.

agreed?That's because he didn't know the existence of this brat.Now that he knew that there was such a fool who was eyeing his daughter covetously, how could he rest assured that his daughter would stay.

"Yun'er, Daddy misses you so much!" Su Hongyi said.

Mo Mo frowned slightly when he heard the words, stepped forward and pulled Su Chengyun: "Su Su will be with Mo Mo!"

Su Hongyi was startled for a moment, then fell back angrily, pointed at Mo Mo with trembling fingers and asked, "Yun'er, where did this brat come from?"

Su Chengyun patted the back of Mo Mo's hand, looked at Su Hongyi: "Hey, Dad, don't worry about Mo Mo's affairs!"

"Hmph, if you want to abduct Daddy's daughter in front of Daddy, can Daddy ignore it?"

"It's you who want to kidnap Susu, Susu was with Mo Mo!" Mo Mo choked.

Su Hongyi's face turned red with anger: "Yun'er, look at this brat!"

But Su Chengyun looked at Su Hongyi and said, "Daddy, I've already said that Mo Mo is straightforward, so don't argue with him!"

Su Hongyi concluded, it's not just being outspoken, it's stupid!

"Mo Mo, you go out first!" Su Chengyun originally wanted the two of them to meet, but now that Su Hongyi is very angry, it's better for Mo Mo to avoid it.

"No, Momo wants to be with Susu!" After speaking, he glared at Su Hongyi.

Su Chengyun caressed his forehead, Mo Mo didn't know what his father was at all, no, he knew, but what he saw was Yun Zixuan's father, so he would inevitably think that Su Hongyi was also yelling at his children Plus bullies.

Find some time, she must have a good talk with Momo.

"Mo Mo, you go out first, I'm fine!"

"Oh!" Mo Mo reluctantly went out, not forgetting to cast a warning glance at Su Hongyi.

Su Hongyi was speechless, would he harm his daughter?This silly boy's head is rusted off.

"Yun'er, what's the matter with that silly boy?" Su Hongyi asked anxiously when he saw Mo Mo go out.

Su Chengyun smiled: "What could it be? It's just what Dad saw?"

"Yun'er, that's a fool!" Su Hongyi said disapprovingly, but he was a fool with no eyesight.

"Daddy, Mo Mo's situation is a little... um... special! Mo Mo is not stupid, Mo Mo is really not stupid!" Su Chengyun said, if Mo Qiling was stupid, there would be no normal people in this world.

"Hey, Yun'er, you just identified him?" Su Hongyi sighed, who made him disappear at the most important moment of his daughter, and now he even has such a weak voice.

"Daddy, if you get along with Mo Mo for a while, you will fall in love with him!" Su Chengyun thought for a while.

Come on, he will be pissed off by that brat!
"Yun'er, you are still young, you don't need to make decisions so early in your life!" Su Hongyi said carefully again.

"Well, Daddy, I know!"

What else could Su Hongyi say, could it be that he forced his daughter to break up with that brat, as if it was cruel to do so just after meeting his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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