Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 249 Night Detective

Chapter 249 Night Detective
Su Chengyun is now completely sure that there is something wrong with this boy, but she doesn't know where the problem is for a while.

"Girl..." The middle-aged man turned his gaze to Su Chengyun.

"Daddy, you don't need to persuade the girl, even if you persuade, I won't let the girl go!" Hua Shao said.

The middle-aged man was even more helpless.

Seeing this, Su Chengyun slapped Hua Shao and knocked him unconscious on the ground.

The middle-aged man took two quick steps and supported Hua Shao.

"Girl, my son has some special circumstances, please forgive me, don't get to know him, I, as a father, am here to apologize to you for my son!" The middle-aged man said sincerely.

Su Chengyun smiled: "It's okay, nothing happened anyway!"

"Thank you, girl!" The middle-aged man left with Hua Shao, Su Chengyun didn't stop him, and continued to sit at the table to eat.

But the surrounding discussion sound spread to the ears from time to time.

Su Chengyun frowned more and more as he listened.

At night, a black figure wandered through the town like a ghost, and finally stopped in front of a house.

This residential house is one of the best in the town, covering a large area, and looks very rich, with guards patrolling from time to time.

The black shadow showed a pair of bright eyes, leaping into the courtyard from a dark place like a light swallow.

A small courtyard, very quiet.

The black shadow gently pried open the door and entered a bedroom.

Looking at the boy who was sleeping soundly in the room, the black shadow slowly walked over.

Standing aside, she carefully looked at the boy.

But after a while, the young man suddenly opened his bright eyes, stretched out his hands, and attacked the black shadow, and his body jumped up quickly.

The black shadow seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and retreated slightly, avoiding the blow.

But the young man rushed straight like an eagle, his figure fought back, and the two fought back and forth in the dark bedroom.

"Girl, I pity you during the day, you don't care about it, so it's the idea of ​​coming to give you a hug at night!" The boy giggled, and the voice sounded like Huashao during the day today.

Heiying smiled slightly: "Young Master Hua, didn't you lure me here on purpose?" The voice was clearly Su Chengyun's.

"Hehe, how did the girl see it?"

"My palm today was actually not strong enough to knock you out. You did it on purpose!" Su Chengyun said.

"Even if I did it on purpose, how would the girl know that I wanted to lure you here?"

"Because you deliberately let me know that you are pretending to be crazy!"

"The girl is really smart, I, Hua Hong, saw the right person this time!" The two clapped each other and moved away.

Su Chengyun tore off the scarf, revealing his face under the moonlight.

Hua Hong smiled lightly, lit the lamp, and the room suddenly brightened.

"Girl, please sit down!" Huahong made a gesture of invitation.

Su Chengyun was also polite and sat down.

The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth twitched slightly: "I heard that the young master of the Hua family once had a fiancée?"

"I heard that the young master of the Hua family likes that beautiful fiancée very much, and he wanted to have a wedding ceremony in advance, but the fiancée was not happy. During the entanglement, the young master of the Hua family fell off the cliff?"

"I heard that the fiancée was frightened and called off the marriage?"

"I heard that the eldest son of the Hua family lost half his life when someone found him, and he was shocked to hear the news of his divorce. Has his personality changed since then?"

"I heard that the young master of the Hua family pesters that fiancée endlessly every day, and intends to poison him?"

"I heard that the youngest of the Hua family harmed others and himself, and ended up being poisoned?"

"It is said that……"

Every time Su Chengyun said something, the smile on Hua Shao's face became wider, but his eyes gradually turned cold, like frost.

"The girl heard a lot of news!"

"Hehe, it's a pity that none of these news is true!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Oh, girl, how do you know it's not true?" Now Huahong was surprised.

"Because you are here, as long as I see you, I know that all these news are false!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect the girl to trust me so much!" Hua Shao smiled and shook her head.

"I don't trust you, but I have seen a kind of poison in your body!" That kind of poison is the same as the poison that Yun Ziluo was poisoned back then, so it can be seen that it came from one place.

"My poison was poisoned by that woman's current fiancé!" Speaking of her former fiancée, Hua Shao's eyes turned cold, with a hint of hatred.

"Nancang Lu family?"

"Ah, how does the girl know that the woman's fiancé is from Nancang Lu's family?" Hua Shao asked in surprise.

"Hehe, I didn't know that before, but I've seen the portrait of that person kept by the waiter in the shop, so I knew it!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile. The Lu family actually looks somewhat similar. It feels familiar at a glance, very much like the Lu family.

Coupled with the poison in Hua Shao's body, she was [-]% sure that the man was from Nancang's Lu family.

Has Nancang and the Lu family reached out to Xiyue?
Su Chengyun couldn't help thinking this way.

"You also know that he is from Nancang's Lu family?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hmph, those two people thought I was going to die, so they revealed their identity without any scruples. I overheard it!" Hua Shao said.

"Then you're pretending to be crazy to confuse them?" Su Chengyun guessed.

"That's right!" Hua Shao replied, "I heard they said they were going to make a big plan, and I was afraid they would know that I already knew, so I had no choice but to pretend to be crazy!"

"Hehe, you're very smart, you know how to pester your ex-fiancee, and you tell others clearly that if something happens to you, it's your fiancee who did it!"

"Hey, if I don't live like this, I wouldn't be able to survive now. They will definitely kill me! However, I am also very tired from living. I pretend to be a lover every day, and I am going to throw up!" Hua Shao smiled helplessly.

"Hehe, Young Master Hua, you are not called a lover, you are called abusive!" Su Chengyun glanced over with a smile.

"Hey, I don't think any girl will marry me in the future, I've ruined my reputation!"

"Hehe, the person who really doesn't care about your reputation is the one you cherish the most!" Su Chengyun said.

"Well, that's right!"

"You didn't invite me here just to relieve the depression in your heart?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Hey, that's just part of it. I pretended too hard by myself. I even hid it from my father. It's so much easier to find someone to tell! Besides, girl, when I saw you, I felt that you were like a bright light." My dark world!"

Su Chengyun caressed his forehead: "Hua Shao, you haven't performed enough yet!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there are too many performances on weekdays, and I can't tell the difference between the inside and the outside!"

"Get down to business!" Su Chengyun reminded.

"Okay, the girl is from Nancang, right?"

Su Chengyun nodded.

"Nan Cang Lu Family also acted in Nan Cang?" Hua Shao said quietly.

Su Chengyun looked at Hua Shao appreciatively. This person is too smart, and he can guess almost exactly based on deduction.

"That's right, but if you guessed wrong, Nancang's place may have been arranged for more than ten years!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hehe, I still underestimated them! Can the girl connect for me?" Hua Shao asked.

"Oh, what do you want to do?"

"I want to find out what conspiracy Nancang Lu's family is up to, and I want revenge!"

"Why do you think I can help you?"

"Girl, do you have an enmity with the Lu family?"

(End of this chapter)

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