Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 251 Is Your Wrist Painful?

Chapter 251 Is Your Wrist Painful?
Led by the guards, Su Chengyun came to a magnificent house. He said it was magnificent because the house occupied too much land, and the walls were twice as high as the small houses next to it. patrol.

On the door plaque, there are two vigorous characters "Su Zhai".

The two stone lions at the door glared at the visitor with wide eyes, as if they were menacing, and even the timid dared not look directly at them.

It really has the style of Exiled Land, Su Chengyun smiled lightly.

"Miss Su, the Su residence is here!" the guard said.

At this time, a doorman came over immediately and took away their horses.

"Miss Su, please!" The guard made a gesture of invitation.

Su Chengyun was also polite and walked forward. She came here to seek answers.

The guard followed closely and led Su Chengyun into a house.

"Miss Su, it's getting dark now, the young master is going out tonight to discuss some business, you should rest for the night first! Your maid Xiaocui will take care of everything!" The guard pointed to the maid waiting beside him.

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded.

The young master must have known that she had been travel-laden and exhausted all the way, so he specially gave her a night to recover.

Are you very careful?

Su Chengyun told the guards not to be polite, and walked towards the small courtyard.

"Girl, I've prepared hot water. Would you like to eat first or take a hot bath first?" the maid Xiaocui asked courteously, with dimples on her face as she smiled.

"Let me take a bath first!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Girl, this way please!" Xiaocui led Su Chengyun to a room where a large bucket of hot water had already been placed.

"Hey, you already knew I was coming?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

Xiaocui smiled and nodded: "Well, someone told us to prepare to welcome the girl three hours ago!"

Three hours ago, that was when the guard had just received her. When did the guard send back the news, she didn't notice it along the way.

Su Chengyun was puzzled for a moment, but quickly put it behind him. The Su family must have his unique contact method.

"Girl, let me help you!"

Su Chengyun rejected Xiaocui's suggestion to wait on her in the bath, she is really not used to having someone wait on her in the bath.

Su Chengyun took a bath for an hour, and after taking a bath, his whole body recovered a lot, and he looked refreshed.

"Girl, you really look like our Second Young Master!" Xiao Cui said.

"Your second young master?" Is that the person Chunniang said resembles her?

"Second Young Master is a very good person, very approachable!" Xiao Cui said with a smile.

But Su Chengyun couldn't find anything after inquiring again. It seems that the higher-ups have issued a password, and it is estimated that they will have to wait until they meet her before making a decision.

Su Chengyun didn't make things difficult for Xiaocui, he finished his meal silently, and began to go back to the room early to rest.

And in a hall of the Su residence, a young man who looked very similar to Su Chengyun said displeasedly: "Brother, why didn't you let me meet that Miss Su?"

"Miss Su must be tired after coming all the way, so we'll see you tomorrow when she rests!" said the man known as the eldest brother.

"Brother, how about the news you inquired about?" the boy asked.

The eldest brother glanced lightly at the young man: "We'll talk about everything tomorrow!"

"Why don't you tell me now?"

"Enlighten it yourself!" The elder brother got up and left, and the young man stomped and left as well.

After a while, the elder brother summoned someone.

"You have been with Miss Su for a while today, what do you think of her?" asked the elder brother.

The person being asked was the guard who picked up Su Chengyun today, and he said respectfully: "Eldest young master, that Miss Su is really similar to the second young master, and she is not as submissive as other young ladies. You’re all so boastful!” The guard recounted the things along the way in detail.

After listening to the elder brother, he asked a few more questions and got a satisfactory answer before waving his hand to let the guards back down. He frowned and began to think deeply.

Su Chengyun had a good night's sleep and got up early the next day.

Xiao Cui got up earlier: "Miss Su, I'm preparing breakfast, please wait a moment!" Xiao Cui might not have expected Su Chengyun to get up so early, so she was taken aback for a while, but the good maid training immediately made her feel better. She found her place and said with a smile.

"Hehe, I'm used to getting up early to exercise for a while, you're busy with your work, don't worry about me!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Then I'll call the girl when I'm ready for breakfast!"

"it is good!"

Su Chengyun began to stretch his body in the small courtyard.

As soon as a set is made, Xiao Cui's breakfast is ready.

"Xiao Cui, your craftsmanship is really good!" Su Chengyun felt that those meals were delicious yesterday, but today, they were all made by Xiao Cui, so he praised them without hesitation.

"The young master also took a fancy to Xiao Cui's craftsmanship, so he asked Xiao Cui to serve the girl!" Xiao Cui said with a smile.

"Xiao Cui, seeing that you are not very old, it is very good to have such skills!"

"Girl, Xiaocui is already fifteen!"

"Fifteen, it's a big girl!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

During the conversation with Xiaocui, Su Chengyun finished the meal.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door of the courtyard, and it was yesterday's guard.

"Brother Su Jun, are you here to find a girl?" Xiao Cui asked with a smile.

"Well, where is Miss Su?" the guard asked.

Su Chengyun walked over.

Su Jun saw Li and smiled and said: "Miss Su, the eldest and second young masters are here to invite you!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun followed Su Jun out of the courtyard.

"Miss Su, the Eldest Young Master and the Second Young Master are in the reception hall of the Su Residence. The younger one will take you there!" Su Jun led the way, and Su Chengyun followed unhurriedly.

But when he passed a corner, Su Jun, who was busy introducing Su Chengyun, didn't pay attention, and collided with a person who was oncoming.

"Who, you don't have eyes so much?" The man opened his mouth and came.

Su Chengyun frowned slightly, the voice seemed familiar, she looked over carefully.

"Brother Rong, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Su Jun quickly apologized.

"Su Jun, it's you! What's going on, I don't know the way, it doesn't matter if I bump into me, what if I bump into the young master or the second young master one day?" .

"Brother Rong's lesson is that I must watch the way in the future!" Su Jun accompanied him with a smile.

"It's you..." Su Chengyun identified for a while, and finally recognized who this person is. This is the person who was taught by her to speak rudely to Momo when Baihualou was avoiding the man in black.

The man first looked over with displeasure, and then saw Su Chengyun's face with a surprised expression.

"It's you..." The man also called out.

I didn't expect this person to be from the Su family. Could it be that all the people who came out of the house were from the Su family?Su Chengyun recalled the scene at that time, it might really be.They must have found her when they saw her appearance.

Su Chengyun's gaze swept across the man's wrist lightly, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he asked, "Does your wrist not hurt?"

The man's face turned dark when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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