Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 258 Chang Shao himself

Chapter 258 Chang Shao himself
"Hey, am I curious?" Chang Shao chuckled, his eyes sparkling.

"You really don't need to be curious!" Su Junyu waved his hand.

"Hey, Jun Yu, I heard that you have already swept several pharmacy halls. Tell me, what is your purpose?" Chang Shao approached and asked narrowly.

Su Junyu was overjoyed, and grinned: "Chang Shao, you said you have a purpose, so would I be so stupid as to tell you the purpose? Think I'm so stupid!"

"Farewell, Jun Yu, I'm not an outsider! It's okay to tell me!" Chang Shao hurriedly said.

"Hehe, Shao Chang, although you are not an outsider, you are not an insider either!" The corners of Su Junyu's mouth raised slightly.

Pfft, Su Chengyun couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Wife has another meaning, but in Lanling Continent, it doesn't mean much.

"Sister, what are you laughing at?" Su Junyu looked at Su Chengyun who was about to burst out of laughter, and quickly patted her.

"That's right, sister Su, what are you laughing at?" Chang Shao also asked curiously.

"Chang Shao, who told you to call me Sister Su, Miss Su or Miss Su!" Su Junyu stared over.

Chang Shao chuckled: "Jun Yu, the relationship between our two families is so fussy, your sister is my sister! Sister Su, in the exiled land, you will give me Chang Qingteng's name, and anyone who takes care of it will give it to you." How much face do you have!"

"Chang Shao!" Su Junyu was displeased, and her tone was a little sharp.His sister, the Su family's protection is enough, and no one else is needed to escort her.

"Hey, hey! Jun Yu, you are so stingy!" Chang Shao slandered in his heart. He didn't expect that Su Junyu was actually a sister-in-law. He didn't find out when Sister Su didn't show up before, but now when Sister Su appeared, it was all exposed.

"Hmph!" Su Junyu turned his face away, but saw Su Chengyun looking at him with a smile, and couldn't help but blush, he was playing such a childish temper in front of his sister.

Su Junyu glared at Chang Shao, it was this guy who caused him to lose his composure in front of his sister.

Seeing this, Chang Shao knew that Su Junyu would never lose his temper in front of Su Chengyun, so he became more courageous, and said with a smile: "Jun Yu, don't forget that I just helped your Su family. Okay!" Chang Shao mentioned helping the Su family interrogate.

Su Junyu gritted his teeth, this guy did it on purpose!
"Jun Yu, just tell me what the purpose is?" Chang Shao continued to pester.

Su Junyu was defeated by Chang Shao's thick-skinned, and said: "Hmph, what else is there, my sister saw that I opened a pharmacy hall, so I came to see it, and also took a look at other pharmacy halls by the way, for comparison!"

The reason is really...

Chang Shao shook his head, he really didn't believe this reason.

But seeing that there were other people in the pharmacy hall, Chang Shao didn't ask any more questions, but looked at Su Chengyun: "Sister Su..." As soon as he opened his mouth, Su Junyu stared at him again, but Chang Shao didn't care at all. Continue to look at Su Chengyun and said, "Sister Su, I took care of this pharmacy hall myself. It is much better than the one Su Junyu took care of. You have to take a good look at it!" After Chang Shao finished speaking, he deliberately looked at it provocatively He picked up Su Junyu.

Su Junyu's face turned black, this guy actually buried him in front of his sister in front of him, it's really... bad enough!
Su Chengyun saw that the relationship between the two of them was similar to Feng Jue and Wei Ang, and they could be classified as good friends like bad friends, so he smiled and said: "Master Chang, I will take a good look at it!"

"What is it called Young Master Chang, brother Chang!" Chang Shao corrected.

"Uh, Brother Chang!" Brother Chang, she really couldn't yell.

"Sister Su, I'll take you to see it!" Chang Shao greeted warmly.

"No, I'm with my sister!" Su Junyu stepped forward and pushed Chang Shao aside, and led Su Chengyun directly towards the counter.

Chang Shao also followed up with a smile: "Sister Su, I have more medicines here than Su's Pharmacy Hall. You can take whatever you want!"

"Chang Shao!" That's too much!Su Junyu stared.

Chang Shao looked back with a grin, and signaled with his eyes that it was rare for a younger sister to come, so he naturally wanted to entertain her well.

Is this guy here to make things difficult for him today?Su Junyu was angry.

Su Chengyun ignored the exchange of eyebrows and eyes between the two, but focused on the labels of the containers, looking at them one by one.She read it quickly, scanning everything in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Sister, do you want anything?" Su Junyu asked.

"That's right, Sister Su, this is my own pharmacy hall, you're welcome, just tell me whoever you like!" Chang Shao said with a smile.

Su Chengyun smiled slightly, pointed at him casually, and ordered three bottles of medicine.

"Shopkeeper, wrap it up for Sister Su!" Chang Shao ordered loudly.

"Yes, young master!" The shopkeeper who had been waiting at the side hastily replied upon hearing the words.

"How many gold coins?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Sister Su, I told you it was for you!" Chang Shao said.

"Chang Shao, it's not that my Su family doesn't have gold coins, I need you to give them to me! Shopkeeper, swipe your card!" Su Junyu said loudly.

The shopkeeper looked at Chang Shao in embarrassment.

Chang Shao looked at Su Junyu, and Su Junyu also stared at Chang Shao.

After a long time, Chang Shao looked away and nodded at the shopkeeper.

The embarrassment on the shopkeeper's face was swept away, and he quickly swiped the card.

"Sister, let's go!" Su Junyu said.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun followed Su Junyu and walked out, but the figure behind him made Su Junyu very angry.

"Chang Shao, are you free? What are you doing with us?" Su Junyu turned his head and glared at Chang Shao.

"Hey, this road doesn't belong to your Su family, why can't I go?" Chang Shao said with a smile.

Su Junyu held his breath.

"Then you go first!" Su Junyu moved out of the way, signaling Chang Shao to go first.

Chang Shao was not polite, said "yes", and walked forward.

Su Junyu looked at Chang Shao's back, thinking while walking.

"Second brother, what's the matter?" Su Chengyun asked.

"How did Chang Shao change his temper today?" Su Junyu's eyes showed doubts.

Su Chengyun laughed, "Second Brother, you and Brother Chang have such a good relationship!"

"Whoever gets along with that kid will know how to anger me!" Su Junyu solemnly warned Su Chengyun after finishing speaking, "Sister, don't look at Chang Shao as handsome and suave, but a full-fledged playboy, stay away from him in the future." Dot, do you hear me!"

Su Chengyun sneered and pointed behind Su Junyu.

Su Junyu turned around bewilderedly, and saw Chang Shao followed him at some point, with a dark face, as if he had heard what he said just now.

"Su Junyu, am I a dude?" Chang Shao raised his eyebrows.

"Aren't you counted?" Su Junyu asked, poking his neck.

"Hey, if I'm a dandy, you, Su Junyu, are the dandy!" Chang Shao chuckled, then turned to Su Chengyun and said, "Sister Su, don't trust him, I'm really not a dandy. "

"Su Junyu, how could you slander me like this, I am a good young man, yet you slandered me like this!" Chang Shao complained to Su Junyu again, and his fingers trembling when he pointed at Su Junyu.

(End of this chapter)

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