Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 260 Alchemy Talent

Chapter 260 Alchemy Talent
"Haha, sister, you are really amazing!" Su Junyu's loud laughter came from the refining room.

"Sister, you really did it. After only a while of research, you refined the potions from other pharmacy halls! Sister, I have never seen anyone stronger than you in my life! You are even stronger than Big Brother!"

This second brother!
Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head: "I'm no match for big brother, if I'm asked to take care of such a big family business, it will definitely be a mess!"

"Sister, you're fooling me again!" Her younger sister is someone who has a rough heart, and she is by no means comparable to those young misses!Su Junyu absolutely believed that even if the entire Floating Cloud City was handed over to her younger sister, she would be fine.

"Hey, big brother doesn't know yet, I will tell him when he comes back!"

"Ah, brother has gone out?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Well, big brother is working hard and often has to go out!" Su Junyu said.

Su Chengyun shook his head, disapproving.

"Sister?" Su Junyu looked over suspiciously.

"Second brother, looking at the state of the elder brother, you know that there are not many talents that the Su family can use, otherwise the elder brother will not work so hard!"

"Hey!" Su Junyu sighed, and said, "My sister really hit the nail on the head. My Su family's foundation is too thin! But, don't worry, my sister. Grandpa and parents have already recruited many orphans when they travel. Once the orphan grows up, our Su family will gradually become stronger!"

"That's good!" Su Chengyun smiled and nodded. If this is the case, we can still look forward to it.

"Hey, sister, when our potion is sold, the profits will continue to flow, so why worry about no one coming to seek refuge?" Su Junyu grinned.

But Su Chengyun poured a bucket of cold water: "Second brother, do you want to recruit talents with these potions?" Su Chengyun pointed to the potions that were refined just now.

Su Junyu asked suspiciously: "Isn't it possible?"

Su Chengyun rolled his eyelids: "Second brother, if the Su family pharmacy can only produce such imitations, they will be laughed out of their mouths by colleagues!"

"Ah, isn't it our ability to refine it?" Su Junyu said.

"Hehe, it's our ability, but don't forget that the premise of our refining is to sweep away other pharmacy halls in Floating Cloud City. Everyone is very concerned about our actions. If the Su family pharmacy hall produces many other pharmacies Tang's unique medicine, what do you think they will think?" Su Chengyun reminded.

"Ah, according to my sister, it is indeed a problem. Other pharmacy halls will probably exaggerate our behavior and let everyone know how disgraceful we are to be able to refine these potions. It will shake the integrity of the Su family!" Su Junyu is also very smart, and quickly figured out the key, but he figured it out, but he was even more troubled.

"Sister, what do you think?" Su Junyu asked with a frown.

But Su Chengyun laughed: "What's the problem? If we don't sell their unique potions!"

"Ah, then what's the use of us developing these medicines?" Su Junyu was a little sluggish, and wanted to do a big job, but now...

"Second brother, who said that our research on these medicines is useless?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Ah... Sister, do you have any other tricks?" Su Junyu's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he jumped up and looked at Su Chengyun with burning eyes.

Su Chengyun said unhurriedly: "Second brother, if I can research these medicines, I can naturally improve these medicines to make them more effective, and even recombine the existing medicines into A new potion."

"Ah..." Su Junyu opened his mouth wide in surprise, took a long time to close it, and said, "Sister, can you really do it?"

"Hehe, of course!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"Wow, sister, you are really amazing. I should have thought of it a long time ago. You can research the formula of the medicine so quickly, and you can change the formula of course!"

"Hehe!" Su Chengyun smiled faintly, it was just changing the formula of the potion, which is nothing compared to Mo Qiling's changing spiritual power skills.

I don't know what happened to Mo Qiling and Mo Mo, I really miss them!

"Fortunately, I'm also a pharmacist, and I claim to be smarter, but now I'm useless compared to my sister!" Su Junyu laughed at himself.

"Hehe, second brother, who said you are worthless? A worthless person can manage the medicine hall?" Su Chengyun said.

"Hey, that's right, I still need to take care of the pharmacy hall. Don't worry, my sister. With the help of my sister's pharmacy, I will definitely make the pharmacy hall flourish." Su Junyu said proudly.

"Okay, second brother, come here, today I will teach you how to configure the three potions, and how to deduce the approximate prescription from the potions!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah... Sister, this is your unique skill, do you really want to leave it to me?" Su Junyu asked in disbelief.

"Hehe, I teach as I preach, can there be fake ones? If you don't want to learn, I don't often go to teach. I guess he wants to learn very much!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hmph, he thinks well!" Su Junyu gritted his teeth, "Sister, I'll learn!"

"it is good!"

The two didn't leave the pharmacy room until dinner time, Su Chengyun went back to his small courtyard directly, while Su Junyu went to find Su Junyang.

"Brother, you don't know how powerful my sister is!" Su Junyu couldn't stop talking when he saw Su Junyang. Fortunately, just as he said the beginning, Su Junyang waved his hand to make everyone around him retreat.

"Jun Yu, you are so old, why are you still so frizzy!" Su Junyang said.

"Hey, brother, I'm so excited!" Su Junyu said.


"Brother, listen to me..." Su Junyu told the story of today's events, even the three kinds of potions he had learned were beaming.

Su Junyang listened calmly, but his heart was already turbulent.

This ability of my sister is really surprising and surprising.

"Jun Yu, don't reveal anything about my sister, I will double the number of guards in the refining room!" Su Junyang said in a deep voice.

"Brother..." Su Junyu looked over suspiciously, isn't a pharmacist proud of refining medicine?

"Jun Yu, do you think my sister is the one who cares about these things? Haven't you seen her intention to give her money?" Su Junyang said.

"Ah..." Su Junyu is very smart. He was too excited before and didn't think about it. Now after Su Junyang reminded him, Su Junyu's head immediately turned.

"Brother, do you mean that my sister doesn't plan to stay in the exiled land for a long time?" Su Junyu asked after a long time.

"Well, it is indeed! My sister may come here to meet us and find out the relationship between the two families, and to go to the Huoyan Mountain to practice. After the two things are completed, I will probably leave!" Su Junyang said.

Su Junyu bit her lip: "Can my sister not leave?" He couldn't bear to have such a lovely sister.

"Can you stop my sister's temper?" Su Junyang asked back.

Su Junyu immediately lost his expression when he heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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