Chapter 270

"Haha, every time there is a newcomer in the group arena, the crowd will be very excited!" Su Junyu said with a smile.

"Really?" Su Chengyun raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Of course, the new challenger is usually the one who was abused, haha, everyone likes to watch this!" Su Junyu's eyes also flashed the light of watching the show.

It seems that everyone is not very optimistic about Feng Jue.

Su Chengyun shook his head and looked at Su Junyu with a smile, "Second brother, I bet that the challenger this time will definitely be the final winner!" Su Chengyun said firmly.

"Ah... Sister, newbies usually lose, and they lose badly!" Su Junyu said to Su Chengyun.

"Hehe, second brother, you also said that it is a normal situation, maybe this time the challenger is special?" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"Haha, there are so many exceptions, but since my sister is so optimistic about him, I'll wait and see!" Su Junyu said.

Su Chengyun turned his attention to the ring, the referee had announced the start, and Feng Jue and Qi Kun were fighting together.

Feng Jue liked challenges before, and now the ring makes his blood boil even more.

"Come on! Little rookie, let me teach you the rules of the night city ring!" Qi Kun roared and rushed towards Feng Jue.

"Haha, in the ring, I, Feng Jue, follow the rules!" Feng Jue was as arrogant as ever, and Su Chengyun smiled as he watched.

"Boy, you are so arrogant, give me a punch!" Qi Kun had never seen such a crazy person, who was so arrogant, he couldn't help but rage, and even his fists were sharp.

"Haha, come on, I'm not afraid of Feng Jue, let me see your skills!" Feng Jue went forward with a smile.

With a bang, the two fists collided, and Qi Kun took several steps back, while Feng Jue stabilized after taking only two steps back.

"Boy, it's good that you can receive Qi Kun's punch. You really have crazy capital! Come again!" Qi Kun threw another punch.

"Haha, it was just a test just now, Qi Kun, if you only have this ability, you can't beat me, Feng Jue!" Feng Jue attacked again with a hahahaha.

"Hmph, don't look at people through cracks, kid, I'll let you see what I, Qi Kun, are capable of!" Qi Kun was furious at being so provoked by a new boy, and added two points of strength to his fists.

The two separated again.

"Haha, Qi Kun, if you compete with me, Feng Jue, you will definitely lose!" Feng Jue said proudly.

"Hmph!" Qi Kun snorted coldly, secretly begging where did this kid come from, his physical fitness is so good, he is even stronger than him.

"Boy, take a sword from me!" Qi Kun immediately changed his strategy since he was at a disadvantage in the fist.

"Haha, compare swords with Feng Jue, Qi Kun, you are looking for death!" Feng Jue's figure flickered, and the sword behind his back was in his hand, the long sword came out of its sheath, and pointed directly at Qi Kun.

"Hmph, boy, don't be complacent, let me teach you a lesson!" Qi Kun shouted and stabbed at Feng Jue.

"Haha, it doesn't matter whoever teaches me a lesson!" Feng Jue charged forward with his sword.

The sound of bang bang is endless.

"I'm afraid Qi Kun will lose!" Su Junyu said after watching for a long time.

"Hehe, Qi Kun's loss is already doomed!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah, how did my sister know that Qi Kun would lose long ago?" Su Junyu asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, because his opponent is Feng Jue, Feng Jue is very strong and has a lot of fighting spirit, Qi Kun can't compare to anything!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"I have to admit that the young man named Feng Jue is very strong, but sister, you seem to have known it a long time ago. How did you see it?" Su Junyu asked.

"Second brother, I don't need to look, as long as it's Feng Jue, I know Qi Kun will lose!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Su Junyu's mind turned, and he blurted out: "My sister knows that kid named Feng Jue?" Su Junyu's eyes flashed curiosity after he finished speaking.

Su Chengyun nodded appreciatively: "Hehe, that's exactly it!"

"Hey, no wonder my sister is so sure!" Su Junyu also laughed.

"That kid is so strong, judging by his age, he is also a student of Nancang College?" Su Junyu said.

Su Chengyun nodded again. Is this second brother strong in reasoning?

"However, it's really incomprehensible that Nancang Academy would let their outstanding students come to the land of exile like this!" Su Junyu said.

Hearing Su Junyu's words, Su Chengyun's heart skipped a beat. Thinking of her refusal of Feng Jue and Mr. Ming Yi's coming to Liuyun City before, could it be that Feng Jue was worried about her, and came here afterward!
Su Chengyun had a bold guess in his mind.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Su Junyu asked strangely seeing the constant changes on Su Chengyun's face.

"Oh, nothing?" Su Chengyun gave Su Junyu a smile.

"Hehe, there's nothing to look at quickly, that wind is going to win!" Su Junyu said.

Su Chengyun hurriedly looked around, only to see that Qi Kun was just kicked away by Feng Jue, and Feng Jue followed closely, with the long sword touching Qi Kun's neck.

"Qi Kun, you lost!" Feng Jue said.

"Hehe, I lost!" Qi Kun sighed and stood up.

At this time, the referee came on stage and announced that the winner of the group arena was Feng Jue, and enthusiastic shouts erupted from below.

"Feng Jue, this is your first time participating in the ring, now you have two choices, one is to continue the competition, the other is to stop here for tonight and come back next time!" the referee said.

"Haha, I'll come again next time!" Feng Jue smiled, nodded to the referee, turned around and walked towards a direction under the ring.

"Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue looked at Su Chengyun and laughed foolishly.

"Feng Jue!" Su Chengyun was also very happy to see Feng Jue, and greeted with a smile.

"Su Xiaomei, who is he?" Feng Jue looked at the man next to Su Chengyun who looked very similar to Su Chengyun and asked.

"Hehe, this is my uncle's second brother, Su Junyu! Second brother, this is Fengjue!" Su Chengyun introduced them.

"Sister, this is not a place to talk, let's leave here first!" Su Junyu said, looking around.

Su Chengyun listened to the commotion around him, and also felt that it was really inconvenient to talk here, so he said, "Feng Jue, let's go out and talk!"

"Okay!" Feng Jue walked out following Su Chengyun and Su Junyu with crooked eyes.

The few people did not go far, but came to the side of the small river. This river was dug artificially and brought running water from outside the city. Many small boats were wandering in the river.

Su Junyu rented a boat and said with a smile, "Sister, let's get on the boat!"

"Hehe, second brother, we were thinking about the last boat cruise before, but now that we have dragged Fengjue's blessing, let's swim first!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, beckoning Fengjue to board the boat together.

Feng Jue was not too polite, stepped on the boat, and smiled at Su Chengyun: "Little sister Su, I didn't expect to see you when I first came to Floating Cloud City, and I was still thinking about how to find you!"

"Ah, Feng Jue, you just arrived in Floating Cloud City?" Su Chengyun sat on the boat and asked in amazement, she thought Feng Jue had been here for a long time.

"Hey, I wasted a lot of time on that road, so I came a little late!" Feng said in no embarrassment.

"As long as we arrive safely, it's really not a peaceful journey!" Su Chengyun said.

"En!" Feng Jue nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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