Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 301 Am I jealous?

Chapter 301 Am I jealous?
"Hmph, what's more, daddy said, let you avoid getting so close to other men, so as not to lose the face of the city lord's mansion!" Shangguan Youlan left this sentence when she left, and Shangguan Youyue's face turned pale.

"You Yue, I'll send Miss Shangguan off!" Jin Duoduo said, and without waiting for Shangguan Youyue's answer, he graciously sent Shangguan Youlan off.

Shangguan Youyue narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Miss Shangguan, is it really what you mean by letting You Yue Shao and Hua Shao get in touch?" Jin Duoduo asked curiously.

"Hehe, is there any difference in whose meaning? That Young Master Hua is too smart!" Shangguan Youlan said quietly, how could a smart person stay by that girl Youyue's side?

"I understand!" Jin Duoduo nodded.

"By the way, there will be a party after the competition, you have to get ready!" Shangguan Youlan reminded with a sneer.

Jin Duoduo's expression froze when he heard the words: "I know!"

And in Su Chengyun's dormitory, Young Master Hua also asked seriously: "Chengyun, how many people have you offended? I noticed that several groups of people are plotting against you!"

"Ah..." Su Chengyun looked at Hua Shao in disbelief, "Hua Shao, tell me, who is there?"

Hua Shao came together one by one: "Nancang Lu's family, Wangyue's Lu family, Yang's family, Dou's family, and Shangguan Youlan, or Jin Duoduo!"

"Hua Shao, you say Jin Duoduo?" Su Chengyun's eyes widened suddenly.

"Jin Duoduo has contact with Shangguan Youlan, and Shangguan Youlan seems to have contact with the Dou family!" Hua Shao said.

"The Dou family, are you sure?" Su Chengyun frowned slightly.

"I deduced it based on clues, but I'm [-]% sure!" Hua Shao said.

"Oh, I see!" Su Chengyun thanked Hua Shao for the information.

"Chengyun, you have to be careful!" Hua Shao reminded when saying goodbye.

Su Chengyun nodded.

The Dou family, do you want to make a comeback again?
On the second day, the second wave of fighting chess continued, and Su Chengyun and the others passed through the fight and entered the top 25.

"Haha, the top 25 has been born!" Qiu Tianqi announced with a smile, "That's it for today, you go back and rest early, starting tomorrow you will enter the finals and the top ten competition!"

"It's so fast!" Feng Jue sighed, it's the finals so soon!

"Hehe, Feng Jue, do you dislike Wendou for being boring? Don't worry, there will be no more Wendou in the future. I'll let you have a good time!" Hua Shao said with a smile.

"Hua Shao, you haven't said who Xiyue is that dislike? I promised to help you step on him!" Feng Jue remembered the promise Hua Shao had made.

"Hey, it's okay to tell you! He is Xiyue Chu Weiming!" Hua Shao said.

"Chu Weiming?" Feng Jue gasped in surprise, then looked at Hua Shao, "Hua Shao, that kid's cultivation is not weak, tell me how he offended you!"

Hua Shao was silent for a while, and said: "There is nothing to hide, my father and Chu Weiming's father were good brothers at the beginning, and they were doing business together, but who would have thought that Chu Weiming's father would secretly deceive my father and sweep away All the money. If my father hadn't been strong, I'm afraid he would have collapsed long ago!"

"Then you haven't looked for Chu Weiming's father again?" Feng Jue asked strangely.

"Hmph, his father went to Xiyue City and joined a big family. Although he is a collateral lineage, it's not something my family can resist!" Hua Shao said.

"Young Master Hua, you have developed a powerful force secretly, don't you have the strength to take revenge?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"Hey, revenge is of course possible, but isn't troubled times coming soon? Of course I want to win a big one." Hua Shao said.

Hey, Su Chengyun sighed, this Hua Shao is the one who is most proficient in calculations!

"Hua Shao, what do you want me to do for you if you are not in a hurry?" Feng Jue said.

"Hey, why don't you step on it if you have a chance? Besides, don't look at Chu Weiming's appearance, but he has done a lot of bad things, and he has inherited all the bad things from his father!" Mentioned Chu Weiming's family , Less flowers are extremely derogatory.

"That's it, haha, well, I also can't understand that kind of dog-like person, I will help you with this!" Feng Jue agreed with a smile.

"Chengyun, Mo Mo?" Hua Shao looked at Su Chengyun and Mo Mo.

"Hehe, Young Master Hua, if we meet that Chu Weiming in the competition, Mo Mo and I will help you too!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Haha, I knew you guys are the most loyal!" Hua Shao said, "It's getting late, you guys should go back and rest quickly, and keep your spirits up for the competition tomorrow!"

We say goodbye to each other.

"Mo Mo, just do your best tomorrow, we don't have to fight for the first place!" Su Chengyun said.

"En, Susu, Momo knows!"

"Mo Mo, if you meet Nangong Yu in the competition, you will beat her hard!"

"Susu, don't worry, Momo won't show mercy!"


In the early morning of the second day, everyone arrived at the competition site early.

"Mo Mo, today's finals, have you decided, do you want to go back to Dongqi City with me?" Nangong Yu ran over and asked before the game started.

In the past few days, there were many contestants, and they came very late every time, and the contestants had a fixed area and could not walk around at will, so although Nangong Yu glanced here countless times every time, they were all ignored by Su Chengyun and the others And every time the game ended, they left, not giving Nangong Yu a chance to get close to Momo.

Unexpectedly, this time, he finally came early this time, and was immediately caught by Nangong Yu. Su Chengyun regretted being a little early.

But Nangong Yu's trouble is always a trouble, and she must solve it. Now that she has come, she is not afraid.

"Hey, where is the little girl, she has no shame in pestering our Momo all the time!" Feng Jue said coolly.

Nangong Yu looked at Feng Jue: "Hmph, don't think that you can call Miss Ben just because you are handsome, your handsomeness is worthless in front of Mo Mo!"

"Haha, Nangong Yu, from what you said, you can tell that you just fell in love with Mo Mo's peerless appearance, if there is someone more beautiful than Mo Mo now, wouldn't you just abandon Mo Mo and go after someone else. "Feng Jue laughed loudly, "In the end, you are just a woman who likes pretty faces. If you see one, you will fall in love with the other. There is no determinism!"

"Feng Jue, what are you, how dare you speak of me like that?" Nangong Yu was furious.

"Haha, you've already done this, why can't I say, also, a good girl is not like you, you will be cast aside by many people, don't think that others dare not say it in front of you with the title of daughter of the city lord, hehe , everyone doesn’t know what to say about you behind their backs!” Feng Jue’s eyes were full of contempt, Nangong Yu had never been insulted like this before, and suddenly became angry.

But she quickly calmed down, and said: "Feng Jue, are you jealous because I have a special liking for Momo? Haha, even if you are wrong, I don't want you. Who told you to look down on me!" Nangong Yu looked at Feng Jue's face, what a beautiful face, but it was not enough to despise her.

"I'm jealous?" Feng Jue pointed at his face and almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Is this woman so narcissistic!
(End of this chapter)

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