Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 308 Are You Scared?

Chapter 308 Are You Scared?
The last day, the last two games, Su Chengyun vs. Lu Ziping for No.1, Nangong Yu vs. Kong Yu for No.4.

Lu Ziping's combat strength is very strong, and Su Chengyun is not weak, the two are evenly matched, but the contract beast Little Firefinch is close to the existence of a divine beast, although it is still very young, it is not afraid to face the snow eagle, and the two also fight. A close match.

"If your snow eagle grows a little bit longer, my contracted beast is definitely no match!" Su Chengyun said to Lu Ziping.

"Su Chengyun, your contracted beast has grown up, and Snow Eagle is definitely no match!" Lu Ziping also said.

"Since they are at the same level, we don't have the heart to get the contracted beast injured, so let's decide the outcome!" Su Chengyun suggested.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Lu Ziping whistled, and Xue Ying withdrew from the battlefield.

Su Chengyun also called Little Huoque to come back.

What followed was a fierce battle between the two. The two fought for two full hours. In the end, Su Chengyun lost with a slight disadvantage.

"I lost!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Actually, you can win!" Lu Ziping looked at Su Chengyun and said seriously, he obviously felt that Su Chengyun didn't try his best in the end.

"Hehe, if you lose, you lose!" Su Chengyun smiled indifferently.

"Su Chengyun, if we have a chance, let's fight again!" Lu Ziping said helplessly.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun responded.

The first No.2 of the four college competitions was produced.

Next is the third race.

Nangong Yu was still unconvinced when she was defeated by Su Chengyun. All her anger was vented in this battle, but the anger also made her lose her original clear judgment. Although she had a great advantage at the beginning, she later As time went by, Kong Yu caught a weak spot and fought back, while Nangong Yu's contracted beast was severely injured by the little fire bird, and its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. It was suppressed by Kong Yu's contracted beast, and Nangong Yu was defeated.

The top four are produced.

"Students, the big competitions of the four colleges are all over so far, and now the top ten list is announced to receive rewards! Lu Ziping, Su Chengyun, Kong Yu, Nangongyu..."

The names were read out one by one, and the students stepped onto the ring one by one, and Mo Mo also got a No. 9 spot.

After the top ten all stepped onto the ring, the deans of the four major colleges also stepped onto the ring and personally handed out rewards to the ten winners.

So far, the competition of the four colleges has finally come to an end.

"Haha, it's finally over. Tomorrow is the routine carnival and the farewell party for the students of the other three major colleges. Everyone is actively participating!" Qiu Tianqi announced with a smile, and then the event ended.

"Momo, I didn't expect you to be rewarded, no, you and Su Xiaomei want to treat you!" Feng Jue booed.

"Okay!" Mo Mo responded, anyway, there are a lot of gold coins distributed, so it's not a trivial matter to invite a meal!
"Well, please wait until after tomorrow's carnival!" Feng Jue said.

"it is good!"

Several people said goodbye and went back to rest. They all sympathized with Su Chengyun's hard work.

And Su Chengyun really felt very hard, the games in the past few days were really exhausting.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo stayed in the dormitory until Fengjue came to invite someone to go out in the evening of the second day.

A few people walked towards the carnival venue. After all, this carnival involved the four colleges. Unlike the previous party between grades, this time they chose an open-air venue by the South Lake.

"Chengyun!" As soon as they arrived, Shangguan Youyue and Hua Shao greeted them.

"You Yue, Young Master Hua!" Su Chengyun and the others greeted with a smile.

The few people came very late, and the carnival began soon after they arrived.

The warm lights reflected dreamlike light under the reflection of the lake water. At such a carnival, everyone's hearts fluttered a little.

"Momo, can I ask you to dance?" Nangong Yu walked over at some point, and said to Mo Mo, her two beautiful eyes were shining brightly.

This Nangong Yu still doesn't give up on Mo Mo!
Mo Mo shook his head: "Mo Mo only dances with Susu!"

Su Chengyun, it's Su Chengyun again!
Nangong Yu bit her lip and said, "Mo Mo, I'm leaving in two days. Are you really unwilling to dance with me?"

Mo Mo still shook his head: "Mo Mo doesn't want to!"

"Momo, don't you really want to? Dance with me and you can gain supreme power and status. I can satisfy you whatever you want!" Nangong Yu's eyes seemed to have light flowing.

Mo Mo frowned slightly, and thought appeared in his eyes.

"Spiritualization?" Su Chengyun moved slightly, blocked Mo Mo, looked into Nangong Yu's eyes, "Nangong Yu, wake up, it's useless!"

The light in Nangong Yu's eyes gradually dissipated, and she stared at Su Chengyun.

Damn Su Chengyun ruined her plan again.Originally, she wanted to attract Momo, and then made an intimate move to make Su Chengyun jealous on purpose, but Su Chengyun seemed to have insight into her plan and disrupted her plan.

"Su Chengyun, do you know that it's impolite to interrupt others at will!" Nangong Yu said displeased.

"Nangong Yu, if you speak well, I will naturally not interrupt, but if you use heresy with Mo Mo, can I tolerate it?" Su Chengyun asked.

"What? Su Xiaomei, what did this crazy woman do to Mo Mo just now?" Feng Jue immediately felt that what was unusual just now asked hurriedly.

"Could it be some kind of sorcery?" Hua Shao guessed.

"Hmph!" Nangong Yu snorted coldly.

Su Chengyun shook his head slightly: "It's okay, you guys have fun, I'll talk to Nangongyu!"

"What do you want to talk to me about? I have nothing to talk to you about?" Nangong Yu asked.

"Hehe, we don't need to talk until we talk. Are you afraid?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Hmph, who is afraid of you!" Nangong Yu raised her head.

"Feng Jue, Mo Mo is in your hands!" Su Chengyun said to Feng Jue.

"Su Xiaomei, do you really want to talk to this crazy woman?" Feng said in disapproval.

"Hehe, it's okay!" Su Chengyun walked towards the distance, Nangong Yu glared at Feng Jue and followed.

The two walked to the scene far away from the carnival, and stopped after making sure that there was no one around.

"Su Chengyun, what exactly do you want to talk to me about?" Nangong Yu asked impatiently.

Su Chengyun looked at Nangong Yu: "Nangongyu, do you really want to take Mo Mo back to Dongqi City? Is this your real idea?"

"Of course!" Nangong Yu replied.

"Hehe, Nangong Yu, the hesitation in your tone has already betrayed you!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Su Chengyun, what exactly do you want to say?" Nangong Yu became even more impatient.

"Nangong Yu, don't you feel that you are very tired?" Su Chengyun asked suddenly.

"What... what do you mean?" Nangong Yu asked in surprise.

"Hehe, isn't it really tiring to do things you don't like and force yourself to show the side that others want to see?" Su Chengyun said.

"You... What nonsense are you talking about?" Nangong Yu bit her lip.

"Nangong Yu, is this the real you?" Su Chengyun continued to ask.


"Nangong Yu, you are working hard, right?" Su Chengyun said.

"None of your business!" Nangong Yu shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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