Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 311: A 3-Year Covenant

Chapter 311 The Three-Year Covenant
"By the way, what's wrong with Momo?" Su Chengyun asked.

Hearing Su Chengyun ask Mo Mo, Mo Qiling was silent for a while and said: "Susu, because of what happened last night, Mo Mo and I had to merge earlier!"

"Ah..." Is Mo Mo going to disappear like this?Su Chengyun felt a little lost for a while.

"Susu, Mo Mo will not disappear, from now on I will be Mo Mo, and Mo Mo will be me!" Mo Qiling said.

"En!" Su Chengyun nodded.

"Susu, besides, Mo Mo and I merged too suddenly this time, so it will take a while, and I won't be able to show up during this time!" Mo Qiling paused.

"Oh, about how long?"

"Three years!"

"Three... years?" Su Chengyun opened his eyes wide, it was too long.

"It didn't take so long to integrate as planned, but the situation is a bit special now!" Mo Qiling explained.

"Oh, I got it!" Su Chengyun said, "Mo Qiling, you don't have to worry about me, just do your own thing, don't worry!" Su Chengyun persuaded, afraid that Mo Qiling would be too worried She is in a hurry.

"Susu, the Divine Phoenix Orb will be closed for the next three years, and you will not be able to enter the Divine Phoenix Orb, but I will give Little Firefinch a drop of blood essence to promote its growth. I will feel much more at ease when Little Firefinch will protect you in the future!" Mo Qiling said.

Seeing that Mo Qiling thought of her so much, Su Chengyun felt warm in his heart, but it was really uncomfortable to leave him after he had just become his own man.

"Mo Qiling, how long can you stay with me?" Su Chengyun asked.

"One or two hours is no problem!" Mo Qiling said.

"Oh, then I'm hungry!" Su Chengyun said as a matter of course.

"I'll cook for you!" Mo Qiling, who had never cooked before, readily agreed.

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "I'm with you!"

The two walked towards the kitchen.

During the period, Feng Jue and Shangguan Youyue both came to see Mo Mo's situation, but Su Chengyun didn't even open the door, and directly turned down a few people on the second floor. Now she just wants to enjoy the last moment with Mo Qiling Time, don't want to be disturbed by anyone.

Soon two hours passed in a warm relationship.

"Susu, you have to be healthy and wait for me to come back!" Mo Qiling said.

"Well, I will be fine, and you will be fine too!" Su Chengyun also said.

"Put aside the things that can't be solved, and deal with them when I come back!" Mo Qiling confessed.

"En!" Su Chengyun nodded fiercely.

Mo Qiling reluctantly left.

Su Chengyun sent Mo Qiling away with a smile all the time, but as soon as Mo Qiling left, she couldn't help crying.

"Silly girl!" Mo Qiling looked at Su Chengyun crying in the Phoenix Divine Bead, feeling a little pain in his heart, and his eyes became more determined. He wanted to merge as soon as possible, and went to see the girl earlier.

With a wave of the sleeve, a mist enveloped the Divine Phoenix Orb, until now the Divine Phoenix Orb was completely sealed.

After Su Chengyun cried for a while, she felt much better. She wiped away her tears and couldn't help laughing at herself, sighing in her heart, whether it's easier to be sad when a girl becomes a woman.

In the past few days, Su Chengyun was sleepy and didn't want to see anyone. She stayed in the dormitory for three whole days, and when Feng Jue knocked on the door again on the fourth day, Su Chengyun finally calmed down and walked out of the dormitory again.

"Miss Su, are you alright?" Feng Jue asked worriedly as he glanced over Su Chengyun.

"Oh, I'm fine!" Su Chengyun said.

"Su Xiaomei, are you really okay? Dou Yan has spread the word in the academy, saying that Mo Mo has been poisoned and must..." Feng Jue couldn't continue.

Su Chengyun shook hands vigorously when he heard the words, but Dou Yan dared to pass it on.

Feng Jue knew it was true when he saw Su Chengyun's appearance, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Where's Mo Mo?" He asked Mo Mo, feeling angry with Mo Mo in his heart, what a good Su Xiaomei, unexpectedly got by Mo Mo.

"Momo has something to leave!" Su Chengyun said.

"What? How could Momo leave Su Xiaomei behind!" Feng Jue was furious when he heard this, Momo was too irresponsible.

"Feng Jue, Mo Mo has to leave, and he will come back!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said.

"Hmph, it's wrong for Mo Mo to leave Su Xiaomei alone!" Feng Jue was still very angry.If it were him, he would be reluctant to leave Su Xiaomei alone.

"Fengjue..." Su Chengyun called out helplessly.

"When will Mo Mo come back?" Feng Jue asked.

"Three years!"

"Three years!" Feng Jue's voice couldn't help raising his voice again, and he started wandering around in the living room.Brat, how dare you leave Miss Su for three years?Look back and don't clean him up.

"By the way, how could Mo Mo be poisoned?" Feng Jue asked the key.

Su Chengyun's heart trembled when he heard the words, and was about to answer, but he heard a knock on the door outside.

It turned out that Shangguan Youyue and Hua Shao came, followed by Jin Duoduo.

Seeing Jin Duoduo, Su Chengyun narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Duoduo, are you satisfied with this result?" Su Chengyun stared at Jin Duoduo and asked.

"Ah..." Jin Duoduo was stunned, and the others were also stunned.

After a long time, Fengjue said in disbelief, "Did Jin Duoduo poison Mo Mo?" His voice was harsh, as if he had already believed this fact.

"'s not me!" Jin Duoduo hurriedly denied seeing Feng Jue's eyes.

"Hehe, Dou Yan admitted it last night!" Su Chengyun said.

"What? Dou Yan..." Jin Duoduo bit his lips, if the others couldn't see that Jin Duoduo was involved, they would be fools.

Seeing that the truth had been revealed, Jin Duoduo gritted his teeth and said, "Dou Yan, this villain!" Didn't he promise them not to confess their secrets?

"I think you, Jin Duoduo, are the real villain!" Feng Absolute yelled at Jin Duoduo.

"Duoduo, why did you do such a thing?" Shangguan Youyue also looked at Jin Duoduo with a sad face.Chengyun was so kind to Duoduo before, why did Duoduo kill Chengyun and Momo.

"I..." Jin Duoduo was somewhat guilty of Shangguan Youyue and Feng Jue's accusations.

"Duoduo, why did you kill Chengyun and Momo? Also, why did you get mixed up with Dou Yan? Don't you know who Dou Yan is? How did you go to help him?" Shangguan Youyue pointed Jin Duoduo asked.

"The other one is Shangguan Youlan?" Su Chengyun asked lightly.

"Didn't you already know?" Jin Duoduo said.

"I don't know, I just guessed!" Su Chengyun said.At first she really didn't know that it was Jin Duoduo who poisoned Mo Mo, and it was Mo Qiling who told her.She thought of the close relationship between Jin Duoduo and Shangguan Youlan that Hua Shao said, so she naturally guessed that the other accomplice was Shangguan Youlan.

"Jin Duoduo, how did you poison Mo Mo?" Hua Shao asked suddenly.

Su Chengyun laughed, it seemed that Young Master Hua had figured out the key point.

Facing several pairs of eyes, Jin Duoduo was speechless.

"Duo Duo, don't you dare to say it?" Su Chengyun said.

"Jin Duoduo, could it be that you poisoned Mo Mo through Xiao Yue'er's hand?" Hua Shao asked.

When Shangguan Youyue heard the words, she suddenly remembered Jin Duoduo's incitement to toast Mo Mo, and the two glasses of wine that were brought over.

(End of this chapter)

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