Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 315 Pregnant

Chapter 315 Pregnant
Su Chengyun didn't go to the opening of the Yun Family Pharmacy Hall. She had experienced the opening of the Su Family Pharmacy Hall. Nancang City has a much larger population than Liuyun City, so it will naturally be more lively than Liuyun City.

Su Chengyun didn't go, but Hua Shao took Shangguan Youyue to go, and both of them were so excited when they came back.

"Chengyun, you don't even know how popular the potions and pills you refined are. The ones prepared by Young Master Yun were all sold out in less than two hours, and many of the shops in the back didn't even squeeze in. I don't know how lost!" Shangguan Youyue described today's situation with a smile.

"Chengyun, you are really powerful. You can change the pattern of Lanling mainland's pharmaceutical market by yourself. Hehe, this time the Dou family will be out of food and go away!" Hua Shao also said.

"This is just the beginning, and this situation will gradually decrease in the future!" Su Chengyun smiled. Fortunately, there is still Liuyun City, so that the Yun Family Pharmacy Hall will not be overwhelmed.

"Chengyun, why don't I move here and live with you!" Shangguan Youyue said suddenly.

"You Yue, no more!" Su Chengyun refused.

Su Chengyun knew that Shangguan Youyue moved out of that dormitory on the day she broke off diplomatic relations with Jin Duoduo, and exchanged gold coins for a better dormitory.

Don't look at Shangguan Youyue as timid and soft-tempered, but she will definitely do what she is sure of. What Jin Duoduo did before did not touch her bottom line, so Shangguan Youyue is willing to give Jin Duoduo a chance, but Jin Duoduo went too far this time, and Shangguan Youyue could no longer forgive her in her heart, so she simply broke off the relationship.

Jin Duoduo has been with Shangguan Youyue for so long, and he thought she was easy to coax, but in fact, Youyue is the most difficult person to coax.

"Chengyun, you live in a dormitory alone, and I live in a dormitory alone, why don't we go together, so we can take care of you!" Shangguan Youyue continued to persuade.

Su Chengyun burst out laughing, why is it so hard to say like the men and women in the past, let's live together!

"You Yue, I really don't need it!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Shangguan Youyue was about to continue to persuade, but was stopped by Hua Shao: "Since Chengyun is unwilling, Xiaoyue'er, don't insist!"

"Oh!" Shangguan Youyue didn't insist anymore, there was an ink-like aura in the dormitory, maybe Chengyun didn't want to be destroyed.

A few days later, someone suddenly came to send a greeting card, and Su Chengyun saw that the signature on it was "A Dai"!
It seems that the parents knew about her, Su Chengyun sighed and received Adai.

"Little master, the master already knows everything. This time I specially asked me to help you. Here is a letter from the master!" Adai sent a letter.

Su Chengyun looked up.

Sure enough, both parents got the news, and the news they got was very accurate. It seems that the nets of the Xingyue Palace and the Temple are very large.

The parents also said that they just had something to do and they couldn't get away, and both of them had met Mo Mo, and they didn't say anything about her and Mo Mo, but they kept condemning the Dou family's shamelessness in letters.

Adai was specially sent to protect her and deal with the Dou family, and Adai can mobilize part of the strength of the Xingyue Palace and the Temple in Nancang City.

Su Chengyun supported Fu's forehead, without mother's order, Adai would never leave, and if she wrote to her mother and waited for the letter to come back, I don't know when it will be, and Su Chengyun has no doubts about her Niang will deliberately ignore her to withdraw A Dai's letter.

"Master, Adai knows that you don't like others to follow, don't worry, Xingyue Palace has a stronghold in Nancang City, and Adai will stay in the stronghold on weekdays. You can rest assured that Adai is in the academy, but if the little master comes out Academy, Adai must follow!" Adai clarified her position.

Su Chengyun thought for a while and agreed: "Okay, I will do as you say!"

"My lord, I will attack Dou's family with all my strength. If you need anything, I will send a signal and I will come!" Adai handed Su Chengyun the unique contact tool of Xingyue Palace.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied.

Su Chengyun spent the next few days in the dormitory. Apart from practicing, he was refining potions and elixirs every day.

Feng Jue and Shangguan Youyue also knew that she was very busy and only came to disturb her occasionally.

In the blink of an eye, it has been three months since Mo Qiling left, but Su Chengyun found that he has become more and more sleepy recently, unable to cheer up what to do, and very lethargic.

Standing in front of the mirror, looking at himself with a pale and thin face, Su Chengyun patted his face.

Could it be that you miss Mo Qiling too much?

Could it be too tired?
But when he turned around, Su Chengyun suddenly found that his stomach was slightly distended in the mirror.

A thought flashed across his mind in a flash of thunder.

Su Chengyun quickly put his arm on his wrist, and it took him a long time to let go.

She...she was pregnant.

I really didn't expect that I would win the lottery like this.

Thinking of having a child with Mo Qiling in her womb, Su Chengyun was both happy and anxious. She was not ready to be the mother of a child, and this child came suddenly, which really caught her by surprise, and Mo Qiling was not around. Being around her made her feel even more panicked and a little at a loss!

Knowing that she was pregnant with a child, Su Chengyun stopped refining medicines and elixirs. Fortunately, she refined a lot before, and she had enough stock in her ring.

"Chengyun, you've lost weight!" Shangguan Youyue frowned when she came to visit one day.

"Oh, I haven't had a good rest recently!" Su Chengyun replied, ever since she knew she was pregnant with a baby, she had paid attention to rest and eat well, but no matter how much she ate, she still couldn't see the flesh on her face.

"Chengyun, don't push yourself too hard. I heard that many forces are targeting the Dou family, and the Dou family has already been hit hard!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"Well, I know!" Adai had already told her that many families in Nancang City had made moves, including the Yun family, the Nan family, the Feng family, the Wei family, and many other families she didn't know. The Moon Palace, the Shrine, and the Su family's forces attacked many people, seeing that the decline of the Dou family was a matter of time, and they all took action one after another, hoping to get benefits.

"Chengyun, take a good rest!" Shangguan Youyue refused to tell Su Chengyun before leaving.

Two days later, Feng Jue suddenly brought back a person.

"Second brother!" Su Chengyun couldn't help calling happily when he saw the familiar figure standing at the door of the dormitory.

"Sister!" Su Junyu was also very happy to see Su Chengyun again, but when he saw Su Chengyun's state, he couldn't help frowning, and put his hand on Su Chengyun's pulse.

"Sister, are you pregnant?" Su Junyu looked up at Su Chengyun.

"What, Miss Su is pregnant?" This was Feng Jue's surprised voice.

"Well, I just discovered it too!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Su Xiaomei, why didn't you tell me? What if something happens to you alone?" Feng Jue was a little angry.

"Feng Jue, it's just a pregnancy, it's not a dangerous thing, what could happen?" Su Chengyun said indifferently.

Feng Jue became annoyed when he heard the words.

"Sister, what Feng Jue said is right. You are different from before. We must be accompanied by someone to be at ease!" Su Junyu also said.

(End of this chapter)

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