Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 322 Find the Difference

Chapter 322 Find the Difference
There was another slap, and another bright red five-fingerprint appeared on Jin Duoduo's face, this time it was Feng Jue who did it.

"Feng Jue, you hit me? How dare you hit me?" Jin Duoduo stared at Feng Jue.

"It was you who hit you, don't think you are a woman, I, Feng Jue, would not do it!" Feng Jue said coldly.

"Ah, Feng Jue, how dare you treat me like this, since that's the case, why do I still have illusions about you, Feng Jue, let's die together!" Jin Duoduo took out a dagger from his body like crazy, and pointed at The wind must stab away.Don't let go of what she can't get.

"Fengjue, be careful!" Su Chengyun shouted.

"Madman!" Feng Jue muttered, his figure flickered, and he left the spot, Jin Duoduo was in vain.

"Ah..." Seeing that he didn't stab Feng Jue, Jin Duoduo suddenly turned around and rushed towards Su Chengyun, and shouted, "Haha, Feng Jue, I will let you remember me forever!" Killing his beloved woman, He will definitely remember her forever.

"Su Xiaomei..." Feng Jue watched as the dagger was about to stab Su Chengyun, his eyes immediately turned red.

"Cheng Yun!" Young Master Ming Yi also rushed towards this side.

But it was obviously too late.

At the critical moment, everyone only heard two "chirp" sounds, and Jin Duoduo seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind, and landed heavily on the ground in the distance.

"Ah, it's Little Fire Sparrow!" Feng Jue recognized Little Fire Sparrow's voice.

"Miss Su, are you alright?" Feng Jue hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Mr. Ming Yi also rushed over and asked, "Chengyun, how are you?"

Shangguan Youyue and Wei Ang also surrounded him, looking at Su Chengyun with concern, Shangguan Youyue held Su Chengyun's arm even more, and refused to let go.

"I'm fine, you don't need to be nervous!" Su Chengyun smiled to comfort them.

Seeing that Su Chengyun was really fine, the few people were really relieved, and the students next to him were also relieved. It was really thrilling just now.

And Feng Jue walked towards Jin Duoduo stompingly, his face was gloomy and terrifying, Wei Ang rushed up to pull him, but he didn't stop him.

"Wei Ang, what is this femme fatale woman doing in this world, waiting for her to hurt Su Xiaomei again?" Feng Jue roared angrily.

"Feng Jue, don't be impulsive!" Wei Ang persuaded.

Feng Jue couldn't restrain his impulse, thinking that Su Xiaomei was almost hurt by Jin Duoduo just now, he couldn't help wanting Jin Duoduo's life, and he did the same, directly picked up the dagger that Jin Duoduo dropped aside, and pointed at Jin Duoduo stabbed at him, but before the dagger entered Jin Duoduo's body, a stone hit him and knocked out the dagger in his hand.

"Teacher Liang?" Wei Ang looked at Teacher Liang Yuling approaching with angry eyes and the other teachers behind her, and quickly pulled Feng Jue to salute.

"Hmph, you're capable, do you want to kill someone in front of so many people?" Teacher Liang Yuling cursed at Feng Jue.

"It was she who wanted to kill Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue had calmed down a lot at this time, and he couldn't help defending himself.

"Hmph, no matter who she wants to kill, the academy will deal with it. When will you be able to replace the academy's law enforcement department?" Teacher Liang Yuling asked bluntly.

"Teacher Liang, I am killing harm for the people!" Feng Jue said with his neck held high, "It is a disaster for a woman as ruthless as Jin Duoduo to stay in this world. I killed her with my own hands!"

"Haha, do I still want to praise your fearless spirit?" Teacher Liang Yuling stared at Feng Jue and yelled, "Nonsense! You are a college for display? You are a city lord for a display? For such a woman, you can't get along with me." Are you worth it? Or do you really want to fulfill Jin Duoduo's wish and be with her as a ghost?"

"Ouch... Teacher Liang, don't disgust me!" Feng Jue completely lost his momentum this time.

Teacher Liang Yuling glared at Feng Jue before slowly walking towards Su Chengyun, and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

"Teacher Liang, I'm fine!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"It's fine! I've already notified the college's law enforcement team, and I must give you an account of this matter!" Teacher Liang Yuling said.

"Thank you Teacher Liang!" Su Chengyun sincerely thanked him.

Sure enough, not long after, the college's law enforcement team came and took away Jin Duoduo who was still in a coma.

"Mr. Liang, the students have a question they want to ask!" After Jin Duoduo was taken away, Shangguan Youlan came out and said to Liang Yuling.

"Oh, let's hear it?" Teacher Liang Yuling asked casually, like Shangguan Youlan, she knew at a glance that she was looking for faults, so why would she have a good face.

Shangguan Youlan was not polite, and said directly: "Mr. Liang, the school has always commented that the students you teach are very good, but it is not the case when I saw you today. The girls in your class are unmarried and pregnant. You, a teacher, not only have no lessons, but also Asking questions, may I ask, Teacher Liang Yuling, are you encouraging students to behave like this?"

As soon as Shangguan Youlan's words came out, everyone pricked up their ears.

Su Chengyun narrowed his eyes slightly, Shangguan Youlan wanted to drag Teacher Liang Yuling into the water, it was really unforgivable.

"Youlan!" Shangguan Youyue was also a little angry.

Mr. Mingyi looked at Shangguan Youlan even colder, which made Shangguan Youlan shiver involuntarily.

"Am I wrong? I haven't seen Mr. Liang accuse or teach Su Chengyun!" Shangguan Youlan said bravely, Mr. Ming Yi still had fantasies about Su Chengyun, and she wanted to break him Su Chengyun's reputation was ruined by his fantasy.

"Shangguan Youlan, how do you know that I didn't teach Su Chengyun?" Liang Yuling asked lightly, "Do I have to tell you when I teach the students?" Liang Yuling's eyes became extremely sharp, staring at Shangguan Youlan , What she said was very confident. She did teach Su Chengyun, but she just taught Su Chengyun the precautions during pregnancy.

"Uh..." Shangguan Youlan was stunned, and then said, "But, since you taught me, why did Su Chengyun come out with a big belly? This shows that your teaching was not successful!"

"Haha, Shangguan Youlan, who told you to ask Su Chengyun to kill the child? Do you know how much harm it is to a girl your age to kill the child? Why do you deprive an unborn child of his childhood?" Life?" Teacher Liang Yuling's voice was tinged with coldness, and Shangguan Youlan's eyes were even more hostile, she was obviously a beautiful girl, why did she act so out of tune.

"I...I...Anyway, Su Chengyun shouldn't have gotten pregnant out of wedlock. How could a good girl do such a thing?" Shangguan Youlan objected.

"Hehe, Shangguan Youlan, do you think that no one else knows how Su Chengyun conceived a child? Or do you think that others don't know why the city lord punished you?" Liang Yuling stared at Shangguan Youlan, "Do you want me What you did with Jin Duoduo is announced to the public?"

"I...I..." At this moment, there was a trace of fear in Shangguan Youyue's eyes.If other people knew that she was involved in it, they would definitely despise and even cast aside her.Giving people that kind of poison is really not what a good girl should do.

(End of this chapter)

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