Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 324 Unexpected arrival

Chapter 324 Unexpected arrival
All the assessments were finally over, and Su Chengyun passed all of them smoothly.

"Second brother, why are you waiting for me at the door?" When Su Chengyun returned to the dormitory, he saw Su Junyu standing outside the dormitory waiting, so he couldn't help but took two quick steps.

"Sister, slow down!" Su Junyu rushed forward in fright.

"Second brother?"

"Sister, someone has come to see you, and they are waiting inside the house!" Su Junyu said.

"Ah... who's here?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"My sister will know when she comes in!" Su Junyu supported Su Chengyun and walked towards the dormitory. Su Chengyun hurriedly turned his head and said goodbye to Feng Jue and Wei Ang.

"Su Xiaomei, you go back first!" Feng Jue watched Su Chengyun enter the dormitory.

As soon as Su Chengyun entered the dormitory, he saw two figures looking out.

"Father, mother!" Su Chengyun looked at the two in astonishment.

"Yun'er!" Wen Xinlan immediately rushed forward when she saw Su Chengyun, hugging Su Chengyun and crying.

"Be careful, don't hurt Yun'er!" Su Hongyi scolded, but he kept his eyes on Su Chengyun's face, with excitement in his eyes.

"Look at me! Look at me! Mom didn't hurt you, did she?" Wen Xinlan looked at Su Chengyun's stomach.

"No, no!" Just now Wen Xinlan was also taking her strength, and didn't touch her stomach at all.

"Yun'er, you have suffered!" Wen Xinlan said excitedly, holding Su Chengyun's hand.

"Yun'er has worked very hard, let Yun'er sit down first!" Su Hongyi reminded.

"Yes, yes, Yun'er, come on, be careful!" Wen Xinlan supported Su Chengyun and walked towards the sofa.

"Father and mother, you don't have to be so careful, I'm not a porcelain doll!" Su Chengyun looked at the caution of the two, and said a little bit dumbfounded.

"My daughter is precious!" Su Hongyi stared.

"Your father is right, Yun'er is the best girl in the world, no one can compare to her!" Wen Xinlan also said.

"Father and mother, why are you here? Did you come together?" Su Chengyun couldn't help asking after sitting on the sofa and taking a sip of the water handed over by Wen Xinlan.

"Hey, didn't I hear that you were pregnant, and your father and I were in a hurry, so we made arrangements to come here!" Wen Xinlan looked at Su Chengyun's belly, and asked distressedly, "The belly is so big , very hard, right?"

"Mom, I don't work hard! Second brother takes good care of me, I don't work hard at all!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Jun Yu, thanks to having you this time!" Su Hongyi looked at Su Junyu and said gratefully.

Su Junyu smiled shyly: "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, we are all a family, so don't be so polite, I am happy to take care of my sister!"

"Good boy!" Su Hongyi praised.

"Second Uncle and Second Aunt, you talk to my sister, I'm going to the medicine refining room, just call me if you have anything to do!" Su Junyu thoughtfully left the space to Su Chengyun's family.

"Hey, Yun'er, you should have told mother earlier, so that mother can take you to Xingyue Palace to take care of you. Now that you have such a big belly, it's not easy to travel long distances!" Wen Xinlan sighed.

"It's not that Adai is not doing well. Even Yuner can't tell that she is pregnant. After being kept in the dark for so long, I said to send someone over, but you insist on sending Adai. See, it's a mistake!" Su Hongyi said.

"Hmph, just those men in your temple, what are you sending them to do? It's not as convenient as Adai!" Wen Xinlan asked back.

"Convenience is convenience, but this matter can't be handled well!" Su Hongyi complained, if Adai had figured it out a long time ago, he would never let his daughter here alone, and insisted on taking her away.

"Hey, I can't blame Adai, she has never seen a woman pregnant, so it's no wonder she didn't think about it!" Xin Xinlan excused Adai.

"Father and mother, Adai is doing a good job!" Su Chengyun said something nice for Adai.

"Hehe, it's still my daughter who is caring!" Wen Xinlan said with a smile

Su Hongyi fell silent. Many of the women in Xingyue Palace never married in their entire lives, so it was really justifiable not to see it.

"Okay, here we are, take good care of Yun'er from now on!" Su Hongyi said.

"Father, how long are you going to stay here?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Silly daughter, of course, after you give birth, come back to the central area with us!" Wen Xinlan said.

"That's right, Yun'er, you can't shirk this time, can you still take care of the child alone? Besides, this is a college, so it's not appropriate for you to keep your child here!" Su Hongyi said.


"Yun'er, if you want to participate in the college's assessment, come back and take it, and you won't miss your graduation!" Su Hongyi added.

"Oh!" Su Chengyun compromised, it's really not suitable for children to be here.

"Father and mother, have you made arrangements for the central area? Are you okay after leaving for such a long time?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Yun'er, you don't need to worry about those things. Your mother and I have made arrangements. It's not that your mother and I were helpless before, and now we have rights in our hands!" Su Hongyi said.

"Hehe, parents, I didn't expect you to develop so fast!" Su Chengyun praised.

"Hey, it's all thanks to Yun'er's matchmaking!" Wen Xinlan said with a smile.

"I..." Su Chengyun pointed at himself suspiciously.

"Haha, what your mother said is right. If you hadn't recognized Liuyun Su's family first, the Su family would not have come here. Thanks to their help, we have rapidly developed our power!" Su Hongyi narrowed his eyes. said with a smile.

"It seems that the Su family has contributed a lot?" Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head.

"Well, thank you so much, and Jun Yu, who took care of you for so long and helped you do a lot!" Wen Xinlan said.

"We are all relatives and should take care of each other!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

The Su family is very interesting, and the relatives of this family are also very satisfied with the appearance of their parents. If this is the case, let's keep it. The two sides take care of each other, and they can both gain a firm foothold in Lanling Continent.

Anyway, there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, so it will be fine if it goes on like this.

"Yun'er, today's assessment is over, so I will take good care of her from now on, don't worry about it anymore!" Wen Xinlan urged.

"Hehe, mother, I didn't bother. From now on, I will stay in the dormitory and recuperate!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.Counting the time, October is almost here, and she has to prepare for the birth of the baby at any time. Thinking of becoming a mother at such a young age in this life, she is really caught off guard!

Although she was very old in her previous life, she has always pursued strength and never ended being single. Naturally, she has no experience in raising children. When she thinks of the little guy who is about to be born, she is actually a little apprehensive, especially with the arrival of the due date , the uneasiness in my heart became more severe.

But her mother came, and with her mother there, she felt a little more at ease.

"Yun'er, are you tired!" Wen Xinlan said, "I prepared a lot of delicious food, you haven't tasted the food made by mother for a long time, eat more today, and go to rest after eating!"

"En, good!" Su Chengyun replied.

Wen Xinlan began to get into the kitchen, bringing out dishes one after another.

Su Hongyi also went to the refining room to greet Su Hongyi for dinner.

The four happily had a reunion dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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